QuaSAR lightweight SAR radar is under development by EADS Astrium for UAV applications in MALE or tactical UAV platforms. This radar will be based on Common Radar Elements (CORE) program derived from previous satellite SAR satellite programs. QuaSAR’s CORE based subsystems will include the radar electronics, front ends antennas, datalink and image processing. The targeted weight of QuaSAR will be around 30 kg (up to 100kg in maximum configurations), which will position it at an advantage compared with contemporary systems. Unlike similar SARs, operating mainly in the Ka and Ku bands, QuaSAR is designed adaptable to operate over a wide frequency range, including L, S, C, Ku and X bands, offering “submetric” (0.3 – 3 meter) spatial resolution images and efficient MTI capability. An X Band technology demonstrator of QuaSAR was flown in 2003.

From an altitude of 60,000 feet, QuaSAR will be able to cover an area 20 – 115 km long, with a swath of 3.5, 7 or 20 km wide at resolutions of 0.3, 1 and 3 meters respectively. When operating on TUAV at an altitude of 15,000 feet, QuaSAR will cover an area of 10 – 55 km long by swaths of 2, 5 and 20km wide depending on the resolution. The radar is designed to detect moving objects at a velocity as low as 1.8 km/h.

  • 3 m’ imaging, used for area surveillance and feature detection.
  • 1 meter imaging will be used for feature classification
  • 0.3 meter resolution will be used for feature identification
  • GMTI , combined imaging and MTI and wide area maritime imaging modes will also be provided.