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    Ceramic Armor Plates

    Ceradyne is offering large ceramic plates (12 x 17 inch) offering multi-hit protection capability against 5.56 and 7.62mm ball and AP threats at shot spacing of 1 – 3 inches.

    Global Combat Support System-Army

    GCSS-Army is the primary tactical logistics enabler to achieve the Army Campaign Plan and Combat Support/Combat Service Support (CS/CSS) Transformation Vision in support of soldiers in the field. The GCSS-Army rollout will allow more than 135,000 soldier and contractor users in the total army to view complete logistics management information and make timely, data-driven decisions.

    The initiative will integrate and streamline operations from factory to foxhole across a single army logistics enterprise and will replace 14 standard army mission information system baselines comprising several thousand disparate legacy applications currently in use worldwide.

    Currently the largest and most complex U.S. Army logistics automation technology initiative, Global Combat Support System-Army (GCSS-Army) is being implemented to transform supply chain business processes to enhance logistics support of Army tactical combat operations.

    The software technology solution is based on a SAP application, which will provide the U.S. Army with accurate logistics management information for effective execution of supply, maintenance and property accountability operations as well as timely data sharing with other Army and Department of Defense automation systems.

    Mobile / Tactical High Energy Laser (M-THEL) Technology Demonstration Program

    The fixed-site version Advanced Concept Technology Demonstration (ACTD) Tactical High Energy Laser (THEL) THEL, was developed by TRW Inc. under a $89 million contract. During several tests in the USA, the system has shot down 25 Katyusha rockets, but has not been deployed.

    The system also known as Nautilus, has not progressed much since the end of the demonstration program, since the lack of mobility and the fixed base limitations of the system made in insufficient to counter long range rockets currently employed by Hezbulla at the Israeli northern border with Lebanon. While Katyusha rockets had a range of 20 kilometers, and could hit only a few urban targets, the long range rockets have a range of 70 kilometers and can hit strategic facilities and large urban areas in the Haifa bay. A laser-based defense against such weapons must rely on more systems, which could be rapidly mobilized to protect a much larger area. Such design is currently being implemented under the MTHEL program. Similar threats could face US contingencies in other parts of the world. This requirement is driving the need for an air-mobile version of the beam weapon.

    Mobile Tactical High Energy Laser (MTHEL)

    A study completed in 2001 concluded that the rocket interceptor has “lots of promise” and further development should be pursued, primarily in enabling system’s mobility. Mobility considerations for the future mobile systems include system mobility (road and off road capabilities) and air transportability, including the type of transport aircraft it should fit on (C-130, C-17 or C-5). Conclusions of these studies will define the necessary size- reduction technologies required for the future version.Further studies of the system include the use of such laser beam weapons to provide “hard kill” defenses against artillery projectiles, UAVs and cruise missiles.

    During a recent test conducted on Aug. 24, 2004 the system shot down multiple mortar rounds, demonstrating potential its battlefield application for to protection against common threats. The test represented actual mortar threat scenarios. Targets were intercepted by the THEL testbed and destroyed; both single mortar rounds and salvo were tested.

    THEL / MTHEL Operational Scenario

    The Tactical High Energy Laser uses a high-energy, deuterium fluoride chemical laser to protect against attack by short range unguided (ballistic flying) rockets.

    In a typical engagement scenario, a rocket is launched toward the defended area. Upon detection by the THEL fire control radar (image on right), the radar establishes trajectory information about the incoming rocket, then “hands off” the target to the pointer-tracker subsystem, which includes the beam director (top of page above). The PTS tracks the target optically, then begins a “fine tracking” process for THEL’s beam director, which then places THEL’s high-energy laser on target. The energy of the laser causes intense heating of the target, which causes its warhead to explode. The debris from the target falls quickly to the ground, far short of the defended area.

