Naval Defense Systems at Defendory 2006


Part I – Part II

At Defendory 2006 Lockheed Martin displayed their Evolved Sea-Sparrow and advanced versions of SM-2 while MBDA discussed weapon suite for the FREMM, comprising of Aster-30 missiles, offering both anti-aircraft and ballistic missile defense. An offensive weapon option provided by the FREMM will be the deployment of SCALP Naval cruise missiles, these are naval variants of the Storm Shadow air launched cruise missiles, designed for vertical launch from ships. Self protection for naval ships was also a hot topic. Rheinmetall Defence introduced here a new and unique array of weapons, sensors and countermeasures designed to offer a vessel at sea or in harbour an effective protection suite addressing all types of threats. The system comprises the FIRST infrared scanner, which provides real-time early warning of any threatening event, detected by its infrared imaging sensor over 360 degrees.

Naval surface ships operating in littoral area are required to engage land targets with precision and lethality comparable to modern aircraft. Such effects cannot be achieved with conventional ammunition and therefore, require more advanced weaponry, including guided missiles and ammunition. At Defendory 2006, Finmeccanica displayed some of the concepts currently under development at Oto Melara. These include a range of heavy (127mm), medium (76) and small caliber gun turrets (40mm and below) designed specifically for surface combatants. Two types of guided munitions were on display, the Davide RF guided projectile, designed to engage aerial targets, including incoming missiles, by 76mm/62 caliber guns and the Vulcano precision guided munitions for the 127mm naval gun.

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