New ICBM Under Development in Russia

The largest mobile ICBM in Russian service is the SS-29 Yars, which uses an eight-axle transporter erector launcher (TEL) for mobilization. The new R-36 will require a size axle TEL.
The largest mobile ICBM in Russian service is the SS-29 Yars, which uses an eight-axle transporter erector launcher (TEL) for mobilization. The new R-36 will require a size axle TEL.

The Moscow Institute of Thermal Technology (MITT) is developing a new Intercontinental Ballistic Missile (ICBM) under the name RS-26 Rubezh. This ‘medium class’ ICBM attributed as ‘fifth generation’ missile is in a different weight class from the Topol-M/Yars, as it is intended to supplement the current missile fleet as a more transportable and maneuverable land mobile weapon system. Speaking after the June 2013 test of the missile, the head of the Main Operational Directorate of the General Staff, Gen.-Col. Zarudnitskiy said the Russian Rocket Forces would receive the first Rubezh regiment in 2014, following the conclusion of five flight tests to be conducted through 2013. He said the Rubezh missile would offer higher accuracy compared to current missiles.

Click here for the full coverage of the Russian Strategic Missile Force Modernization.

RS-26 has not been seen yet in public. It is estimated to weigh 36 tons and is likely to measure about 12 meter in length – about the size of the Submarine-launched R-36 Bulava. Developed by the Moscow Institute of Thermal Technology (MITT), the Rubezh will be manufactured at the Votkinsk plant in the Urals republic of Udmurtia, where all solid-propellant missiles are made. The new missile is likely to be carried and launched from a land mobile launcher, possibly the MZKT-27291. The missile is propelled by solid fuel and carries either a single warhead, or multiple independent reentry vehicles (MIRV) – both configurations were tested this year. Commenting on one of the recent tests, in June 2013, Russian Deputy Prime Minister Dmitry Rogozin, who oversees the defense industry, referred to these warheads as “missile defense killer.” Combined with advanced ICBM targeting system, which is currently being developed in Russia, the missile will be able to penetrate the most sophisticated missile defenses anywhere in the world.

This new MZKT27291 transporter is believed to be a special purpose vehicle designed and built to provide the carrier, erector and launcher (TEL) for the new R-36 Rubezh Intercontinental Ballistic Missile.
This new MZKT27291 six-axle vehicle unveiled in public in 2013 is believed to be a special purpose vehicle designed and built to provide the carrier, erector and launcher (TEL) for the new R-36 Rubezh Intercontinental Ballistic Missile.