Gray Eagle Firing Demonstrates JAGM UAS Suitability

In a recent test the Joint Air-to-Ground Missile (JAGM), developed by Lockheed Martin, has demonstrated firing from unmanned platforms. In a recent test the missile was fired from a US Army Gray Eagle (MQ-1C) Unmanned aircraft system (UAS) targeting a truck target moving at a speed of 20 mph. Photo: Lockheed Martin

In a recent test the Joint Air-to-Ground Missile (JAGM), developed by Lockheed Martin, has demonstrated firing from unmanned platforms. In a recent test the missile was fired from a US Army Gray Eagle (MQ-1C) Unmanned aircraft system (UAS) targeting a truck target moving at a speed of 20 mph. The missile was fired from typical UAS operating altitude (about 15,000 ft) and struck the target from a distance of more than eight kilometers. The test took place at Dugway Proving Ground, Utah on May 25, 2016.

The engagement demonstrated the missile’s ability to fire off-boresight, without having to point the platform at the target. This capability enables faster engagements of ‘targets of opportunity’ characterized by very short exposure time. The test on the Gray Eagle test was the seventh flight test for the JAGM missile. Previous platforms used for live firing include Apache attack helicopters and Marine Corps Cobra helicopters.

By mid-summer, the Army intends to begin flight testing as part of the Engineering, Manufacturing and development phase. By the end of FY17, JAGM will reach Milestone C and qualified production line. The missile is intended to declare Initial Operational Fielding (IOC) in 2018.

JAGM will replace the current air-launched BGM-71 TOW, AGM-114 Hellfire and AGM-65 Maverick missiles. It is an Army program with joint requirements from the Navy and Marine Corps. It is intended to be placed on Apache and Cobra attack helicopters, and will also be considered for deployment on Gray Eagle UAS.