FAA Clears Six Sites in the USA for UAS Testing

Capability for mature sense and avoid technology, also known as SAA, is key to successfully meeting Phase 1 UAS Airspace Operations Challenge objectives. Competitors will also demonstrate basic airmanship and air vehicle capabilities through a series of ground and flight events intended to measure key performance capabilities, requiring a high level of robustness.

[wlm_nonmember]<img style=”margin-left: 5px; margin-right: 5px;” alt=”uas_infographic720″ src=”https://defense-update.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/11/uas_infographic720-300×248.jpg” width=”300″ height=”248″ />[/wlm_nonmember]The Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) announced yesterday the selection of the six public entities that will develop unmanned aircraft systems (UAS) research and test sites around the country. The locations include the University of Alaska, the State of Nevada, New York Griffiss international airport, the Department of Commerce of North Dakota, Texas A&M University at Corpus Christi and Virginia Tech Polytechnic Institute.

These congressionally-mandated test sites will conduct critical research into the certification and operational requirements necessary to safely integrate UAS into the national airspace over the next several years.

“Across the six applicants, the FAA is confident that the agency’s research goals of System Safety & Data Gathering, Aircraft Certification, Command & Control Link Issues, Control Station Layout & Certification, Ground & Airborne Sense & Avoid, and Environmental Impacts will be met.” The agency said in a statement.

The FAA’s role in the UAS program is to help the test site operators set up a safe testing environment and to provide oversight that ensures the sites operate under strict safety standards.

“Safety continues to be our first priority as we move forward with integrating unmanned aircraft systems into U.S. airspace,” said FAA Administrator Michael Huerta. “We have successfully brought new technology into the nation’s aviation system for more than 50 years, and I have no doubt we will do the same with unmanned aircraft.”

Today, UAS perform border and port surveillance, help with scientific research and environmental monitoring, support public safety by law enforcement agencies, help state universities conduct research, and support various other missions for government entities.

Huerta said the first site is to be operational within 180 days, with the rest to be online “as quickly as possible”. The current authorization will last until 13 Feb., 2017, at which time the FAA would need to be reauthorized. Huerta noted that parralel to the current acticity the agency continues working on a proposal for the rules guiding the integration of small umanned aircraft operating in the national airspace.

In selecting the six test site operators, the FAA considered geography, climate, location of ground infrastructure, research needs, airspace use, safety, aviation experience and risk. In totality, these six test applications achieve cross-country geographic and climatic diversity and help the FAA meet its UAS research needs.

  • University of Alaska
    The Alaskan test plan contained a diverse set of test site range locations in seven climatic zones as well as geographic diversity with test site range locations in Hawaii and Oregon. The research plan includes the development of a set of standards for unmanned aircraft categories, state monitoring and navigation. Alaska also plans to work on safety standards for UAS operations.
  • State of Nevada
    Nevada’s project objectives concentrate on UAS standards and operations as well as operator standards and certification requirements. The applicant’s research will also include a concentrated look at how air traffic control procedures will evolve with the introduction of UAS into the civil environment and how these aircraft will be integrated with NextGen. Nevada’s selection contributes to geographic and climatic diversity.
  • New York’s Griffiss International Airport
    Griffiss International plans to work on developing test and evaluation as well as verification and validation processes under FAA safety oversight. The applicant also plans to focus its research on sense and avoid capabilities for UAS and its sites will aid in researching the complexities of integrating UAS into the congested, northeast airspace.
  • North Dakota Department of Commerce
    North Dakota plans to develop UAS airworthiness essential data and validate high reliability link technology. This applicant will also conduct human factors research. According to the FAA, North Dakota’s application was the only one to offer a test range in the Temperate (continental) climate zone and included a variety of different airspace which will benefit multiple users.
  • Texas A&M University – Corpus Christi
    Texas A&M plans to develop system safety requirements for UAS vehicles and operations with a goal of protocols and procedures for airworthiness testing. The FAA said the selection of Texas A&M contributes to geographic and climactic diversity.
  • Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University (Virginia Tech)
    Virginia Tech plans to conduct UAS failure mode testing and identify and evaluate operational and technical risks areas. This proposal includes test site range locations in both Virginia and New Jersey.

As required in the 2012 FAA Reauthorization, the Joint Planning and Development Office has developed a comprehensive plan to maintain privacy and safely accelerate the integration of civil UAS into the national airspace system. That plan details a multi-agency approach to safe and timely UAS integration and coordination with the NextGen shift to satellite-based technologies and new procedures.
