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    Pointer Miniature Aerial vehicle

    Pointer, which has been in service with the US Army and Marines since 1989, have seen action in Afghanistan and Iraq, operated by the US Special forces, enabling organic aerial surveillance capability at the SOF team level. The 2.5 m’ wingspan glider-like airplane weighs 4 kg, powered by a 300-watt electric motor, has proved the usefulness of a mini-UAV that can operate close to front lines.

    The Pointer uses day camera or a 8-12 micron Flir for night/low visibility conditions, and can fly missions for up to 90 minutes. The images taken by the UAV can be viewed in real-time with a ground-control station, giving warfighters an aerial picture of their surroundings. A Pointer system comprises of two aerial vehicles and a single ground station. So far SOCOM has purchased 60 sets. According to post war plans, Pointers will be allocated to every A team in the active SF units, Pointers were used during the recent conflicts for force protection and site surveillance before teams ingress.

    In order to accommodate requirements for smaller, lightweight systems, the Pointer system was redesigned to accommodate a smaller ground station (less than half-size of the original system), The airframe and wing span were reduced. The new man-portable version is called Raven and has the same payload as Pointer. The aircraft fits in two packs that weigh a total of 4.30 kg. Endurance is about 80 min. Like Pointer, a joystick can mark map waypoints or directly control the aircraft. AeroVironment is also working on a larger version of the Pointer, called Puma which will be able to carry heavier payloads for extended missions of 2.5-3-hours.

    Gate-Keeper Portable Security System

    Gate Keeper provides an advanced portable wireless security system based on video motion detection. The system can be deployed to protect ambush sites or infantry forces in operating in buildings for an extended period of time.

    Gate Keeper transmits real time video from two sensors simultaneously over a short range wireless LAN. VMD is applied on the received pictures, to generate an alarm. Definition of regions of interest and non interest are performed on the operating unit. The system works under any lighting conditions including total darkness and enables human detection within a range of hundreds of feet. Operated on batteries, the system can continually operate for several hours.

    Manufacture: ODF (Israel)


    Iran’s National Deterrent: Weapons of Mass Destruction Program

    Biological Warfare

    Changes in the Strategic Environment

    Three primary factors have influenced Iran’s post 9/11 strategic posture:

    – Increased US military involvement on two of Iran’s immediate border regions:
    Afghanistan and Iraq.
    – growing international pressure over Iran’s nuclear weapons efforts after
    Operation Iraqi Freedom.
    – increasing domestic unrest over internal economic and political dissatisfaction.

    The very fact, that all three of these phenomens have occured almost simultaneousely, has placed the Iranian regime under considerable stress, searching for ways to overcome internal and external threats to its survival. Furthermore, the growing presence of American military forces, could block Iran’s political aspirations to become the leading military power in the post-Saddam Gulf region.

    The rulers in Tehran fear, that they could become next on President Bush’s target list, once the situation in Iraq stabilises sufficiently to enable determined action against what the president named “axis of evil”, with Iran’s Islamic fundamentalist regime now heading the list in the region.

    Having waged a full scale war during the Eighties against Saddam Hussein’s overwhelming military power, the Ayathollas closely followed the new American warfighting methods used in 1991 and 2003 against Saddam Hussein’s Iraq, fully realising that, under the new strategic circumstances, only a determined effort to create a non-conventional national deterrent could save the Iranian regime from a similar fate. Indeed, one of the major lessons from Operation Desert Storm was that, should Saddam Hussein have deployed a substantial WMD threat in August 1990, it is doubtful wether a US contingency force deployment could have taken place without facing mortal danger. During the six months which Operation Desert Shield required in order to mass half a million troops in Saudi Arabia, all would have been within high-risk range of lethal weapons.

    Thus the race for weapons of mass destruction is on in Tehran these days, not only to threaten Israel, the “little Satan”, but actually save the Shi’ite revolutionary regime from extinction by the “big Satan”, the United States and its allies.

