Russia’s Kalashnikov Concern presented the REX-1 counter-UAV rifle. This man-portable jammer provides a non-kinetic drone inhibitor. Utilizing multi-band jammer to defeat small UAS from a relatively short range, it can also be used to disrupt mobile phone communications, for example, securing a suspected IED from remote-controlled activation. REX-1 was developed by Kalashnikov subsidiary, Zala Aero Group.

The gun-shaped system weighs 4.2 kg and includes a battery that supports operation for three. The system comprises a collimator sight, interchangeable GPS jamming modules, GLONASS navigation system.
The device is supplied with interchangeable jamming modules covering the 800 MHZ, 1.8, 2.1, 2.4 and 5.8 GHz frequency bands. A strap-on stroboscope, laser sight and audio and video recorders are also available.