AUSA 2014 photo report – Upgunned AFVs

The MCT30 turret from Kongsberg mounted on the Bradley Fighting Vehicle. As a remote controlled turret the overhead installation frees much needed space in the protected fighting compartment, while leaving the commander and gunner adequate operating space below. The turret is accessible from the hull and the gun can be reloaded manually if required; the turret could also have a hatch to enable the vehicle commander to lok out if necessary.
The MCT30 turret from Kongsberg mounted on the Bradley Fighting Vehicle. As a remote controlled turret the overhead installation frees much needed space in the protected fighting compartment, while leaving the commander and gunner adequate operating space below. The turret is accessible from the hull and the gun can be reloaded manually if required; the turret could also have a hatch to enable the vehicle commander to lok out if necessary.
The MCT30 turret from Kongsberg mounted on the Bradley Fighting Vehicle. As a remote controlled turret the overhead installation frees much needed space in the protected fighting compartment, while leaving the commander and gunner adequate operating space below. The turret is accessible from the hull and the gun can be reloaded manually if required; the turret could also have a hatch to enable the vehicle commander to lok out if necessary.
The turret mounts the XM-813 automatic gun from ATK, a linkless, automatic dual feed system that can fire two types of rounds. The gun was developed for the Future Combat Systems (FCS) program and was considered for fielding with the GCV. The canon is interchangable with either 30 or 40mm barrels, having only six caliber-specific parts to replace.
While the 30mm family already has four ammunition types - HE-Incindiary, practice, HE with delay/impact fuse and HE airburst with time setting adjustment. In, the 40 mm family has only two - HE/airburst and APFSDS. ATK is in theprocess of migrating all types to both calibers.
While the 30mm family already has four ammunition types – HE-Incindiary, practice, HE with delay/impact fuse and HE airburst with time setting adjustment. In, the 40 mm family has only two – HE/airburst and APFSDS. ATK is in theprocess of migrating all types to both calibers.
The MCT30 turret has also been installed on a Doube V Hull Striker (DVH).
The MCT30 turret has also been installed on a Doube V Hull Striker (DVH). It is seen here applied with Tarian anti-RPG nets.