    There are three fields of WMD activities, chemical, biological and nuclear, in which Iran has been extremely busy over the last decade or so. Furthermore, impressive advances in the development of long range delivery platforms, have already placed Iran in the forefront of regional threats against its neighbours, including the US military deployment in the region.

    The aim of this article is to examine Iran’s biological weapons program.

    The Background of Iran’s Biological Warfare Program

    Efforts to establish a biological weapons deterrent started in Iran during the mid-Eighties, after Saddam Hussein’s forces fired 200 Scud missiles against targets in Tehran and other cities, causing a mass exodus from the Iranian capital, after rumours spread that some of the missiles carrying poison gas. In response, the clerical regime started its own chemical, bacteriological and radiological weapons program, clearly realising that only a determined effort in this field could avert a future disaster from occuring, once hostilities in the region would resume.

    One of the first research facilities established in 1986 under the new program was the Tehran based Pasteur Institute, which started to work on the development of toxic fungus and microbiological substances. During its first stages, the center concentrated on producing aflatoxin, a potent natural mycotoxin produced by aspergillus flavus, which can be weaponised by certain biochemical procedures.
    At the same time similar research was undertaken at the Vira Laboratory Shari’ati under Dr Gholamhossein Riazi.

    A 1989 US intelligence report mentioned Iranian agents trying to buy two new strains of fungi, Fusarium from Canada and the Netherlands that can be used to produce T-2 mycotoxins. The Imam Reza Medical Center at Mashhad Medical Sciences University and the Iranian Research Organization for Science and Technology were ostensibly identified as the end users for this purchasing effort, “but more likely was that the true end user was an Iranian government agency specializing in biological warfare.” Until the early nineties, Iran’s bacteriological activities, were limited to scientific research, as well as initial studies in CB warfare. However, due to the extensive biological infrastructure, which existed in Iran already for decades, the way towards biological warfare was clear once a political decision was reached. This happened soon after Operation Desert Storm in 1991, when the Iranian leadership realised the rapid victory over Saddam Hussein’s military might, by the US led coalition. The effect in Tehran was overwhelming. A far-reaching re-orientation of its own military capabilities resulted in a decision to develop weapons of mass destruction with chemical and biological weapons being in the immediate forefront of a large scale development program.

    Willing help was not difficult to find in the early nineties. The former Soviet Union had disappeared as a global power, but its decade long efforts in development and production of WMD were well known to the unscupulous Ayathollas, their affluent reserves in Petrodollars presenting ideal attractions to thousands of unemployed Russian scientists looking for clients, appreciating their knowledge in weaponsing deadly toxins. Dr Kenneth Alibek ( aka Kanatjan Alibekov), a former chief scientist and first deputy director of Biopreparat a highly secret organisation established in Russia in 1973, defected in 1992 to the US. Ostensibly a state-owned pharmaceutical facility, Biopreparat developing drugs and vaccines, it was in fact was a front for the USSR’s secret offensive bio weapons programme, employing thousands of skilled workers. According to Alibek, even the KGB maintained its own secret biological weapons research, codenamed Flayta, developing bacteriological toxin substances for its notorious Speznaz special forces, including cultivating the deadly Marburg virus into weaponised substance.

    Other Russian defectors reports, released by the CIA and other western intelligence agencies, indicate that Soviet military biologists worked on the weaponisation of over 50 disease agents, testing some of these on Vozrozhdeniye Island in the Aral sea. Among the bacteria were highly effective toxic substances such as plague, tularemia and new classes of so-called “biolregulators”, aimed to modify human emotions, heart rhythm patterns, affecting front line troops. Research was also carried out in genetic structure engineering, making known pathogens resistant to antibiotics.

    These disciplines are of particular interest to third world rogue terrorist organisations, through its capability in destroying crops, affect humans etc. Sources claim, that leading Russian scientists have been approached by Iranian agents wishing to obtain the principles of genetic engineering in microbiology.
    Some of this scientific knowledge and experience can be bought for hard cash.

    Unconfirmed, but seemingly reliable information on this activity was provided by Iranian opposition groups indicating that a certain brigadier general Mohammed Fa’ezi is responsible with recruiting foreign scientists.

