LIC-2005 Review


During the past four years Israel’s acquired unprecedented operational experience in Low Intensity Warfare. Much of the gains can be attributed to new operational procedures, advanced technologies and comprehensive sensor-C4I-weapons integration, designed to enable military commanders to operate as flexibly and efficiently as possible, within strict rules of engagement. A major prerogative is in utilizing all available weapon systems with measured and minimum lethal force necessary to achieve the missions. This trend has resulted in the establishment of more effective and efficient units of action, more cohesive integration of infantry, armor and combat engineers, operating in combined arms formations, which are perfecting the art of war. Based on well informed command and control with real-time intelligence, accurate situational awareness benefiting professional and responsible decision process can be reached at all levels of command – from the tactical team leader upwards to the national command authority.

The second Low Intensity Conflict exhibition and conference held in Tel Aviv during in March 2005 provided an insight into the doctrine and operations developed through four years of intensive Low Intensity Conflict (LIC). The IDF is undergoing many changes in the formation of forces, employment and equiping units and individual soldiers in all combat units. LIC 2005 provided an exciting first view of many new systems, among them armored vehicles, new miniature UAVs and ground robotic systems, command and control systems, electro-optical systems, urban warfare. New details were provided on technologies developed in Israel for subterranean warfare. Tunnels became an important facet of the LIC at the Gaza strip, where the IDF faced tunnels used for infiltration of people, military hardware as well as for subterranean attacks on IDF fortifications.

This presentation focuses on new systems, and systems enhancements announced at this year’s exhibition. For more coverage, check LIC-2004 coverage.

In the following coverage you can read about the following highlights:

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