U.S. Army Establishes a New Program Office to Regroup FCS’ Relics into Brigade Modernization Initiatives


A new Program Executive Office (PEO) designated ‘PEO-Integration’ was established last week by the U.S. Army. Literally speaking, its mission will be to pick up the remains of the Future Combat Systems (FCS), namely the systems almost ready for fielding as part of the ‘Spin-out I’, and integrate them to early Brigade Combat Teams. On the longer term, it will also lead the development of new systems, including the Ground Combat Vehicle and the advanced network and various robotic systems, to follow with acquisition and fielding later in the next decade.

“We are moving forward with efforts to improve our ability to equip Brigade Combat Teams (BCTs) and to modernize the Army consistent with the Army Force Generation (ARFORGEN) model.” said Mr. Dean G. Popps, Army Acquisition Executive and Acting Assistant Secretary of the Army for Acquisition, Logistics and Technology.

PEO Integration will consist of several project or product offices that will support the management of current and pending acquisition programs, to include the Ground Combat Vehicle, the network, and incremental modernization of Brigades through the fielding of selected capability packages. PEO Integration will synchronize program and portfolio development and delivery to provide capabilities to Army brigade formations, supporting Infantry brigades, Heavy and Stryker brigade combat teams and support task forces to align these capabilities to each brigade type.