RAFAEL Introduces Trophy APS with Samson 30 Turret

Samson 30 aps

RAFAEL has designed a new version of the Samson 30 unmanned turret fitted with an integral Trophy active protection system (APS). In addition to a 30mm automatic cannon and coax machine gun, the new turret integrates two independent sights, and two multi-purpose guided missiles, recessed launchers for smoke grenades and complete Trophy APS system comprising four radars and two countermeasures units enabling complete hemispheric coverage of the protected vehicle. RAFAEL unveiled the new initiative at the International Armored Vehicles (IAV) conference in London this week.

To date, RAFAEL integrated the Trophy system on a number of vehicles, including Merkava Mk3, Merkava Mk4 and M-1A2 SPE2 main battle tanks, Namer, Stryker and Piranha 3 APCs. Adaptation of the system to other vehicles, including MBTs is underway. The introduction of Trophy in a standard turret configuration, compatible with evolving APS standards will be adaptable to new vehicles in the production process thus enable vehicle designers and users the ability to introduce active protection in a more affordable and streamlined process, saving significant excessive modification costs. The world’s first operational and only combat-proven APS, Trophy is designed to protect armored combat vehicles from all shaped charge type threats, including guided missiles and RPGs. For lighter vehicles requiring protection only from RPG RAFAEL also offers a near-field active protection system known as ‘Trophy LV’.