Defense Exhibitions: Q1 – 2016

Global military, security, naval and defense exhibitions, airshows, conferences and seminars taking place January through March 2016


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DGI Europe 18 – 20 January 2016 London, UK

SOLIC 2016 28 – 30 January 2016 Washington DC, USA

Ilan Ramon Aerospace Conference January 2016 Herzlia, Israel

BIAS 2016 Bahrain International Airshow – 21-23 January 2016, Sakhir Airbase, Bahrain

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IAV 2016 International Armored Vehicles 25-26 January 2016 London, UK

Marine West 3-4 February, 2016 MCB Camp Pendleton CA, USA

180x150 MaritimeMaritime Reconnaissance and Surveillance Technology

Conference February 15-16, 2015
Crowne Plaza Hotel, Rome, Italy

This conference will focus on maximising maritime situational awareness capabilities for security of life and territory at sea. MR&ST 2016 aims is to provide industry leaders, maritime surveillance and reconnaissance project managers and military and government representatives the knowledge and contacts they need to further develop their capabilities in Maritime Domain Awareness. This will be achieved through panel discussions and briefings based on topics from acquisition projects to operational experiences and lessons learnt. 5 Flag Officers confirmed, making this the most senior Maritime ISR meeting in the region! Confirmed speakers 2016 include leading experts from Italian Coast Guard, The Swedish Coast Guard, Royal Navy (UK), Italian Air Force, EU Naval Force, US Navy, NATO, Spanish MoD, Irish Coast Guard and many more. 

Singapore International Airshow 16-21 February 2016, Changi, Singapore  

180x150 Border Security copy9th annual Border Security Conference 

February 17-18, 2015
Rome, Italy

The event will also focus on other aspects of border security, such as the smuggling of drugs and illegal goods at the border as well as counter terrorism. Sessions will focus on how this can be reduced, whether it be modern technologies, greater collaboration or a larger security presence at the border. Confirmed speakers 2016 include leading experts from Italian Navy, EU Naval Force Mediterranean, Portuguese Navy, Finnish Customs, French National Police, EU Border Assistance Mission to Moldova and Ukraine, CEPOL and many more.

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Ukrainian Defense & Security Forum ’16
18 February 2016, InterContinental Kyiv, Kyiv, Ukraine

ukrUnder the patronage of the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine and SC ‘UKROBORONPROM’, this forum is the first international forum on defense and security issues in Ukraine. The forum will focus on investment opportunities of the defense and security market of Ukraine. The forum provides an opportunity to meet representatives of the top-100 Ukrainian and international companies in the field of defense and security, government agencies, international organizations, Ukrainian defense and security sector manufacturers, foreign investors, etc..

Heli Expo 2016 Feb 29 – March 3, 2016, Louisville, Ky, USA

Abu Dhabi Air & Heli Expo 8-10 March, 2016, Al Bateen Executive Airport, Abu Dhabi UAE

Counter-Terrorism, Corporate Security & Risk Mitigation 6-9 March, 2016, Location: TBD, Signapore.

Defence Logistics 180x150 copyDefence Logistic Eastern Europe March 7–8, 2016 – Prague, Czech Republic

Defence Logistics Eastern Europe 2016 aims to bring together members of logistics commands from across the region to discuss the challenges of modernising their logistics forces through training, international cooperation and procurement. While at the same time going through expensive budget reforms.

Speaker line-up features: Armed Forces of the Czech Republic, Hungarian Defence Forces, Polish Armed Forces, British Army, Croatian Armed Forces, Norwegian Armed Forces, EU Military Staff, EUROCORPS, NATO plus many more.

contact the team on +44 (0) 20 7827 6000 or email: [email protected]

 Soldier Equipment Advancement Forum March 14-15, 2015 – London, UK

FAVSA-180x150 Future Armoured Vehicles Situational Awareness March 16–17, 2016 – London, UK

Future Armoured Vehicles Situational Awareness 2016 is the only dedicated meeting that aims to develop capability in this critical area. Combining senior military representation with leading solution providers from industry, Future Armoured Vehicles Situational Awareness 2016 shall draw on operational case studies, strategy, training protocol and the development of cutting edge sensors, communications and optronics equipment.

The speaker line-up features: US Army, Swedish Army, UK MoD, Netherlands Army, Danish Army Combat and Fire Support School, Royal Dutch Army, Norwegian Armed Forces, Joint IT Command Netherlands Defence Material Organization, DE&S, Thales, Selex ES plus many more. Contact the team on +44 (0) 20 7827 6000 or email: [email protected]

Defexpo 28-31 March 2016, Quitol, South Goa, India DefExpo India 2016 will be held at a new location, about 24 km from Margao, in Southern Goa. The event is  expected to draw in over 400 defense companies, as of July 2015 about 50 percent of the display area already sold out.

DIMDEX 2016 29-31 March, 2016, Doha, Qatar

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