Panhard and IMI Display Integrated Vehicle Protection Solutions at Eurosatory 2010


Panhard and IMI are cooperating in Eurosatory 2010 to show an integrated display of Panhard vehicles equipped with IMI’s Active Protection Systems (APS) and advanced weapon stations. Panhard’s latest armored vehicle, the VBR, a medium armored vehicle, is displayed at IMI stand fitted with vehicle protection system, comprising the IMI Wave 200 Advanced Stabilized Remote Weapon Station, mounting an 0.5″ heavy machine gun and Iron-Fist Active Protection System (APS).

integrating all-weather, real time situational awareness, ‘soft kill’ electro-optical jamming and ‘hard kill’ interceptors, Iron FIst is capable in defeating threats such as anti-tank missiles and RPGs. The VBR comes with high power-to-weight ratio, and high-level protection and large payload-capacity and roof-area to accommodate different mission payloads. VBR can be modeled to carry turrets of various sizes or specific mission payloads.

Panhard also shows the Petit Véhicule Protégé (PVP) light armored vehicle, fitted with IMI’s Bright Arrow – a weapon station integrated with Iron-Fist – based components to perform as an APS. Bright Arrow is developed specifically for light and small armored vehicles. PVP was developed for liaison and protected security tactical missions. The vehicle is in service with the French Army.

Photos: Noam Eshel, Defense-Update