Since 1997 the US Marine Corps Warfighting laboratory is experimenting the Dragon Fire, Expeditionary Fire Support System – a mortar based system that designed to provide mobile fire support for expeditionary forces. Dragon Fire I system demonstrator that utilized a 120mm rifled, recoiling, self-loading mortar, that can fire rifled or smoothbore ammunition. The original system had a weight of 7,000 pounds, but the new version, Dragon Fire II weighs only 3,200 pounds, and will be capable of deployment in a towed, heliborne and mounted versions. Dragon Fire II is the follow-on experimentation phase of the program, which utilizes a towed by a tactical vehicle (such as the HUMMV) or internally mounted on a LAV The mortar has a range of 8,200 meters (13,000 m’ with rocket assisted projectiles). It can fire 10 rounds per minute for 2 minutes, or four rounds per minute sustained fire. The system has an on-board digital communications, navigation and computation facilities to enable effective precision fire at a closed “sensor-to-shooter” loop. The USMC Warfighting Lab is also experimenting with remote control capability and stabilization that will enable fire on the move for improved agility and responsiveness. The system can be deployed from amphibious ships, internally, in CH-53 helicopters and MV-22 Osprey tilt-rotor aircraft. Dragon Fire II EFSS systems transitioned into a spiral acquisition with the award of the program to General Dynamics Ordnance & Tactical Systems (GD OTS) in October 2004. GD OTS is cooperating with TDA Armaments SAS, a joint venture between Thales and EADS Deutchland, to produce ammunition for these mortars.
UK Military Tests Radio Frequency Directed Energy Weapon System for Anti-Drone Defense
Tamir Eshel - 0
The British Armed Forces have successfully tested a revolutionary Radio Frequency Directed Energy Weapon (RFDEW) capable of neutralizing drone swarms at a fraction of conventional defense costs. The system, developed by a UK-based consortium led by Thales, can disable multiple unmanned aerial systems for as little as 10 pence per engagement.
Greece’s Land Forces to Get Switchblade Loitering Weapons and Advanced Rocket Launchers
Tamir Eshel - 0
Greece is actively modernizing its military capabilities with two significant procurements. Firstly, the Government Council for Foreign and Defense Affairs, known as KYSEA, has approved the purchase of approximately 590 U.S.-made Switchblade loitering munitions,...
Air Defense & C-UAS Innovations at the AUSA 2024 Exhibition
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Army Air Defense Undergoes Significant Modernization to Counter Drone Threats
The U.S. Army's air defense branch has experienced its most substantial modernization and growth in over four decades, primarily driven by the need to counter...
Elbit Systems Address US Army Artillery Modernization with Sigma 155×52 Wheeled Howitzer
Tamir Eshel - 0
Elbit Systems of America showcases the Sigma Next Generation Howitzer at AUSA 2024, where competing systems from Sweden, South Korea, France, and Germany are likely to be presented, some in models, others in full...
U.S. Army Awards Two Contracts for Enhanced S-MET Increment II UGV Prototypes
The U.S. Army has awarded two contracts totaling $22 million to American Rheinmetall Vehicles, LLC, and HDT Expeditionary Systems, Inc. for developing Small Multipurpose Equipment Transport (S-MET) Increment II prototypes.
The S-MET Increment II builds...