Titan’s Acquisition Consolidates Chemring’s Simulation Offering


Chemring Group PLC, a leading producer of expendable decoy countermeasures announces is set to buy the U.S. based Titan Dynamics Systems, Inc. from the Allied Defense Group (ADG). Chemring agreed to pay $4.75 million in cash for all Titan’s stocks. As a privately held company, Titan was acquired by the Allied Research Corporation in 2002 but now, ADG is oriented toward weapons and ammunition activities and decided to divest its non-strategic assets.

Titan, a manufacturer of battlefield effects simulators, provides battlefield effect simulators (BES) and pyrotechnic cartridges offering warfighters to practice in realistic training throughout the military’s ‘digital training grounds’. Typical simulators include missile launch and IED effect generators, replicating the characteristics of shoulder-launched weapons against land or air targets. The company provides these services through a five year contract operated by the US Program Executive Office, Simulation, Training and Instrumentation (PEOSTRI).

According to David Price, Chief Executive of Chemring, merging Titan with Chemring’s current cartridge-based military training pyrotechnics activity will consolidate the company’s position in this £90 million niche market, introducing multi-effects cartridge system (MECS) from IEDs to micro-pyrotechnics, which can be used indoors for training in urban warfare.