Defense Update Introduces ‘Mobile Edition’ for iPad, iPhone & Smartphones

Defense Update launches iPad-optimized mobile edition.

Defense Update today released a news edition optimized for smart phones. The new edition currently supports iPhone, iPad, Blackberry (9500-9800 series), Android, Palm and Samsung S8000 phones. More devices will be supported later. Our system can detect the type of phone used and adjust the display accordingly. If you would like to use the standard design, do so by clicking the link at the bottom of the page.

to access the new service go to our news blog from your mobile device

Defense Update introduces ‘Defense-Update Mobile Edition’, optimized for smart phones and iPad tablet computers.


The navigation system we use is simple and friendly. You can access all the new functions from the button positioned at the top-right. Feel free to explore the site and tell us your experience. As common with Defense-Update, the mobile edition will be improved continuously to provide you the best, most efficient service and information.

If you have a phone you would like to use which is not currently supported, please comment to this post with the type of phone. If you encounter a problem operating the new site, please use the comment to inform us.

Defense Update launched today the iPad-optimized mobile edition. The application supports the iPad's advanced features and provide readers with all the site's interactive functionality in a faster, user friendly way. The service is offered free of charge at:


The new service includes all recent news and commentary (analysis) published in the past quarter, selected and industry profiles. More content will be added continuously, in line with our upcoming on-site coverage of major shows events – in Aero-India, LAAD, Paris Airshow, AUVSI, DSEi, and AUSA. These event coverage will focus on live reports on-site, unique to our mobile edition.

According to our strategy, all the content and services provided by Defense-Update, including our mobile edition, are provided free of charge and without restriction. Comments are welcome, but moderated, as we post only the comments that, based on editorial judgement, are valuable and relevant to our readers.

We wish you happy new year and interesting reading online – wherever you are

Tamir Eshel – Editor
and the Defense-Update team

iPad and iPhone are trademarks of Apple Computers.
Blackberry is a trademark of Research in Motion (RIM)
Palm is a trademark of Palm/HP Inc.
Samsung is a trademark of the Samsung Group
Android is a trademark of Google Inc.