BrahMos Anti Ship / Cruise Missile


Brahmos Aerospace JV (India – Russia)

The BrahMos (surface launched) and BrahMos A (air launched) cruise missiles are designed to be able to attack surface targets from a low altitude of 10 meters, at a speed of Mach 2.8, from a range of 290 km. The ship launched / land based missile has a 200kg warhead (300 kg for the BrahMos A aerial version). BrahMos can be launched either in vertical or inclined position and will cover 360 degrees. The missile will utilize a variety of flight trajectories, integrating high and low profile optimizing range and detectability. The high cruise and terminal speed of the BrahMos is posing a significant challenge for the attacked target, as it leaves significantly less time for deployment of countermeasures. However, modern countermeasures are already preparing for supersonic attack missiles such as the Russian Moskit. When and where such defensive measures are available – fast attack missiles could suffer from insufficient time for gathering data for effective target identification and lack of maneuverability at top speed.

From 2001 through November 2003, six missiles were fired during test trials, from shipborne, coastal and truck mounted inclined or vertical launchers. Following Indian Navy acceptance tests in 2004, with a total of two launches of the anti-ship missile and a first launch of the surface launched version tested on December 21, 2004, the Sea-to-Sea version of the Brahmos has already been installed on board leading Indian Naval warships. The surface / surface version is still undergoing testing. On May 31, 2006, the 12th firing test of a the missile, this time from a mobile launcher, operated by a trained Indian Army unit. The aerial launched variant, designed for India’s Su-30 fighters, is expected to complete development by 2007.

November 29, 2006: The supersonic cruise missile BrahMos has been inducted into the Indian Defense forces. After a series of successful flight trials, the missile has proved its accurate performance against ship and land targets. According to Indian Defense Minister AK Antony.  The Indian Navy and Army have accepted the system. The Navy is already in process to install the missile on naval ships while the Army is scheduled to field initial systems in 2007.

The missile was developed under a joint venture between the Defence Research & Development Organization (DRDO) from India and the Federal State Unitary Enterprise NPO Mashinostroyenia (NPOM) from Russia. The missile is believed to be the first supersonic anti-ship / land attack missile. The partners reportedly received interest from several countries for export version of the Brahmos. Industries from both countries will share the production.