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    Italian Air Force Receives First Enhanced Typhoons

    The first of the five block 5 Eurofighter Typhoons ordered for the Italian Air Force has entered into service. All five aircraft will be delivered this year, as part of 29 aircraft tranche 1 production series, envisaged for the Italian Air Force. Block 5 Typhoon represents the final standard of the tranche 1, as well as additional features of the initial configuration of the second production batch, whose deliveries are planned starting from 2008. Later on, this standard will be implemented in all Italian Air Force Typhoons. Currently two aircraft are undergoing retrofit at Alenia Aeronautica’s Caselle plant, the first aircraft is slated for delivery by the first quarter of 2008.

    It is the first Typhoon to be equipped with the “Pirate”, passive, infrared search and track system made by a consortium of companies led by Galileo Avionica, a Finmeccanica company. The Pirate (Passive Infra-Red Airborne Tracking Equipment) combines the functions of the FLIR infra-red system (Forward Looking Infra-Red) and of the IRST system (Infra Red Search and Track), able to search, detect and track potential targets. The system operates in a passive mode, without emitting signals which might reveal the aircraft’s presence.

    Galileo Avionica is the prime contractor of the EuroFirst Consortium which also includes Thales in the UK and Tecnobit in Spain. In 2006, the consortium was awarded with a contract valued around 200 million euros to supply 200 PIRATE systems for the some Tranch 1 and Tranche 2 Eurofighter Typhoons.

    Other improvements associated with Block 5 includes the installation of an Instrumental Landing System (ILS) for all visibility conditions landings and the Enhanced Weapon Training Facility, offering an integrated training system built into the aircraft cockpit, providing the pilot with the simulated presence and operation of external loads such as weapons and stores, such as air-to-air missiles, or guided weapons, without actually carrying or dropping the hardware.

    The new version fully utilizes the Typhoon’s digital flight controls system, hence improving maximum load flight envelope to 9g at subsonic speed and up to 7 g for the supersonic speed.

    In the air-to-air mode, the new Block introduces evolved integration of the new-generation air-to-air ASRAAM missile. The aircraft radar now offers air-to-ground functionality and the aircraft is cleared to carry and drop laser guided weapons, including GBU-10 and 16 Paveway II. However, this capability has not been fielded yet with the new Italian Air Force Typhoons.

    SkyForce – Multi-UAV Control System

    SkyForce DMS consists of Proxy’s mission-oriented software system, a primary mission-management ground control station and mobile ground control user terminals. Together, these elements are designed to control up to 12 fully autonomous air vehicles engaging in concurrent, cooperative flight. With SkyForce DMS, each UAV has the ability to make fully independent decisions during flight, contributing to the group tactical goal, without any human intervention. This fact makes it completely different from any UAV system on the market today.

    The United States Air Force UAV Battlelab is using the SkyForce to evaluate cooperative flight of several unmanned aircraft flying in constellation formation, while simultaneously distributing sensor control and viewing capability among multiple end users.

    The cooperative constellation demonstrated adaptive autonomy using SkyForce DMS and the Virtual Pilot capability that are key software components of the SkyForce system.

    Was Damascus meeting preparation for Shrewd anti-Siniora coup?

    Hezbollah is attempting in vain, at least sofar, to bring down the Government of Lebanon, at the behest of its allies, Syria and Iran. The assassination of Industry Minister, Pierre Gemayel, a Maronite Christian, on 21 November 2006, added boost to the story, the general assumption being that this act was prelude of an ongoing “coup” action plan. For months, Hezbollah and its compatriots have been seeking a more broadly based Lebanese government – a government of national unity in which Shi’ites would have more say. Failing that, they seek a general election for their objective. Hezbollah and Aoun’s Christian Free Patriotic Movement and their allies have already 56 out of the 128 seats in the Chamber of Deputies, that is, over 40%.

    So a government of national unity representative of the Chamber would give the two groups over a third of the Ministers.

    But things may change soon When Nasrallah asking his audience in a recent rally: “Are you willing to fight the wars of others inside Lebanon?“, accusing the Lebanese army and government of fighting the anti-terror war on behalf of the Americans, and the Lebanese army being “incapable in defending Lebanon” he might well cause General Aoun to break with him. Indeed, while the Lebanese army has not yet succeeded in routing the Syrian-backed Fatah-al Islam uprising in Nahr al Bared camp, its efforts have nevertheless managed to prevent the uprising spreading further south, challenging Fouad Siniora’s Government, which was the prime objective in Damascus. In fact, for the first time in decades, the Lebanese military have clearly demonstrated considerable fortitude in carrying out their task, even in the face of heavy casualties.