    The purpose of the MTHEL program is to develop and test the first mobile Directed Energy weapon system capable of detecting, tracking, engaging, and defeating Rockets/Artillery/Mortars (RAM), cruise missiles, short-range ballistic missiles, and unmanned aerial vehicles. Despite the progress made with MTHEL, the US Army stopped funding for the program claiming it was too bulky.

    Northrop Grumman proposed to use “relocatable” THEL systems to counter mortar and rocket threats on US military facilities in Iraq. Since funding for the MTHEL program was cut in 2004, such system may not be available for deployment in the near future. A second generation “relocatable” THEL system is currently considered for deployment. Such system will weigh about one-quarter the size of the current THEL and will fit into a 20 foot container which can be airlifted to forward areas. The new system will offer the same capability. Such systems are expected to cost $25 million a piece, when fielded in large numbers (30+). Future laser weapons will be based on electrically generated lasers and run on diesel fuel, rather than specially supplied chemical liquid fuel. However, while THEL based weapon could be fielded in less than two years, an equivalent system based on electrically powered laser will not be feasible before 2011. The system’s radar is already operational in Israel, providing early warning from Palestinian attacks on the the city of Shderot. there are also rumors about a planned THEL deployment to Iraq, where it could provide RAM protection of the US Forces command and new Iraqi government.

    Sequence of a rocket intercept demonstration by e THEL laser, September 2000. In these photos, THEL/ACTD laser spot focus on the warhead (top) of the 5 inch diameter rocket, and detonate it (center), thus effectively "neutralizing" the rocket. The gases emitted by the explosion create excessive drag which tears the fragmentation casing into several parts which continue on their ballistic trajectory. (bottom of image series) Inside right: THEL Radar and fire control system.


    GAZ-3937 is a highly mobile multi-purpose amphibious 4×4 platform offers a modular, armor protected cabin protecting personnel and cargo. The welded body consists of two detachable modules. The front module includes a GAZ-5424 turbocharged air-cooled multi-fuel diesel engine. Optional Cummins or Steyr engines are under development. This section also accommodates a tandem seating arrangement for the driver and passenger. Passengers, cargo and mission oriented payloads are carried in the rear detachable modular capsule.

    The GAZ-39371 variant is based on the GAZ-3937, and is optimized for reconnaissance, patrol escort, search and rescue missions, for military and law enforcement units. The vehicle is fitted with bullet-proof windows and tires and optional bullet-proof protection against heavy infantry weapons and artillery fragments.

    G-LAM: US Global Nanospace Inc. (USGN)

    A hybrid polymer nanofiber which offers high anti-ballistic performance and durability against environmental effects such as, petroleum distillates and high temperature (in excess of 400F). G-LAM-C is offering increased protection levels, through the introduction of a ceramic face plate. Polymer based nanofiber-reinforces armor material affords 25% weight saving as well as substantial improvement in durability, and production saving compared to material processing of materials while providing comparable performance.

    Aztik 100 "Peel and Stick Armor"

    Armor Systems International uses a combination of multi-layer fabrics and adhesives, formed into flexible or rigid panels, providing protection up to level IV (NIJ 0108.01 standard) with proven multiple hits protection capability from up to .50 cal armor-piercing rounds.

    The unique design uses a special adhesive layer which attaches the protection panel securely to almost any smooth surface, providing immediate threat protection. On armored vehicles Aztik 100 can also be used as a spall liner, to provides ballistics and ricochet protection inside the vehicle. Panels can also be applied to protect security checkpoints, guard shacks and other sensitive installations.

    Following successful tests by the USMC and the US Army Rapid Equipping Force, 19 piece Aztik 100 armor protection kits were shipped to Afghanistan, to protect Humvees. The 19-piece Aztik 100™ HMMWV (Humvee) armor kit can be installed in the field within two hours by two soldiers. It includes door panels, floor protection, and a rear-protection panel, as well as armored seat cushions and bullet-resistant glass.