    According to recently declassified intelligence reports, a suprise visit in 1997 to a former highly secret Soviet BW plant found a half-empty facility protected only by a handful of bored guards. No one knew where the scientists have gone. Some of them are believed already working in Iran. In January 1999, the Moscow daily Kommersant reported that in 1998 Anatoly Makarov director of the All-Russia Scientific Research Institute led a delegation to Tehran and gave the Iranians information related to the use of plant pathogens to destroy crops.

    The London Sunday times reported in August 1995 that “by hiring Russian BW experts, Iran had made a “quantum leap forward” in its biological weapons development program. According to the New York Times, many of the contacts were made with former Biopreparat scientists through one Mehdi Rezayat, identified as key figure in a world wide Iranian aquisition network. An Iranian opposition group revealed earlier this year, that in 2001 Iran has begun a top secret biowarfare project, aiming to triple the size of its WMD arsenal, based on an ambitious document named ” Comprehensive National Microbial Defense Plan”, approved by the Supreme National Security Council.

    According to latest intelligence reports, Iran has started production of weaponised anthrax spores, and is investigating efforts in other pathogens, including smallpox for its bioweapons arsenal. It is of interest, that Kenneth Alibek supervised the development of weapons grade smallpox during his tenure as scientific chief at Biopreparat, so that the knowhow would be still available for lucrative cross-border sales.

    The Iranian BioWeapons Development Infrastructure Potential
    Some of the most common agents that are associated with the Iranian BW program are Bacillus anthracis (anthrax), botulinum toxin, ricin, T-2 mycotoxin, and Variola virus and the causative agent of smallpox.
    The many sophisticated research facilities in Iran could easily serve as a front for illicit BW-related activities and could offer a legitimate excuse to import dual-use material.

    The Pasteur Institute
    69 Pasteur Avenue Tehran
    Located at the Iranian Science Center for Biotechnology and Molecular Biology.
    Established in 1920 as a primary center for research of infectious desease and production of biological vaccines.The Biotechnology Department was formed in 1993 as a modern genetic engineering research institute.
    According to intelligence reports, the Defence Ministry operates a secret experimental laboratory within the institute, studying toxic fungus, specialising in aflatoxin. A special MOD official supervises the work on biological agents.
    Heading the institute is Dr Mortez Azartush, who denied 1999 reports that illegal activities are taking place at the Pasteur Institute.

    The Vira Laboratory
    Shari’ati Street Tehran
    Also known under the name of Sina Industries it operates ostensibly focusing on agriculture and medical research, but actually its main function seems to be as the chemical laboratory of the Defence Ministry Special Industries Organisation. It functions as research center for testing and production of chemical and biological warfare-related substances. Several reports mention Vira having field tested biological agents on animals.
    Heading the laboratories during the nineties was Dr Gholamhossein Riazi, a specialist in biological fermentation process.
    His deputy, Dr Yousefi is now in charge.

    Special Industries Organisation ( Ministry of Defence)
    Gostaresh Research Center Tehran ( Zartosht Street?)
    Formed in 1999 ( some reports mention an earlier date as 1993) to develop chemical weapons. The SIO supervises and coordinates various scientific programs, including biological research, with a special branch studying and developing biological weapon grade bacterial agents.
    Intelligence reports, probably based on internal HUMINT indicate the location of a special facility related to SIO being camouflaged from sight along the Tehran-Karaj highway, known locally as Shahid Meysami Industry. Apparently this site also acts as storage depot for chemical (and biological?) artillery shells for the Revolutionary Guards units. Some years ago, rumours spread, that lax safety procedures caused severe health hazards to workers employed there.
    The Nuclear Threat Initiative (NTI) website has published some interesting details on SIO activities in its Country Information on Iran:
    “Two Swiss firms, Bio Engineering (a subsidiary of Bayer AG) and MBR Company, had been selling fermenters to Iran in the 1990s that were claimed to be entirely for civilian use. Company officials insisted that the Iranian purchasers were the Ministry of Agriculture and an entity they identified as MIDSPGIC Co. However, the People’s Mujahadin of Iran claimed that MIDSPGIC is an abbreviation for the Special Industries Organization of the Defense Ministry. Bio Engineering was attacked two times in 1992, once at its office outside of Zurich (apparently by a terrorist group) and once at its Munich-based delivery company. Equipment destroyed in the attacks included a 15-liter lab fermenter and a 750 production fermenter, similar to those used by Iraq for its BW program.” (NTI August 2003)

