Mission Planning, Rehearsal & Debriefing System (MPRDS)


Mission planning and rehearsal in the modern battlefield and Military Operations in Urban terrain (MOUT) require in depth knowledge and familiarity with the battle zones down to the basic details. MPRDS provides a “digital sand table” supporting operations from company to brigade level. The system enables the planners and participating forces to prepare the mission and choose battle positions and rehearse on the enemy’s virtual territory before the mission. The system enables users to observe and study the area from friendly or enemy point of view. The system can be integrated with Computer Generated Forces (CGF) to take part in war-games at any level.

The MPDRS is designed and build especially to satisfy these demands. Mission planning superimposed on digital 2D maps and viewing the battlezone topography in realistic 3D synthetic view enable the commander to plan, rehearse and perfect the mission planning and execution. The planning products can be used as the Common Operating Picture (COP) for real-time operational assessment and for After Action Reviews (AAR) and debriefing.

Friendly and hostile troops and vehicles can be positioned on the map enabling the commander to plan, brief, debrief and analyze operational missions, training sessions and safety aspects of routine activities. Rehearsal of raids and missions through the various phases of ingress, attack and egress can be examined, inspecting friendly and hostile suspected locations, concealment, avoiding potential kill zones and obstacles, ensuring mutual support and lines of sight for the relevant forces. Specific locations such as observations, advance routes etc. can be inspected in 3D views showing topographical features and reference points to assist orientation.

MPRDS uses a based COTS laptop PC operating under Windows operating system.