    DIAMONITE – A structural ceramic material made primarily from Aluminum oxide (alumina) which is designed for military and civilian vehicle armor systems. When integrated into a complete armor system, CerCo Structural Ceramics utilize planned material fracture to rob the projectile of energy. This system is, in many cases, more cost-efficient than an all-metal or all-fabric system.

    Nanoparticle Ceramic Armor Application

    The application of nanotechnology opened unique opportunities for new applications involving ceramic materials. When smaller particles are used in the basic material, the end product tile, offers improved performance. The use of silicon carbide microstructures improved its fracture toughness values threefold, compared to conventional sintered SiC. At present (2004), more development is required to provide the specific hardness level for the end product.


    The RG-32M light armored vehicle is powered by a water cooled 6-cylinder turbo-charged diesel engine. It provides crew protection by an all-steel welded armored monocoque capsule, and ballistic protected transparent armored windows and windshield. The crew compartment is protected to a level of 5.56 x 45mm NATO ball ammunition and against a variety of grenades, firebombs and thrown missiles. Protection also includes the firewall, roof and floor, which is designed to protects the occupants against a single anti-tank mine (7kg of TNT) under any wheel.

    Fibrous Monoliths (FM) – Advanced Ceramics Research

    Fibrous Monoliths creates a unique fiber from a mix of ceramics, metal powder and thermoplastic polymer binders. This fiber can be woven or braided, fabricated into its final curved shape which is then pyrolyzed to remove the polymer binder and sintered and hot pressed, to obtain the final product.

    Guardian Door Protection for Humvee

    US Global Nanospace Inc. (USGN)

    The Guardian antiballistic replacement door skin (GARDS) designed for the Humvee is providing a lightweight and flexible protection against NIJ Level IIIA threats, fragments and shrapnel. GARDS weighs under 6 pounds per panel and can be assembled in 15 minutes. It is produced from G-LAM composites, which provides advanced anti-ballistic material at low weight. Similar designs are currently offered for Landrover and Unimog vehicles.

    RhinoPAK Vehicle Protection Kit

    When applied to vehicles of all types, this replaceable ballistic protection kit can protect up Level IV (NIJ standard). The kit includes ballistic armor plates made of composite materials known as RhinoWeb. The company also offers the OneWay bullet-proof ballistic transparent armor as part of the armor upgrade kit.

    Spike LR Long Range AT Missile

    Spike LR (formerly known as Spike) is a lightweight (13.0 kg) Medium range weapon, designed to offer the infantry an effective anti-tank and precision attack capability at ranges from 200 m to 4,000 meters. A system, comprising a missile and launcher weighs 26 kg. A typical Gill anti-tank team include two soldiers, one carrying two missiles and the other – the tripod and fire control unit. Further reduction of weight is enabled by utilizing the missile’s imaging seeker for target acquisition, which eliminate the need for a dedicated thermal sight which weighs 4 kg. However, such a sight improves the target acquisition range of the system, especially at long range. The system can deploy and be ready to fire within 30 seconds. Gill can be reloaded and be ready to fire again within 15 seconds. The missile is safe to operate from enclosed spaces, which is an essential capability for combat from protected firing positions and in urban warfare.

    The missile uses a dual mode IIR/CCD seeker to locate the target and lock on it from the maximum operating range. The missile uses a tandem warhead to defeat even the latest advanced armour. Spike LR retains the Spike MR’s “Fire and Forget” capability, but also offers the advantage of “Fire, Observe and Update” operating mode, by the use of fiber-optical link between the launch position and the missile. This capability enable the crew to launch the missile at observed targets, which cannot be seen from the firing position, such as targets hidden beyond hills and defilade, or behind smoke screen. The missile can be operated by infantry teams, from dismounted launchers, or from standard mounts designed for fast attack vehicles, utility vehicles and APCs.

    In 2005 Sagem demonstrated the Spike LR integration with the Sperwer UAV. This was the first example of a weaponized UAV application for “man-in-the-loop” guided missile used from autonomous UAV. (The Hellfire missile used with Predator UAVs are laser homing weapons, seeking targets marked by laser.)

