Parascope Urban Rifle’s Sight


MTC Technologies announced a new rifle sight capable of direct or indirect firing which can be mounted on any weapon that has a Picatinny 1913 Rail weapon mount. It allows the soldier to place a laser dot on target and fire around corners, into buildings, over barriers or behind shelter, using a variety of off angle firing positions, with only the hands and forearms exposed. The new sight requires no zeroing, calibration or external power source.

The new device contains a five-sided prism. It has viewing ports from the rear for normal firing, and from the side for indirect firing. The lightweight sight can be mounted on the rail or carried in a pouch for quick mounting.

According to stated John Longhouser, MTC’s President and head of its Land Forces Group, Parascope can be available for fielding within a year (late 2005) after completing field testing. The new sight was developed by MTC Technologies with funding from Army’s Communication-Electronics Command (CECOM) and the Department of Defense’s central research and development organization, the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA). MTC develops various systems for close combat and warrior programs, including helmet mounted displays, camouflage systems.