    Lebanese PM Fouad Siniora (left) and General Michel Aoun (right)Thus, if this trend by Hezbollah’s leader remains, it would seem logic that General Aoun’s popularity is likely to vanish if he continues to stand behind Nasrallah, giving his Christian followers second thoughts over their strange alliance with Nasrallah’s Shi’ites. In fact, Aoun’s popularity within the Maronite Christian population is still high. This community will no doubt become the main target in any future confrontations with either Sunni extremist factions, or Hezbollah Thus, General Michel Aoun could well opt again for a new volte face to take the helm, saving the community from yet another tragedy. Analysts claim that without a consensus candidate in sight for the presidential election which is to be carried out in parliament, the sole declared runner could be the controversial Michel Aoun, who was exiled in Paris after the war with Syrian troops but returned when they finally withdrew in 2005.

    An Iranian source told the London-based al-Sharq al-Awsat newspaper that during their meeting in Damascus earlier this month, President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad and Syrian President Bashar Assad agreed to boost military and political relations between the two countries. In return for Iran’s military assistance and its promise to back Syria on the Lebanon issue, Assad pledged not to enter into peace talks with Israel. According to the agreement, Ahmadinejad will exert his influence to prevent the Lebanese parliament from convening to elect a new president to replace Emile Lahoud, who will be stepping down in the coming weeks.

    Close Friends: Nasrallah and Ahmedinejad  get together in Damascus after a year of absence.Ahmadinejad also asked Tehran’s protĂ©gĂ© Hassan Nasrallah to try and understand that his government was financially squeezed by its preparations for a future conflict and was therefore unable, at the moment, to remit the one million dollars promised to repair the war damage suffered by South Lebanon last year. This was apparently part of the Iranian leader’s discontent with Hezbollah failing him miserably, in disregarding Tehran’s specific instructions over the use of its medium-and long range missile arsenal – which was totally lost during the first days of the so-called “Tamuz” war last summer. According to reports, Nasrallah was visibly taken aback by his sofar loyal sponsor’s rigid stance. Nasrallah claimed that he too was weighed down by the heavy cost of his pledges to the inhabitants of southern Lebanon, from which he might lose support if their situation was not solved within foreseeable time but it seems that Ahmadinejad remained adamant.

    President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, who swept to power in 2005, promising to bring oil revenues to every family, is already facing increasing criticism over newly imposed fuel rationing and skyrocketing prices. Domestic discontent is an unwelcome challenge for a president who has his hands full fending off international criticism over Iran’s nuclear program and now also growing discontent over his reckless spending to outsiders, like Syria and Hezbollah, defying hisPresidents Bashar Assad (Syria) and Mhmoud Ahmedinejad (Iran) meet in Damascus last week.instructions. First signs in Iran are evident already, as shortly after raising gasoline prices by 25 percent, the government began fuel rationing, sparking violence in Tehran as angry Iranians smashed shop windows and set fire to a dozen gas stations.

    While the reports from the Damascus summit received little headlines in the Arab world, the al-Sharq al-Awsat item, which was virtually hidden in backpages, quite surprisingly became top news in Israel. Tehran’s immediate denial of the “new arms deal with Damascus”, which was no more than a exaggerated version of an earlier Russian- Syrian rumor spread before the Lebanon war in June 2006, remained ignored. In the meantime, Israeli intelligence seems to have gotten behind the real topic for Ahmadinejad’s surprise visit to Damascus. Although sofar no official version has become available, sources close to intelligence assessments consider the Damascus talks and especially the follow-on meeting in Tehran, to be the real topic discussed between the military leaders. Several reasons seem to back this thesis:

    • The current preparations for a new Middle East summit, sponsored by US President Bush is aimed not only to try and support a Israel-Palestinian peace initiative, but primarily to bolster the creating anti-Iranian (Shi’ite) axis, headed by Saudi Arabia, with other moderate Sunni nations. This new development, which seems to gain momentum these days, must be Ahmadinejad’s top priority issue.
    • The fear over Bashar Assad trying to renew a peace initiative with Israel and withdraw from the Iranian “bear hug” is Ahmadinejad’s second worry. The looming threat over the new UN Tribunal over the assassination of Rafik Hariri must already cause young Bashar sleepless nights.
    • Failure of Hassan Nasrallah’s postwar internal revolution to topple Siniora’s government and thus eliminate Iran’s strategic forward base in South Lebanon, is Tehran’s serious concern and lastly, the Gaza fiasco, of the brutal Hamas takeover, Tehran’s Palestinian protĂ©gĂ©, has sofar misfired badly, with Hamas virtually “bottled-up” in Gaza- unable to support its millions of hapless people.

    All this signaling not a very pleasant outlook for Ahmadinejad’s Shi’te Crescent ambitions in the still Sunni Moslem dominated region.

    Returning to the situation in Lebanon – the White House has recently taken the unprecedented step declaring that Syria and Iran, acting through Hezbollah, are on the verge of staging a coup d’etat against the democratically elected government of Fouad Siniora and the assassination of Pierre Gemayel could have been the first shot in that coup.

