The following photos are part of Defense-Update coverage of breaking news at the Counter Terror Expo that opened today in London.
Ultra Electronics Maritime Systems offers a communications device that can link 4Khz of digital voice or data to a diver or vehicle 50 meter underground, or submerged. Several such devices can be used to locate (triangulate) a and track vehicles underground, underwater or in tunnels and mines. Photo: Tamir Eshel, Defense-UpdateRadio Physics displayed the polymteric Millimeter-Wave Radar Threat Level Evaluation (MiRTLE), a polymetric radaroperating at the 75-110 GHz wave band, that detects suicide bombers from a distanceof 30-40 meters. The tripod radar can detect various threats based on the composition of material, from a distance if 6-40 meters. A hand-held system weighing 2.8 k is also available, capable of detecting threats at range up to 10 meters. Photo: Tamir Eshel, Defense-UpdateWeaponsEffects (WE) has been offering military and law enforcement non-pyrotechnic weapon effects that realistically simulate threats, including this suicide vest kit, worn by insurgent opforce. to simulate the behavioral psychological effect of suicide bombers attacks . The charges are powered by compressed gas (CO2 ) and create a noise, flash/smoke effect. Photo: Tamir Eshel, Defense-UpdateAdvanced Laser Imaging displayed a 3D laser scanner that can be mounted on tripod, robot or multirotor, providing rapid and accurate 3D model of a scene. For recording of a crime scene, the hand held Freestyle 3D scanner is used, providing accurate, simple and affordable solution for crime scene recording. Photo: Tamir Eshel, Defense-UpdateAlford Technologies displayed a wide range of water projecting disruptors, for deployment against small and large IEDs, including vehicle borne IEDs (VBIED). The device is using a wate container surrounded by a linear shaped charge. When activated, the explosion forms a jet of water slicing through a suspected object at a speed of 1200 m/sec, devastating the target and disrupting its triggering mechanism. While devastating at a close range, the water jet rapidly dissipate at longer range, thus eliminating collateral damage. Photo: Tamir Eshel, Defense-Update.
The British Armed Forces have successfully tested a revolutionary Radio Frequency Directed Energy Weapon (RFDEW) capable of neutralizing drone swarms at a fraction of conventional defense costs. The system, developed by a UK-based consortium led by Thales, can disable multiple unmanned aerial systems for as little as 10 pence per engagement.
Greece is actively modernizing its military capabilities with two significant procurements. Firstly, the Government Council for Foreign and Defense Affairs, known as KYSEA, has approved the purchase of approximately 590 U.S.-made Switchblade loitering munitions,...
Army Air Defense Undergoes Significant Modernization to Counter Drone Threats
The U.S. Army's air defense branch has experienced its most substantial modernization and growth in over four decades, primarily driven by the need to counter...
Elbit Systems of America showcases the Sigma Next Generation Howitzer at AUSA 2024, where competing systems from Sweden, South Korea, France, and Germany are likely to be presented, some in models, others in full...
The U.S. Army has awarded two contracts totaling $22 million to American Rheinmetall Vehicles, LLC, and HDT Expeditionary Systems, Inc. for developing Small Multipurpose Equipment Transport (S-MET) Increment II prototypes.
The S-MET Increment II builds...