Visually Integrated Sensor (VIS)


The Visually Integrated Sensor (VIS) introduced by AnthroTronix can be used as a self-contained robotic controller, multi-modal display and sensor alert device for dismounted troops. VIS unit serves as both low level controller and high level tasking device for a number of JAUS compliant vehicles.

In the direct viewing mode the VIS video display will support a daylight zoom camera and night IR camera, laser rangefinder, GPS and inertial measurement unit. In the indirect mode, VIS will display views from a selected remote asset. Head tracking will give the user natural control of the sensor’s line of sight. The device will also support a map mode with full situational awareness and blue force tracking. Another mode will be the enhanced 3D mode, depicting a wireframe overlay of the area, derived from a 3D terrain map or a real-time view in low visibility or occluded positions.