Elbit Systems Introduces Highlights Avionics, C2 and Homeland Security at LAAD 2011

A view of the Embraer C-95 cockpit taken on the maiden flight. Photo: Aeroeletrônica (AEL)

Elbit Systems and its Brazilian subsidiary Aeroeletronica S.A. (AEL) are promoting here modern avionics suites, comprising computer interface and high definition smart displays, Unmanned Aircraft Systems (UAS), Laser Guided Munitions, electro-optic payloads, high-speed digital data-links, remote controlled weapon stations for armored vehicles and more.

A view of the Embraer C-95 cockpit taken on the maiden flight. Photo: Aeroeletrônica (AEL)

As Israel’s leading defense company Elbit Systems has been active in the Brazilian market for a number of years and views Brazil as a key market for its full portfolio. The company has already made significant progress in this market, introducing unmanned turret systems for the Brazilian Army’s Land Forces as part of the Guarani Project; fielding Hermes 450 tactical UAS with the Brazilian Air Force, and the development of avionic suites as part of Brazilian aircraft upgrade, under cooperation with Embraer. Presently the company is also aiming at homeland security, tapping Brazil’s expansion in this field. Among these applications Elbit is featuring a new upgraded cockpit designed for the Embraer C-95 Bandeirante (EMB-110A). This upgrade includes integration of digital maps, modern digital displays, and advanced communication and navigation systems improving pilot performance.

At LAAD, Elbit Systems highlights its command, control and communications solutions, through the introduction of the Dominator Integrated Infantry Combat System (IICS), and new software-defined radios, the new SDR-7200HH hand-held radio and vehicular SDR-7200 model.

Marine surveillance and security systems are represented by the Aqua Marine – a new, integrated ESM/ECM suite for naval applications developed by Elisra, an Elbit-Systems subsidiary. Aqua-Marine is a combat-proven, integrated and modular, delivering situation awareness, electronic attack, ship self-defense and electronic intelligence. The company has also developed Radar Warning Reciever and a Laser Warning Sensor Suite implemented for the protection of small patrol boats. Such systems are essential to handle threats from offshore, short range Radar and Laser guided missiles. The small, lightweight, modular systems provide both audio and visual alarms and are equipped with threats library, with laser add-ons available.

For homeland security applications Elbit Systems is preforming a live demonstration of a city or state operations room, dealing with crisis management scenarios featuring an explosion of an oil tanker in the heart of the city, an intruder trying to enter a strategic oil & gas facility, large-scale sport events security management, emergency response to natural disasters, crime fighting and more. The event scenario will be managed in several phases, from detection to surveillance, analysis, management and finally response. The simulation features a number of new products introduced by the company, including the Mobile Surveillance and Control Vehicle (MSV) and Hermes 450 tactical long endurance Unmanned Aerial System (UAS), the ‘Rotundus’ command and control (C2) management system optimized for security applications, emergency operations and management of first responders operations. Elbit System’ HLS2 is a simulation tool used for planning and training of security events management.