With system definition, prototyping and testing phases completed, Israel Aerospace Industries’ (IAI) is now moving to production the Command, Control, Communications and Computing (C4) systems developed for the Adir – F-35I, Israel’s variant of the Fifth Generation Fighter F-35.
The system developed exclusively for the F-35I by IAI’s LAHAV Division is part of IAI’s cutting edge ‘tactical C4 architecture‘ introducing different force multipliers in the modern, networked battle space. The induction of advanced systems of this type with the Israel Air Force (IAF) combat fleet will enable the IAF to manage better, and rapidly field networked applications that interface with core services over proprietary protocols developed especially for the IAF.
Using generic communications infrastructure based on the latest Software Defined Radios (SDR), IAI new C4 system designed for the Adir will provide the backbone of the IAF future airborne communications network. This system will dramatically improve over legacy systems currently operating with the current fleet of 4th Generation aircraft (F-16, F-15).
Based on open systems architecture the new system enables rapid software and hardware development cycles that will also provide more affordable modernization and support of systems over the platform’s life cycle as systems are required to meet rapidly changing operating environment.
The integration of IAI’s C4 systems in the F-35I avionics program represents a significant milestone in the introduction of advanced, indigenous capabilities to the multinational F-35 program. Fully embedded into the aircraft integrated avionic system, IAI’s new C4 system provides the user the latest, most advanced processing capabilities with relative independence of the plane manufacturer.
Part of the F-35I avionic system, the C4 system introduces a new level of freedom for the IAF, as it paves the way for additional advanced capabilities to be embedded in the F-35I in the future.
“This cutting edge avionic system represents an ‘operational quantum leap’ in the ability of air power to conduct networked-centric air warfare,” said Benni Cohen, General Manager of LAHAV division. “It is part of a significant change that takes place once in a decade, which includes the upgrading of 4th Generation systems. This program will be critical to our national security as it represents a shift in air forces’ concepts of operations (CONOPS) and operational capabilities.”
In the past decade, LAHAV Division is positioned as Israel Aerospace Industries’ center of excellence implementing network-centric warfare capabilities. The combat-proven systems developed by LAHAV are operational on combat aircraft and special mission platforms as well as in land-based systems of the Israel and foreign air forces.