    Iranian Revolutionary Guard Corps Imam Hussein UniversityLocated in Tehran, the university complex houses extensive, but highly secret research departments led by scientists, members of the Iranian Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) or Pasdaran. According to reports, this establishment focuses on weaponisation of several biological agents, including anthrax, smallpox, typhoid, plague and cholera bacteria. IRGC scientists also engage in weapons-related genetic engineering research at the Malek Ashtar University, Shahinshahr,based in the Lavizan Shian Technological Research Center and headed by Dr Maqsudi, who is in charge of the affiliated center for Scientific and Growth Technology. Dr Hossein San’ati heads this center and has been active in this field since the eighties. Jointly with Dr Mirza’i and Karami, the team became known as architects of the national microbial weapons research project.
    Experiments have been taken place at the IRGC Imam University, testing of microbial bombs using anthrax, smallpox, typhoid fever, as well as high dosage aflatoxin.
    The authorities have placed substantial effort in coordinating all these functions, by establishing a new department named Directorate to Asess Weapons of Mass Destruction, which also focuses on recruiting foreign WMD related advanced technologies in biochemistry. This diretorate also supervises activities in acquisition, training and supplying various special forces with bioweapon related technologies.
    A special organisation in the Ministry of Defence is charged with Chemical, Biological and Nuclear industries to supervise all production activities, headed by Brigadier General Seyyedi.
    Heading the new directorate is Brigadier General Nasser Toqyani, a senior IRGC commander. His superior is Major General Hassan Firouzabadi chairman of the Joint Command HQ of the IRGC. In charge of microbiological weapons development section is Brigadier General Abroumand.

    Other Biological Facilities related to BioWeapons Program

    Biological Research Center of SIO 
    located at Shahid Meisami Martyr Complex Special Karaj Highway
    Revolutionary Guards Baqiyatolla Research Center
    affiliated to the Guard’s Baqiyatolla hospital works under Dr Karami, an experienced member of the IRGC Imam Hussein University scientific staff in the study and development of biological weapons.

    Damghan Weapons Production Facility
    located near a dry lake approximately 375 miles to the southwest of Mashad, or 300km east of Teheran.
    Unconfirmed reports indicate that Damghan is the site of a biological weapons research laboratory constructed with Russian assistance.

    Other facilities who could be, or become related to the production of biochemical weapons grade material are widely dispersed in almost all major Iranian cities.
    There are also numerous research institutions, in which various dual related biological studies could take place. Among the major “civilian” institutes are:
    Biotechnology Research Center, Group of Fermentation and Biological Technology
    No.71 Forsat St.,
    Ferdowsi Square

    National Center for Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology Research
    No. 15,
    Abbas Shafiee Alley,
    Quds St.,
    Inqilah Ave.

    Sharif University of Technology
    Biochemical and Bioenvironmental Research Center

    The Institute of Biochemistry and Biophysics (IBB)
    University of Tehran


    Most of the information for this part was supplied by the National Council of Resistance of Iran (NCRI) early 2003.
    There are conflicting attitudes over the reliabity of the NCRI reports, mainly due to the US State Department statement on August 15 naming the NCRI as affiliate to the Mujahidin-e-Khalq (MEK) terrorist organisation, which leaders of the NCRI denied vehemently.
    As there is no concrete mechanism for verifying government reports or allegations from exile groups, so many of the allegations regarding the Iranian BW program remain unsubstantiated. However, according to reliable intelligence assessment sources, some of the NCRI reports have been verified by satellite and HUMINT, including their exposure on December 2002 revealing the Iranian secret uranium enrichment site at Natanz, which was verified by Dr Mohamed ElBaradei of the International Atomic Energy Agency.
    The NTI website and GlobalSecurity, and other intelligence assessment agencies,
    frequently quote NCRI sources in their news updates.

