Israel’s RADA to supply C-RAM tactical radars for national alert system

Israel's defense electronics company RADA was recently awarded an order to supply tactical radar systems for a national alert system

The RPS-42 selected by the US Navy is based on RADA's MHR radar AESA platform. Photo: RADA

RADA's new MHR radar was deployed operationally during Israel's recent conflict with Gaza, during Operation Protective Edge.
RADA’s new MHR radar was deployed operationally during Israel’s recent conflict with Gaza, during Operation Protective Edge.
Israel’s defense electronics company RADA was recently awarded an order to supply tactical radar systems for a national alert system. The name of the country awarding the order has not been released by the company. According to company sources the radars to be supplied are the ultimate-mission Hemispheric Radar, enabling volume surveillance and detection of multiple threat types, including UAVs, mortars, and rockets.

According to Zvi Alon, RADA’s CEO, “We are extremely proud with this competitive selection of our technology. This is a major award of a radar program for RADA, which joins other strategic awards for radar programs during 2014. We believe that additional leading countries and integrators will follow this selection”.

[nonmember]Subscribe to the premium account to read more…[/nonmember][ismember]The selection of its MHR-based tactical radars was based, in part, on its proven capability to detect and alert from short-range threats such as mortars, and low velocity targets such as UAVs. Deliveries are expected to be completed during 2015.

Through 2014 the MHR radars were deployed in several evaluations in Israel, the USA and other countries, proving their advantages in a number applications, from C-RAM, to target acquisition for directed energy weapons. In July-August 2014 the MHR was deployed along the Gaza border, monitoring hostile fire along the border with Gaza.[/ismember]

The MHR – an S-Band, Software-Defined, Pulse-Doppler, AESA radar – has sophisticated beam forming capabilities and advanced signal processing, provides multiple missions on each radar platform, and offers unprecedented performance-to-price ratio. It is compact and mobile, delivering ideal organic, tactical surveillance solutions for force and border protection applications such as C-UAS, C-RAM, GMTI, air surveillance, and more.