Defense Exhibitions – July – September 2013


For Events taking place before July 2013 – Click Here

israsia2013 NCT: ISR Asia 2013 –  July 1 -4, 2013 – Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

This inaugural Intelligence, Surveillance and Reconnaissance (ISR) event is organised by NCT in full partnership with the Malaysian Government. ISR Asia 2013 will be a fully comprehensive four day event including training workshops, two days of conference and exhibition and an exclusive site-visit to the Malaysian Remote Sensing Agency. Attend and network with heads of regional defence and civil organisations, senior Malaysian, Asian and International military representatives, and leading industry figures. Topics under discussion will include the application of ISR in counter insurgency and counter terrorism; maritime surveillance; border control; military satellite communications and remote sensing; humanitarian and disaster relief; geospatial intelligence; the role of UAS in ISR operations; interoperability challenges and transforming information into intelligence.

Defense Update is proud to be a Media Sponsor of NCT:ISR Asia 2013


Warrior Expo East 2013 – July, 11-12 – 2013 – Virginia Beach Convention Center, Virginia Beach, VA


AUVSI 2013 – August, 12-15 – 2013 – Walter E. Washington Convention Center, Washington, DC

MAKS 2013 International Air & Space Salon – August, 27 – September 1 – 2013, Sukhovsky, LII Gromov, Russia

MSPO 2013

2-5 September, 2013 – Kielce, Poland

US/Canada Border Conference – September 10-11, 2013 –  Cobo Center, Detroit, MI

US/Canada Border Conference, a major conference and exhibition focused on advancing the “Beyond the Border” declaration.
Defense Update is proud to be a sponsor of this event.


DSEI 2013
September 10-13, 2013 – ExCel Exhibition Center, London, UK

DSEI is the largest fully integrated defence and security show in the world, featuring Air, Naval, Land and Security show content. Based in ExCeL, DSEI is held at the London every two years, provides unrivalled access to key markets across the globe. In April 2012 DSEI has won the ‘Best Trade Show’ category of the prestigious Exhibition News Awards. DSEI  2011 attracted more than 28,000 visitors from 121 countries. The internationality of the event was demonstrated by the presence of exhibitors from 46 countries, including 30 national pavilions. Defense Update is proud to be a sponsor of DSEI 2013.

Modern Day Marine 2013 – September 24-26, 2013

cbrne_asia NCT: CBRNE Asia 2013 –  September 24-27, 2013 – Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

Building on the highly successful 2012 conference, exhibition and CBRN demonstration, NCT: CBRNe Asia 2013, will expand its scope by including focused interactive training-workshops, live product demonstrations and the NCT CBRNe Awards. Event partner is the National Defence University of Maylasia.
Defense Update is proud to be a Media Sponsor of CBRNe Asia 2013

rae150RAE 2013
September 25-28, 2013 – 9th Russia Arms Expo, Nizhny Tagil, Russia

As the Russian premier military technology event, RAE 2013 is promoting Russian military equipment, arms and ammunition to both domestic and foreign markets. This event brings together all major stakeholders in the field of global military cooperation to review and discuss cutting-edge military equipment. With the Russian openning to international cooperation and import of defense hardware, RAE 2013 is also expanding the range of foreign partners, demonstrating the latest achievements of the Russian and foreign manufacturers, and developing business contacts between producers and buyers of the military equipment, weapons and ammunition from around the world. Defense Update is proud to be a Media Sponsor of RAE 2013

  • The largest international exhibition of military products held under the patronage of the Government of the Russian Federation
  • Intensive conference programme
  • Unique opportunities for demonstration of combat and operational capabilities of the military equipment
  • Over 400 exhibitors from 50 countries

Expomil 2013
September 26-29, 2013 – Romexpo Exposition Center, Bucharest, Romania

For events taking place after September 2013 – Click Here