Precision-Guided Firearm – Turning Riflemen into Marksmen?

Precision Guided Firearm from TrackingPoint
XS3 is the smallest PGF version, mounted on the .300 Winchester Magnum Surgeon rifle. Photo: TrackingPoint
XS3 is the smallest PGF version, mounted on the .300 Winchester Magnum Surgeon rifle

TrackingPoint has introduced an accurate long-range shooting system at the Shot Show taking place this week in Las Vegas, Nevada. Defense-Update reports.

The new system called ‘Precision-Guided Firearm’ (PGF) system is based on patent-pending innovations in optics and fire control that enables a shooter to excel in long-range shooting. “The PGF will completely change the game for traditional long range shooting competitions,” said TrackingPoint President Jason Schauble. The product in its present form aims at the competition and sports and hunting markets, but it could also have applications in military and law enforcemnet as well. “because of its exceptional long-range accuracy, we plan to develop a whole new set of competitions and championships to challenge the PGF-enabled shooter” Schauble added.

Typical elements included in the ballistic calculation are range to target, wind speed (manually set by shooter), shot angle, rifle cant, pressure and temperature. All elements and more are displayed in the HUD along with reticule marks and target movement cues. In addition to aiming assistance the TrackingPoint PGF also records each shot taken for debriefing. It also and includes a microphone to capture voice recordings. Recorded shots can be downloaded to popular smartphone models.

For the military, the PGF has the potential to provide squad overmatch capability, particularly in asymmetric combat, enabling the warfighter to engage targets at stand-off ranges. “We expect the TrackingPoint PGF innovation to change doctrine and tactics, and it has the potential to act as a deterrent to war,” Schauble added. For military applications, the PGF will enable a shooter to become effective at ranges longer than they are currently qualified for. “PGF collapses target engagement times from minutes to seconds, and increases success rates dramatically” Schauble added that the PGF reduces training time, enables mastery persistence (since follow-up training is minimal).

A similar system employing even more advanced measurement of atmospheric conditions has been developed under the DARPA ‘One Shot XG’ program since 2007. This system accurately measures the range to the target, the atmospheric and geodetic conditions and the crosswind velocity down range, utilizing an invisible laser beam. The Marine Corps Warfighting Lab expects to get the first eight XG systems in December 2013 to proceed with test firing and user evaluation (read more about the One Shot system).

Tracking Point Networked Tracking Scope
Tracking Point Networked Tracking Scope – a Precision Guided Firearm

To execute the perfect shot with TrackingPoint’s exclusive Tag-Track-Xact technology, the shooter tags a target with a simple point-and-click, automatically setting up the shot and persistently tracking the static or moving target. Over 20 ballistic variables including range, wind, target velocity, shot angle, rifle cant, temperature, pressure, and coriolis are instantly calculated into a perfect firing solution. The shooter simply realigns the reticle with the tag point and pulls the trigger. The PGF’s guided trigger is connected to the tracking optics, and if the shooter is misaligned, the PGF-guided trigger increases in weight, pushing back on the shooter to defer firing until the shooter is perfectly aligned.

Three PGF products will be available in May 2013, all will include a networked tracking scope, rifle and advanced precision loaded ammunition, as well as a companion iPad mini. The three types include TrackingPoint XS1, with a 338 Lapua Magnum with 27″ barrel, effective up to 1,200 yards firing 300 grain Sierra Match King ammunition; The XS2, with 300 Win Magnum with 22″ barrel, firing 220 grain Sierra Match King ammunition to 1000 yards and the XS3, also a 300 Win Magnum – a McMillan A5 with adjustable cheek piece and 22″ barrel, firing 190 grain Barnes LRX™ ammunition to 750 yards.

Source: Defense-Update

The XS1 is the largest-caliber Precision Guided Firearm (PGF) available today. It offers the longest Tag Track Xact™ effective range of any PGF.
The XS1 is the largest-caliber Precision Guided Firearm (PGF) available today. It offers the longest Tag Track Xact effective range of any PGF. Photo: TrackingPoint