Romanian Defense Ministry Signs Contract for Portuguese F-16 Purchase

Litening Targeting Pod on the F-16

Romania is buying a squadron of F-16s from Portugal. These aircraft will replace its existing MiG-21 Lancer by 2017.
Romania is buying a squadron of F-16s from Portugal. These aircraft will replace its existing MiG-21 Lancer by 2017.
Romanian Defense minister Mircea Dusa announced on Thursday October 10, that he had signed a contract with Portugal for the purchase of F-16 fighter aircraft. The first installment of 100 million euro has been paid, an advance from the total amount of 600 million euro. Delivery of the F-16s is expected to begin this fall for the upgrading and modernization process. The first of the refurbished aircraft will reach Romania in 2015 and the full squadron of F-16s will replace the current MIG 21 Lancers by 2017.