Seoul to Invest US$63 Billion in Strategic Deterrence, Missile Defense


The South Korean defense ministry submitted to the parliament a 214.5 trillion won (US$192.6 billion) budget request for the 2014-2018 fiscal year period. The budget was submitted for deliberation on Thursday, as Parliament discussed the Seoul’s planned missile and missile defense programs, facing North Korea’s nuclear and missile weapons threat. The budget plan needs parliamentary approval before being implemented by the government in fiscal year 2014, which begins on Jan. 1.

13.7 percent of the budget (US$63 billion) will be used to establish a missile shield, and deterrence capability that will consist on ballistic and cruise missiles. This network will be augmented by surveillance and early warning satellites and high-altitude, long-endurance (HALE) drones (Global Hawk) – all to be procured in the next five years, Seoul’s Yonhap news agency reports.

Seoul has been developing its indigenous missile shield since 2006. This system, called the Korea Air and Missile Defense (KAMD) was relying on Raytheon’s Patriot PAC2 air-defense missiles received from the US and germany and two Green-Pine long-range early warning radars acquired from Israel. The budget draft also includes the additional purchase of PAC-2 missile interceptors and upgrading the current system to PAC-3 to deter North Korean missiles. [ismember]Other prospects for Israeli systems include air defense missiles, guided rockets and missiles, satellite payloads and command and control systems. Cyber security is also likely to be high on the agenda, reflecting the continuous cyber offensive from the North.[/ismember]

A model of David's Sling. The missile could be configured  to fit the Patriot launcher. (See premium content for details)
A model of David’s Sling. The missile could be configured to fit the Patriot launcher. (See premium content for details)
The activation of a new Air and Missile Defense Cell (AMD-Cell) was planned for this month, after few months delay. This command and control center will support the entire KAMD enterprise. The AMD-Cell will integrate early warning and target tracks from multiple sources, including US Early Warning Satellites (DSP), SPY-1 naval radars deployed on the KDX-III AEGIS destroyers and the new, land-based Green Pine delivered by israel.

[nonmember]more insight for Defense-Update subscribers[/nonmember][ismember]While the AMD-Cell is expected to improve Seoul’s early warning capability, its ability to defend from such attack are marginal, at best. The land-based air-defense systems are not designed to intercept ballistic missiles and their AEGIS vessels are carrying the SM-2 air-defense missiles that are not designed to intercept ballistic missiles. Seoul has expressed interest in the Israeli Iron Dome and the Stunner missile, positioned by Raytheon as a possible successor to PAC-2.

This missile is expected to be available for export toward 2015. Over the next five years South Korea is also considering to augment its Patriot systems with PAC-3 missiles (offering better anti-missile capability). The naval destroyers will receive the new SM-6 currently still in development. However, this new missile will not be available before 2016 and its anti-missile capability has yet to be tested. While missile defense has been a priority for South Korea, the overall strategy is of deterrence, rather than containment, considering the huge economic implications of such defensive capability.[/ismember]

AUS&R 2013 - The Unmanned Systems Live Demonstration - Israel - 26 November 2013
AUS&R 2013 – The Unmanned Systems Live Demonstration – Israel – 26 November 2013

After Pyongyang successfully launched a long-range rocket last December and conducted its third nuclear test in February, Seoul has been speeding up to establish a pre-emptive missile destruction system, so-called “Kill Chain,” to detect and strike North Korea’s missile and nuclear facilities. The Kill Chain is designed to detect signs of impending missiles or nuclear attacks from the communist country and launch pre-emptive strikes to eliminate the threat by using its advanced cruise and ballistic missiles to support its present missile defense system.

North Korea is believed to have over 1,000 missiles with varying capabilities as well as multiple launchers that can shoot rockets, putting South Korea well within its missile range.

The budget plan comes as the South Korean military is seeking to enhance its warfare capability to deter North Korean aggression before it takes back its wartime operational control from Washington in December 2015.

Under the proposed structure, if a transition is completed as scheduled, the South Korean military will play a leading role, and American forces will offer support during a potential wartime situation, fighting side by side with their Korean allies.

“The government is pushing for major weapons procurement programs by securing an appropriate level of defense budget,” Ju Chul-ki, the senior presidential secretary for foreign affairs and security, said in a Seoul defense forum on Thursday. “We are putting efforts to procure weapons to establish the Kill Chain to pre-emptively detect and strike North Korean missiles, and to establish the KAMD, which is capable of intercepting the enemy’s missiles,”

In addition, each branch of the military is seeking to beef up its weapon systems against growing threats posed by North Korea.

The Army aims to procure the next-generation K-2 battle tank to replace aging K-1 and U.S.-built M48 tanks, and buy large combat helicopters in the next five years.

The Navy plans to build 5,000-ton destroyers, 1,800-ton submarines and landing platform ships to cope with rising tensions in Northeast Asia, in face of the ongoing territorial disputes between China and Japan.

The Air Force plans to purchase 60 next-generation fighter jets to replace its aging fleet of F-4s and F-5s starting from 2017 as well as large carriers and aerial refueling aircraft to extend the range of its F-15K and KF-16 combat jets.

The military also plans to adopt the Green Pine early warning and field guided rockets to deter provocations by North Korea.