Rheinmetall Ups Tank Firepower with new 130mm Gun


The new 130 mm gun is a precondition for the future tank, known as ‘Main Ground Combat System’ (MGCS) being developed by Germany. MGCS is currently being developed by Germany and France as a future replacement for the Leopard 2 and Leclerc main battle tanks, considering the increasing threat posed by Russian systems such as the Armata (T-14) MBTs.

Rheinmetall unveiled the new weapon at Eurosatory 2016.

Rheinmetall unveiled the new 130mm tank gun, providing 50 percent improvement in performance, over the current 120mm cannon. Photo: Noam Eshel, Defense-Update
Rheinmetall unveiled the new L/51 130mm tank gun currently undergoing company testing. The new weapon provides 50 percent improvement in performance, over the current 120 mm cannon. It is intended for use in a new class of main battle tanks. Photo: Noam Eshel, Defense-Update
The new cannon is designed for integration in new or existing main battle tanks. It has a vertical sliding breech mechanism and increased chamber volume handling larger, more energetic kinetic ammunition. The breech mechanism with the recoil system weighs about three tons. The barrel weighs 1,400 kg and has chrome lined smooth bore. Photo: Noam Eshel Defense-Update
The new cannon is designed for integration in new main battle tanks. It has a vertical sliding breech mechanism and increased chamber volume handling larger, more energetic kinetic ammunition. The breech mechanism with the recoil system weighs about three tons. The barrel weighs 1,400 kg and has chrome lined smooth bore. Photo: Noam Eshel Defense-Update
New ammunition designed for the L/51 cannon include high performance kinetic rounds - Armor Piercing Fin Stabilized Discarding Sabot - (APFSDS), and high explosive, air-bursting munitions (HE-ABM). Both are derived from existing types designed for the L44/55 120mm guns. Photo: Noam Eshel, Defense-Update
New ammunition designed for the L/51 cannon include high performance kinetic rounds – Armor Piercing Fin Stabilized Discarding Sabot – (APFSDS), and high explosive, air-bursting munitions (HE-ABM). Both are derived from existing types designed for the L44/55 120mm guns. Photo: Noam Eshel, Defense-Update
The breech, and recoil mechanism of the new L/51 130mm cannon. Photo: Noam eshel, Defense-Update
The breech, and recoil mechanism of the new L/51 130mm cannon. Photo: Noam eshel, Defense-Update