Sikorsky and Boeing have officially named their future rotorcraft partnership ‘Team Defiant’. The team has based their design on the Sikorsky’s X2 technology and Boeing’s coaxial rotor concepts? The design is one of four selected by the US Army for its Joint Multi-purpose Rotorcraft (JMR) technology demonstration program. “The cooperation is aimed on 50-60 year program, forming the backbone of the US Army aviation” Sikorsky Sam Mehta, President of Sikorsky Military Systems, said during the announcement at the AUSA exhibition today. He said a team of engineers from Sikorsky and Boeing are exploring rapid prototyping techniques that have the potential to introduce new technologies and business advantages.
On August 12, 2014 the Sikorsky-Boeing team was selected as one of two developers of the JMR Technology Demonstrator project, the first flight of the ‘Defiant’ is expected in 2017.