Northrop Grumman, RADA Team to Offer a Tactical Rocket Shield


One month before the planned decision on Israel’s Tactical Rocket Shield, Northrop Grumman (NYSE: NOC) is improving the positioning of its Skyguard High Energy Laser Defensive System toward the Israeli Ministry of defense, by teaming with RADA Electronic Industries Ltd. (NASDAQ: RADI). Under the teaming agreement between the Israeli company and Northrop Grumman’s Space & Mission Systems division, the two companies will cooperate in performing contracts resulting from the procurement of the Skyguard system, in case such system is selected by the State of Israel. The two companies began their cooperation after the end of the 2nd Lebanon War in August 2006. An engineer with Northrop Grumman Space Technology in Redondo Beach, Calif., monitors a solid-state laser as it generates a beam at the company's new Directed Energy Production Facility. The specialized facility is the first of its kind in the U.S. by private industry dedicated to the production of high-energy laser systems for the military services. (Northrop Grumman Photo)

As sub contractor, RADA will support the US company in securing the prime contract for sale of the Skyguard in Israel, participate in the construction, installation and operation of the system and supply equipment and services to the prime contractor during the program. Maj. Gen. (Ret.) Herzle Bodinger, RADA President and CEO, said that the Skyguard enables installation in the shortest period and at the same time, provides efficient and cost effective defense against these threats. The first Skyguard system could be deployed in Israel within 18 months of date of order.

Northrop said it obtained US government permission to market the system overseas, and has already proposed the system to Israel. Northrop is one of four to five bidders proposing the Israeli MoD with counter-rocket solutions – the other options include the “Sky Shield” radar guided rapid-fire gun system, proposed by Lockheed Martin, and two rocket/missile based options, proposed by RAFAEL, IAI and IMI.