    Blast-X – US Global Nanospace Inc. (USGN)

    Explosion mitigation panels, developed form G-LAM structures, and are approved for use in up-armored Humvee. It combines a face sheet designed to quench hot gases instantly and attenuate shock waves. A honeycomb core cushions the impact, adding structural strength, while a core medium, filling the honeycomb, is devised to rapidly cool the blast environments and extinguish flame fronts from burning gases, dust and mist. A ballistic back panel contains the blast fragments and debris.

    BirdEye 100 Backpackable UAV

    BirdEye 100, a miniature UAV that can be operated by a single soldier was developed by IAI under an IDF conceptual study. The BirdEye 100 is back packable, hand launched and ready for operation within a few minutes. The UAV can be operated at lower echelons and directly serve small infantry and armored units by providing them live video and over the hill intelligence. BirdEye 100 flies autonomously toward designated waypoint, as its mission is planned and controlled by clicking waypoints over a digital map displayed on the ground mission laptop computer. The small plane is powered by an electrical motor and can fly for about 1 hour. Communication for video and data link can be maintained for about 5 Km. The aircraft takeoff weight is about 1.3 Kg. The wingspan is 85 cm and length is 80 cm.

    Combat Laser Guided Anti-Tank Missile

    The Combat missile is an advanced, extended range missile which can be fired through the 125mm gun of the T-80UD, T-84, T-72AG, B and C models. The missile is composed of separate head and tail sections which are stored separately but loaded and combined as a unified cartridge, designed for the automatic loaders of the individual tanks (T-72 or T-80).

    The laser (beam riding) missile can be fired on the move, at speeds of up to 30km/h and engage stationary or moving targets at speeds up to 70 km/h. the missile uses tandem shaped charge warhead and due to its guidance system, can penetrate both active, reactive and passive protection systems. The high precision of the missile enables effective engagement of point targets such as protected positions, helicopters and other targets. The system’s range is 5,000 and target engagement at this range will take 17 seconds.

    Battlefield Identification System (BCIS)

    An encrypted question and answer system using millimeter wave (38GHz) technology to identify friendly vehicles in less than a second, out to ranges of 5,500 meters. Such device Affords the gunner critical shoot-or-no-shoot information during combat, interlinked with the firing procedure. If the target is equipped with BCIS, the gunner taking aim will receive a flashing red dot in his optical sight combined with audio voice signal “Friend”; if it is not equipped the gunner will receive response “Unknown” in order to take further action. Unfortunately, BCIS was scrapped by Pentagon in 2001.

    DROZD Hard-Kill Active Defense System

    The first and probably the world’s only operationally deployed APS developed by the Russian KBP company was the 1030M Drozd (Thrush), which was first installed on a T- 55AD MBT in 1983s. The automatic system is capable of defeating anti-tank guided missiles and grenades, approaching at speeds between 70 to 700 meters per second. The system employed eight 107mm anti-missile rockets, triggered by a pair of millimeter-wave radar sensors mounted on either side of the turret facing forwards. This configuration utilized the turret traverse to slew the protective devices into position. The rockets use time delay fuzing to activate a fragmentation charge at a safe distance from the tank.

    It is assumed that each radar sensor and rocket quad covers 40 degrees of the frontal arc. with an elevation of -6 +20 degrees. The rockets can be fired at any direction the turret points at, and rely on the the radar for early warning, target detection and intercept parameters (speed and direction). The original Drozd two quad-round launchers, utilizing four High Explosive Fragmentation charges, weighing 19kg each. The total system’s weight is below 1,000kg. To provide 120 degrees coverage, Drozd-2 system was proposed, with five twin-rocket launch tubes and sensors mounted on different locations. The system is currently offered for the upgraded version of the T-80U. It is also proposed for the “Black Eagle” project.


