MBDA demonstrates firing MMP missiles from confined space

MBDA has just demonstrated the firing capabilities of its MMP missile in an operational configuration. The launch tests were carried out in a confined space in the presence of the operator, using his firing post, and the team leader. Photo: MBDA
MBDA has just demonstrated the firing capabilities of its MMP missile in an operational configuration. The  launch tests were carried out in a confined space in the presence of the  operator, using his firing post, and the team leader. Photo: MBDA
MBDA has just demonstrated the firing capabilities of its MMP missile in an operational configuration. The
launch tests were carried out in a confined space in the presence of the operator, using his firing post, and the team leader. Photo: MBDA

MBDA has demonstrated the firing capabilities of its MMP missile in an operational configuration, fired from a confined space. The weapon’s warhead has also passed an important milestone, demonstrating its lethality against modern main battle tanks.

The launch tests were carried out in a confined space in the presence of the operator, using his firing post, and the team leader. The new warhead developed for the missile has also passed an important milestone, as tests have confirmed its efficiency against targets representing latest generation Main Battle Tanks.

Two rail firings were carried out at the beginning of the year at the French Direction Generale de l’Armement’s (DGA) battlefield technology centre in Bourges. The first firing validated the functioning of the lethality chain at maximum speed, a necessary step in order to replicate an impact under real conditions. A target equipped with a latest generation reactive module provided the principal challenge for the second firing. The warhead detonated the outer explosive reactive armour layer, and the main armour behind was pierced, thereby confirming the future weapon’s lethality chain.

The tests was carried out in MBDA’s test tunnel at its Bourges facility in central France. The test confirmed the safety of use of the missile and its firing post. The launches were carried out under simulated hot and cold climatic conditions, representing different operational theatres.

MMP is a new generation land combat missile based on the concept of ‘fire and forget’ with the facility for ‘man in the loop’ operation. This allows for the destruction of different ground targets with very high levels of precision at ranges of up to 4km while at the same time minimising the risk of collateral damage.

The missile, which can be fired from a networked infantry firing post or from a vehicle turret, features a wide range of functions, one of which is firing on coordinates which allows non line of sight targets to be engaged.