DI@NE Tactical Internet


Thales is offering a tactical internet called DI@NE. The network comprises an internetworking system of systems, including interfaces to PR4G tactical radios and long-range HF radios, which are interconnected into the network via T@CNODE gateways, which convert standard CNR radios into secure voice/data networks utilizing VoiP capabilities. T@CNODE supports messaging, file transfer and data distribution services optimized for the limited bandwidth available with current tactical VHF networks.

For the shorter range, and intra-Command Post (CP) applications, Secured WiFi links operated over reserved military frequencies are used while vehicular local networks support interconnection between several workstations and resources at each mobile or stationary CP. To access the network, users at CPs are utilizing the SOTAS M2 featuring IP LAN, intercom, telephone and voice/data radio integration.

Typical applications sharing the new military internet are BMS and logistics support systems. The network’s backbone consist of a system of high capacity 34 Mbps TRC4000 microwave radio relays, managed centrally from a central DI@NE communication canter, via NMS2000 network management system.