    CornerShot is a special purpose weapon, designed specifically for “round the corner” fire engagements. The weapon is composed of a forward swiveled pistol mount, attached to a specially designed gun frame. The frame has a video display that can be flipped into viewing position, while the pistol and the camera attached and adjusted to its line of fire are exposed around the corner.

    This weapon was designed for SWAT and Special Forces operations, where missions frequently require entering into a space occupied by armed hostiles. This weapon can safely eliminate such hostiles by accurate fire, without exposing the assault team to enemy fire. According to CornerShot, the company also designed a version of the weapon that can fit an automatic assault weapon such as an M-16 but this version was not displayed yet.

    A derivative of the system is also developed for anti-tank weapons. A first impression of such design was on display by Dynamit Nobel at Eurosatory 2004. The system enables target acquisition and firing thePanzerfaust anti-tank rocket system, behind obstacles, where the weapon is aimed at the target exposed, while the operator controls it around a corner or protected by a wall or other barrier. In 2006, Cornershot launched an assault rifle version of the weapon.

    Laser Dazzler – Laser Active Countermeasures

    The Chinese opted to equip their new Type 98 with a different countermeasure suite, based mainly on defeating ATGM, by the use of directed high power laser. A typical is the JD-3 “Dazzler” system comprises of laser warning devices, a dome shaped sensor installed on the turret’s roof-top, and a box shaped Laser Self Defense Weapon (LSDW) which “fires” a laser beam at the illuminating source, either a tank gunner, helicopter or missile launcher. The system employs two modes of operation – the low power mode is used at the general direction of the threat, in a search pattern designed to locate the target’s optics. Once locked on a target, the laser switches to high power mode, to defeat the target by blinding the operator or saturating its electro-optical circuits.

    RASS Rapid Armored Shelter System

    RASS Enabled rapid assembly of fortified (bullet proof) constructions in various forms and shapes, by joining two basic shapes – square panels weighing 18kg each and triangular (8kg weight). The basic panel provides protection against fragments with velocities of up to 600m/s; for protection against small arms fire, a double-panel system would be typically be used.

    F-16 E/F (Block 60)

    The first order for 80 F-16 Block 60, which has been designated the F-16E/F version, was received from the air Force of the United Arab Emirates (UAE) in early 2000. First production deliveries of the UAE aircraft are slated for April 2004. The F-16E/F resembles earlier F-16 aircraft in appearance only. Internally, the new model has an all-new cockpit that features all-digital instruments and three 5×7-inch color displays, HUD and helmet mounted sight and display. Additionally, the F-16E/F features a new avionics suite with highlights including a revolutionary Electronic Warfare (EW) system, the new APG-80 Agile Beam Radar (ABR) and a new Integrated FLIR Targeting System (IFTS), all provided by Northrop Grumman.

    The aircraft is powered by a General Electric F110-GE-132 engine that produces 32,500 pounds of thrust. The new engine was flight tested on modified USAF F-16C at the Air Force Flight Test Center, Edwards Air Force Base, Calif. The new engine version features “blisks” (bladed-disks) in the three-stage modular fan section in lieu of traditional blades to improve performance and maintainability. The engine also incorporates an enhanced durability radial augmentor (afterburner) and exhaust nozzle, plus control software modifications to optimize engine performance at all flight conditions. The Block 60 aircraft and engine also will feature an auto-throttle capability.

    Bigliani Class V – Fast Patrol Boat

    Built by: Intermarine / Rodriquez Cantieri Navali Group

    Intermarine, a member of the Rodriquez Cantieri Navali group has introduced the Bigliani Class V fast patrol boats family, including the V6000, 16.5m interceptors capable of a speed of 70 knots, and a similar model, V5000, an armed version develops a speed in excess of 50 knots. A larger, 25 meter boat, constructed from aluminium is offered with a combined propulsion which consists of two lateral props and one booster waterjet, developing a sustained speed in excess of 34 knots. Another design, the MV85, is a 27m boat, constructed of composites. Armed with a 30mm gun it is designed to sustain a speed in excess of 42 knots. The largest patrol boat from Intermarine is the MV115, a 35m boat, equipped with two 2560 kw MTU diesel engines they can reach a maximum speed of 35 knots with 135 tons full load displacement. The boat will are constructed from composite materials, with antiballistic protection Kevlar and will be armed with an Oto Melara 30 mm gun. The company is currently constructing three 35 m’ and ten 27 m’ V class boats for the Italian Custom authority, scheduled for delivery by 2005.

