CBRNe Asia 2012 – Event Outline


We are happy to introduce our readers to a new event sponsored by Defense Update highlighting Chemical, Biological, Radiological, Nuclear explosive (CBRNe) to be held in Bangkok, Thailand.

Event name: CBRNe Asia 2012

Event summary: CBRNe Asia is Asia’s first and largest CBRNe conference, exhibition and exercise. CBRNe Asia 2012 on 3-7 September in Bangkok, Thailand will bring together experts, end users, policymakers, industry and procurement staff and is being organised in full partnership with the Royal Thai Government.

The five-day event will include a two-day conference with high level speakers from the Thai government, ASEAN and the NATO WMD Centre, among others. A special focus session will examine the Fukushima case and simultaneous stream sessions will examine themes including detect and decon, medical CBRN countermeasures, CBRN forensics and improvised chemical devices. The event will be held in conjunction with the annual Thai National CBRN Exercise, which will focus on a number of chemical and radiological scenarios, and will be fully accessible to all conference delegates. During the exercise, equipment made available by exhibiting companies will be used by the Thai Civil and Military authorities.

Location: Plaza Athénée Bangkok, Thailand

Website: www.cbrneasia.com

Email: [email protected]  


3rd September: Pre-exercise workshop

4th September: Conference & Exhibition

5th September: Conference & Exhibition

6th September: Royal Thai Government Table Top Exercise & Exhibition

7th September: Thai National CBRN Exercise