Company Details

Haven’t Decided Yet? Use this form to send us your company details,
if you’d like to take this opportunity in the future.

But wait, are you ready to order your company listing now?

For only two days 24-26 December 2012
you can register your company in our index
for only:


This special promotion rate will expire 26 December, 2012
you can still order your company listing for the regular
Early Bird $149.95 rate for the preview edition.

After January 1, 2013 our new rate-card will apply: $249.95

Other events covered by Defense-Update in 2013 include:
LAAD 2013, ISDEF 2013, Paris Air-Show 2013,
AUVSI 2013, DSEi 2013, AUSA 20013 and MiILIPOL 2013.

For a full list of sponsored and other events please refer to our events guide.