    Lightweight Armor-Piercing Multi-Hit Insert (LAPMI)

    Lightweight Armor-Piercing Multi-Hit Insert (LAPMI), a follow-on to the combat proven Small Arms Protective Insert (SAPI) currently produced by Simula. While SAPI is already providing good protection against the most common threats (over 250,000 already deployed), manufacturers are seeking weight saving, improved ballistic performance, especially multi-hit durability, and improved comfort. LAPMI weighs up to 1.70 – 3.25 kg (depending on size) and offers three-shot multi-hit protection against 5.56x45mm AP, 7.62x51mm (M80) FMJ ball round, 7.62x54R mm type LPS Dragunov round and 7.62mm APM2 armor piercing rounds. Its multi-curved geometry and modular design enable effective fit for most users, both male and female. Logistical advantages include a common design for fore and back inserts, high durability to drop and vibration, and improved resistance after exposure to hot or cold temperatures, diesel fuel, water or oil and direct fire.

    Controp: Defining Clarity with End-to-End EO/IR Solutions

    Founded in the late 1980s, Controp has evolved from a boutique electro-optical house to a global provider of integrated EO/IR solutions. Leveraging advanced optics, sophisticated stabilization, and AI-driven analytics, the company’s “Defining Clarity” ethos shapes a new era of defense capabilities, offering enhanced situational awareness for air, land, and maritime operations.

    Controp: Defining Clarity with End-to-End EO/IR Solutions

    Founded in the late 1980s, Controp has evolved from a boutique electro-optical house to a global provider of integrated EO/IR solutions. Leveraging advanced optics, sophisticated stabilization, and AI-driven analytics, the company’s “Defining Clarity” ethos shapes a new era of defense capabilities, offering enhanced situational awareness for air, land, and maritime operations.

    Slovakia Acquires Israeli BARAK MX Air Defense Systems for €560 million

    Representatives of the Israeli and Slovakian Defense ministries have Signed a 560 million Euro Agreement to deliver the Barak MX Integrated Air Defense System Produced by IAI. Barak MX and Barak 8 air defense systems are currently operational with several nations. The Slovakian acquisition is important in integrating the BARAK MX system into the NATO air defense network, which could pave the system’s entry into other Alliance members.

    XTEND Defense Secures $8.8M Contract for AI-Driven Tactical Loitering Munitions

    XTEND, an AI-driven drone technology expert, has been awarded an $8.8 million contract by the U.S. Department of Defense to supply VR-operated Precision Strike Indoor & Outdoor (PSIO) small Unmanned Aerial Systems (sUAS), a first DoD-approved loitering munition platform for both indoor and outdoor operations. With cutting-edge artificial intelligence (AI), these tactical drones deliver real-time, high-precision strikes, redefining smart munitions in modern warfare.

    The PLA’s Global Power Play: A Deep Dive Into China’s Military Strategy and Ambitions

    The US Department of Defense's annual report on Chinese military and security developments was presented to Congress today. In this post and podcast, we dissect the report, which isn't just another geopolitical overview. It’s...

    Greece’s Land Forces to Get Switchblade Loitering Weapons and Advanced Rocket Launchers

    Greece is actively modernizing its military capabilities with two significant procurements. Firstly, the Government Council for Foreign and Defense Affairs, known as KYSEA, has approved the purchase of approximately 590 U.S.-made Switchblade loitering munitions,...

    Weekly News Summary – Week Ended 15 December 2024

    Preparing to continue our weekly review, we are utilizing AI systems to organize, process, and present a weekly news summary covering defense tech. There is still a long way to go; we'd like...