    In January 2007 RAFAEL and General Dynamics Santa Barbara of Spain signed contract to supply the Spanish Army with 260 Spike LR systems, and 2,600 missiles.

    Spike ER Extended Range AT Missile

    Spike ER (Formerly known as NT-D) is the extended long-range version of the Spike family, capable of defeating tanks at a range well beyond 6 kilometers. This missile is designed for installation on land vehicles, helicopters and naval platforms. Spike ER uses a day seeker or day/night seeker, a Tandem warhead which defeats any known armored target. The Spike ER retains the dual operation modes of Spike – Fire-and-Forget & Fire-Observe and Update.

    Spike ER can be operated in a “Fire and Forget” capability, but its main advantage is the “Fire, Observe and Update” operating mode, which uses the fiber-optical link between the launch position and the missile to transmit the seeker’s target image to the operator, thus enabling fine corrections to be transmitted back to the missile, to improve attack precision and effectively overcome obscurants (haze, smoke, cloud base) or countermeasures. This capability enable the crew to launch the missile at observed targets, which cannot be seen from the firing position, such as targets hidden beyond hills and defilade, or behind smoke screen.

    Controp: Defining Clarity with End-to-End EO/IR Solutions

    Founded in the late 1980s, Controp has evolved from a boutique electro-optical house to a global provider of integrated EO/IR solutions. Leveraging advanced optics, sophisticated stabilization, and AI-driven analytics, the company’s “Defining Clarity” ethos shapes a new era of defense capabilities, offering enhanced situational awareness for air, land, and maritime operations.

    Controp: Defining Clarity with End-to-End EO/IR Solutions

    Founded in the late 1980s, Controp has evolved from a boutique electro-optical house to a global provider of integrated EO/IR solutions. Leveraging advanced optics, sophisticated stabilization, and AI-driven analytics, the company’s “Defining Clarity” ethos shapes a new era of defense capabilities, offering enhanced situational awareness for air, land, and maritime operations.

    Slovakia Acquires Israeli BARAK MX Air Defense Systems for €560 million

    Representatives of the Israeli and Slovakian Defense ministries have Signed a 560 million Euro Agreement to deliver the Barak MX Integrated Air Defense System Produced by IAI. Barak MX and Barak 8 air defense systems are currently operational with several nations. The Slovakian acquisition is important in integrating the BARAK MX system into the NATO air defense network, which could pave the system’s entry into other Alliance members.

    XTEND Defense Secures $8.8M Contract for AI-Driven Tactical Loitering Munitions

    XTEND, an AI-driven drone technology expert, has been awarded an $8.8 million contract by the U.S. Department of Defense to supply VR-operated Precision Strike Indoor & Outdoor (PSIO) small Unmanned Aerial Systems (sUAS), a first DoD-approved loitering munition platform for both indoor and outdoor operations. With cutting-edge artificial intelligence (AI), these tactical drones deliver real-time, high-precision strikes, redefining smart munitions in modern warfare.

    The PLA’s Global Power Play: A Deep Dive Into China’s Military Strategy and Ambitions

    The US Department of Defense's annual report on Chinese military and security developments was presented to Congress today. In this post and podcast, we dissect the report, which isn't just another geopolitical overview. It’s...

    Greece’s Land Forces to Get Switchblade Loitering Weapons and Advanced Rocket Launchers

    Greece is actively modernizing its military capabilities with two significant procurements. Firstly, the Government Council for Foreign and Defense Affairs, known as KYSEA, has approved the purchase of approximately 590 U.S.-made Switchblade loitering munitions,...

    Weekly News Summary – Week Ended 15 December 2024

    Preparing to continue our weekly review, we are utilizing AI systems to organize, process, and present a weekly news summary covering defense tech. There is still a long way to go; we'd like...