New developments in Air Defense


Aero India – 2007

India has not remained unaware to the growing threat of missiles and weapons of mass destruction possessed by its neighbors. The country is investing significant effort in the development and acquisition a\of missile defense systems. Among these systems, India acquired the Green pine radar systems from Israel, and is working on indigenous missile defense program, based on the Prithvi ballistic missile. A first intercept performed by this missile was demonstrated in November 2006. On a parallel path, India is also interested in acquiring missile defense systems from Israel (Arrow) or Russia (S-300) and could also seek other systems, such as the US made THAAD, when it becomes available for export.The Akash air defense system is expected to complete testing and begin deliveries tto the Indian Army in 2007.

India continues its indigenously developed Akash air-defense missile system, in anticipation for induction into the armed forces in the near term. As the new missile is fielded, older missiles such as the SA-3 (Pechora) are expected to be retired. Other systems are being upgraded. India will also field the Israeli Spyder missile system, comprised of the Derby and Python 5 missiles operated from a single platform. Other upgrades are provided for older Russian made systems such as the ZSU-23/4 Shilka self propelled anti-aircraft gun. Under a modernization program unveiled at Aero-India, this system is receiving new propulsion, and fire control system, based on an integrated multi-sensor system developed under cooperation between Israel’s IAI/MBT and the Indian company Bharat Dynamics.


Our Aero-India 2007 report will cover the following topics: