IAI to Unveil a New Air Defense & Air Surveillance Radar

IAI Elta is unveiling the AD STAR radar at the upcoming Paris Airshow 2001. The radar is designed for Air Defense, Air Surveillance and Air Traffic Control. Photo: IAI

IAI Elta is introducing a new air defense, surveillance, threat alert and air traffic control radar (AD STAR) offering an affordable, mission specific solution for customers worldwide. In recent years IAI Elta has witnessed a growing demand for air surveillance radars, with customers planning to phase out legacy air defense radar system. At the time, Elta’s existing solutions, although offering highly advanced capabilities, were aiming ‘too high’, therefore were less affordable to the average customers. The new system positions the company with highly capable yet affordable and competitive solution for these requirements.

Based on the the latest technology developed for Elta’s  family of modular, multi-mission radars (MMR), AD STAR featuring fully digital beam forming in elevation (transmitting and receiving, to provide high 3D accurate data on detected targets, initiating automatic tracking. A Secondary Surveillance Radar (identify friend/ foe- IFF) can be integrated to perform synchronized detection, interrogation, decoding and tracking. Similar to Elta’s other advanced, solid-state designs, The new design ensures high redundancy, graceful degradation, high reliability and high availability.

The new model, designated ELM- 2288, follows Elta’s operationally proven family of air defense/multi-mission radar systems that include the ELM-2080 “Green Pine”, the Anti-Ballistic ARROW Defense System Search, Acquisition and Fire Control Radar and the ELM-2084 Multi-Mission-Radar family. more traditional, rotating system. Utilizing solid state S-band transmitters, the radar provides 3D long-range surveillance. Designed for rapid deployment, the new radar can be transported by air, sea or ground by folding its antenna on its shelter roof.

IAI Elta is unveiling the AD STAR radar at the upcoming Paris Airshow 2011. The radar is designed for Air Defense, Air Surveillance and Air Traffic Control. Photo: IAI