Tactical Operational Command and Control Headquarters – TORC2H


The IDF decided to field a LIC oriented Command and Control version of DAP using the standard interface of the future system. Therefore, TORC2H provides valuable field experience for commanders and important feedback for the system’s designers. TORC2H has an embedded battle command system, both vertical and horizontal. It Support all command and control processes, including planning, execution and debriefing for all modes of operation.

The information layers provide the heart of the system. Targets and relevant intelligence is presented on the “red” layer. Blue and red situational pictures and Course Of Action (COA) are displayed with locations of friendly forces, order of battle strengths (depicted over a combat effectiveness overlay). Gant charts showing actual progress compared according to plans The battle management overlay supports operations, combat support, fire support, reconnaissance and surveillance, logistics and communications. Information entered by each user can be reflected over all relevant remote displays that have “need to know”, regardless to their location.

The system is not limited to helping commanders and staff with the workflow. When fully matured, it will be able to perform simple and automatic decisions, such as target acquisition, waypoint and situational reporting, navigation guidance. However, current technology is not yet sufficient to implement complex decisions. These are left to the user, who can pick-up the favored option from a list of recommended courses of action.

TORC2H systems are supported by Elbit’s Battlefield Enhanced Smart Training (BEST) architecture providing integral training of simultaneous and synchronized training of live, skeleton exercises and virtual units. BEST gateway is implemented at each C3I system, to enable collaborative training mode of operation with the operational systems. BEST is also implemented with real sensors, integrating and facilitating realistic training of air force elements, UAVs and ground sensors. As part of this training support, the IDF is planning to deploy a ‘virtual battalion”, which will provide intensive training for commanders, without the need to recruit the rest of their troops. The system also supports the IDF battle lab.