Avenger Mobile Air Defense System


Avenger air defense system is an automated, short-range very low level short range air defense (VSHORAD) system, capable of shoot-on-the-move air defense weapon. Avenger uses a turret equipped with eight ready to fire Stinger missiles in two missile pods. The basic VSHORAD Avenger system has been enhanced into the Multi-Role Weapon System and Laser Avenger, assuming wider mission capabilities.

The Avenger acquires, identifies, tracks and engages targets such as low-flying helicopters and fixed-wing aircraft, from a stationery or moving position. Avenger is capable of operation in day, night and adverse weather conditions. It can shoot on the move and be operated by remote control, up to 50 meters from the firing unit. Avenger uses passive sensors, it employs a turret mounted on a tactical vehicle (Hummer), consisting of a gunner position, two missile launcher pods containing four Stinger missiles each, a forward-looking infrared receiver (FLIR), a laser range finder, an identification friend or foe (IFF) system and a high rate of fire .50-caliber machine gun (1,100 rpm).

The system can be transported by a UH-60 Black Hawk, Chinook and CH-53 helicopters or a C-130 aircraft. The Avenger A2 has network the system with external radars and the Forward Area Air Defense (FAAD) C3 system. Upon selection of a specific track for engagement, the Avenger turret will automatically slew to bring the target within the FLIR’s field of view.

Avenger Multi-Role Weapon System

Avenger Multi-Role Weapon System (AMWS) is a modified Avenger air defense vehicle designed for a multi-mission role. The standard Avenger uses Eight Stinger missiles to provide protection against airborne threats. Boeing is offering more flexible weapons configurations, including a gun equipped variant, integrating a .50 caliber machine gun over the cab to enable engagement of air and ground targets with increased ammunition capacity. Another configuration exchanges one of the quad launchers for a pair of launchers containing Javelin Anti-Tank Guided Missiles. The system conducted test firing demonstrations in 2004 and continued testing and development to date.

Boeing Laser Avenger Destroys Improvised Explosive Devices in Test

Boeing has successfully demonstrated the use of its Laser Avenger air-defense system to destroy improvised explosive devices (IEDs) from a safe distance. During a field test held in September 2009 at the Redstone Army Arsenal in Huntsville, Laser Avenger neutralized more than 50 IED and unexploded ordnance of different types, including large-caliber artillery munitions, smaller bomblets and mortar rounds. The system operated at safe distances from the targets and under a variety of conditions, including different angles and ranges. Soldiers traveling with Laser Avenger would not have to get out of their armored vehicles or wait for an explosive ordnance disposal team to destroy an IED and continue their mission. The test was sponsored by the U.S. Defense Department’s Joint IED Defeat Organization (JIEDDO), following technical feasibility demonstrations held by the company in the past two years.