Plasan are showing two new models of the SandCat, designed for paramilitary and police missions. Plasan has already delivered a special version of the SandCat to the Israeli border security corps, as well as the Israel police special response units. Plasan has recently delivered 78 SandCats to Israeli homeland security and law enforcement agencies, including 51 to the Border Guards, 25 to the Police and two to the Prison Authority.

Three versions of the SandCat are shown here, an open special-operations patrol vehicle, a highly protected patrol version for border security and a police special forces version. The reconnaissance and patrol vehicle is equipped with a new electro-optical observation system developed by Eldor Communications Technologies. The system, dubbed ELiOS V.M.O.S. comprises a thermal imager, utilizing Opgal R25 thermal cameras with fixed, dual FOV or continuous zoom, a day camera with up to 25-1100 mm telephoto lens, both mounted on a unique pan / tilt payload mounted on a folding, telescopic mast that can rapidly elevate to a height of 90 cm, 1.40 m or up to 3 meters, using electro-hydraulic lift. When the telescopic mast is maintained in the tilted position, the payloads can be operated on the move.