IAI Extends the Range of The Heliborne LAHAT Missile

LAHAT missiles carried under the wing pylons of Mi-17 helicopter. n this configuration the Mi-17 can carry 16 guided missiles capable of striking targets with pinpoint precision from 10 kilometers away. Photo: IAI.

Israel Aerospace Industries (IAI) has successfully completed a series of firing demonstrations of the Laser Homing Anti-Tank (LAHAT) missiles firing from helicopters in which the missile successfully engaged targets at extended ranges.

LAHAT missiles carried under the wing pylons of Mi-17 helicopter. n this configuration the Mi-17 can carry 16 guided missiles capable of striking targets with pinpoint precision from 10 kilometers away. Photo: IAI.
LAHAT missiles carried under the wing pylons of Mi-17 helicopter. n this configuration the Mi-17 can carry 16 guided missiles capable of striking targets with pinpoint precision from 10 kilometers away. Photo: IAI.

The recent firing demonstration comprised eight successful launches, carried out against stationary and moving targets, at ranges of up to 10 km, and altitudes of 300 to 6,000 feet. Missiles were fired helicopters both from moving and hovering positions. The tests included firing at direct fire and Non Line Of Sight (NLOS), with engagement at extended range using the helicopter’s observation capability with remote laser designation by a ground unit.

iai-mobile-125x125The Heliborne LAHAT system comprises IAI’s MOSP3000D observation payload with designation capabilities, a Weapons Control System (WCS) and two quad pack missile launchers. In October 2013 IAI announced an award of a ‘substantial contract’ for the delivery of LAHAT missile systems, to be used as a primary weapon system for combat helicopters.

The LAHAT quad launcher mounted on the Mi-17. Photo: IAI
The LAHAT quad launcher mounted on the Mi-17. Photo: IAI
In the late 1990s and mid 2000s, with the IDF and other military forces began focusing on ‘aerial dominance’, the LAHAT missile was adapted to airborne platforms, with the development of the lightweight Quad Launcher and helicopter weapon system. By the mid 2000s the missile was tested on several airborne platforms, including assault, scout and attack helicopters such as the AH-1 Cobra, Mi-8/17, MD530 and the Indian Advanced Light Helicopter (ALH Druhv). The current contract is likely to be the first production of the missile.

Originally developed as an anti-tank guided weapon, the LAHAT is offered with a range of mission-customized warheads. The weapon is particularly suitable for as a helicopter carried weapon, as the lightweight missiles and their associated launcher do not adversely affect the helicopter’s effective mission time. The lightweight system enables the LAHAT System to be adapted to most all helicopter types, including the light scouts. Other applications include ship-borne, vehicles and gun-fired configurations from Main Battle Tanks.