ST Kinetics, AmSafe Join Forces to Market Tarian RPG Protection

Tarian was developed as a lightweight modular system designed to replace the traditional bar or slat armor at a weight saving of up to 98%. Photo: Tamir Eshel, Defense-Update

Singapore Technologie’s Kinetics (ST Kinetics) has teamed with AmSafe, the developer and producer of Tarian RPG protection system, to offer the lightweight, textile-based RPG protection system on its Warthog all terrain armored vehicles. The Warthog is currently in service with the British Army in Afghanistan. A lighter version – the Bronco – is in service with the Singapore land forces. The two companies announced today their intention to join forces in marketing the Tarian counter-RPG solution worldwide. The Memorandum of Understanding outlines plans for both companies to collaborate with the aim of ST Kinetics to offer AmSafe’s RPG protection as an option on its vehicles and market the product in certain territories where they already have a strong presence.

Tarian was developed as a lightweight modular system designed to replace the traditional bar or slat armor at a weight saving of up to 98%. Photo: Tamir Eshel, Defense-Update

Tarian was developed as a lightweight modular system designed to replace the traditional bar or slat armor at a weight saving of up to 98%. The technology has been tested in the UK and US, enduring over 650 firing shots, verifying the system’s performance and multi-hit capability. Arizona based AmSafe, the producer of the Tarian system specializes in safety and securement products for the aviation industry, providing seat belts, cargo and barrier net restraints and air bags. Its military products also include the textile armor and various cargo restraints systems.