    A series of recent opinions published in the Lebanese daily Al-Mustaqbal, openly warned of a planned Syrian-Iranian coup in Lebanon. The question asked was: “Were the latest reports over the Damascus talks between Ahmadinejad, Assad and Nasrallah only a disguise for the real thing that the “rogue axis” leaders were planning in Lebanon?

    According to these articles, Hezbollah was planning to launch, in the near future, a new stage in the coup being sponsored secretly by Syria and Iran in Lebanon, during which it would use its weapons on the domestic Lebanese front. The threats by the Lebanese opposition to establish a second government in Lebanon were part of this planned coup, and the coup was to be carried out under the banner of establishing a second government. Unconfirmed reports, close to Israeli military sources, claimed that Hezbollah has moved its short-range Katyusha rockets into built-up areas in southern Lebanon, mostly in Shi’ite villages, or even in Beirut, which experts believe could be fired in an emergency against Siniora’s strongholds.
    Further articles in the free Lebanese press mentioned that Hezbollah’s military preparations fell under several categories:

    • a) Military activity both south and north of the Litani River, in defiance of U.N. Resolution 1701
    • b) Transformation of the Beqa’ region into a military zone, so that it could be used as a war zone in Hezbollah’s next confrontation with Israel and as a frontline in the next war.

    In this context, the articles mentioned several events: a recent military parade in the Beqa’ valley, in which hundreds of Hezbollah activists participated; days-long truck traffic from the northern villages in the Beqa’ towards a village where permanent military positions had been reinstated in several buildings; groups of young people who had gone to train in Iran; and earthworks in Balbeq for installing Hezbollah’s private telephone communications network.

    One of the articles in Al-Mustaqbal asked whether Iran’s involvement in the Lebanon coup was evidence of a change in Iranian policy, which had previously been that everything possible must be done to prevent Sunni-Shi’ite civil war in Lebanon. It read: “The dossier of Iranian-Syrian relations, and Iran’s relations with influential Arab countries, has passed entirely into the hands of Iranian Foreign Minister Manuchehr Mottaki, and Iranian National Security Council Secretary Ali Larijani no longer has anything to do with this issue…

    Shiite Persian Iran is not content with being just an inconsequential pariah. Ahmadinejad’s Iran has grand ambitions. Tehran wants to be the predominant state in the Middle East, replacing the US as the region’s power broker and lording over its Sunni Arab neighbors. With the fall of its most fearsome competitors for regional pre-eminence – Iraq’s Saddam Hussein and Afghanistan’s Taliban – Iran is blatantly purporting itself on the international stage.

    While Hezbollah is threatening to topple Lebanon’s democratically elected government unless it is given additional cabinet seats – potentially rendering it veto power over Beirut’s decisions, Iran would love to add Lebanon to Syria as a client state in its effort to form an arc of Iranian influence across the region.

    One look at a map suffices, to see that the current movements by Iran make lots of sense. Control Syria and Lebanon in the north and gain control of Gaza in the south a classic strategic pincer move. Once they establish control of Iraq they have a choice: Take on Israel, or consolidate the Caliphate first by taking Jordan and then moving southward. If given a free game playground, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad views this as his messianic long term plan. He is not doing this just to cause a present distraction, by spreading rumors and disinformation over his nuclear ambitions, this is his so-called “Caliphate War” and the struggle is already on. It remains to be seen if it will be a Sunni or Shia Caliphate.

    Mk 38 Mod 2 Remotely Controlled Naval Gun

    Photo: BAE Systems

    The Mk 38 Mod 2 main weapon is the M242 25mm Chain Gun, a proven NATO standard cannon with selectable rates of fire. The Mk 38 Mod 2 MGS fires all USN-approved 25mm ammunition at up to 180 rounds per minute, with 168 rounds on-mount. Additionally, the systems’ 4-axis stabilized electro-optical sensor provides round the clock surveillance capability, enhancing the ship’s overall mission effectiveness.

    Photo: BAE Systems

    Nine U.S. Naval ships currently have Mk 38 Mod 2 systems in service and have demonstrated excellent overall performance. The combined Mk 38 Mod 2 Government/contractor team recently completed a major upgrade to bring all mounts up to the current production configuration. Similar systems have been acquired for the Australian Armidale class patrol boats (photo below).

    BAE Systems teamed with RAFAEL Armament Development Authority, Ltd., for the development and production of the Mk 38 Mod 2. The system is assembled and tested at BAE Systems’ Louisville, Kentucky facility.

    EL/M-2248 MF-STAR Naval Multi-Mission Radar

    The MF-STAR is a multi-function S-band solid-state active conformal phased array radar system for the new generation of military ships. As the ship’s primary sensor the radar provides 3D long-range air surveillance. At medium range it will automatically track and classify threat and simultaneously, search the horizon for potential missile threats. In parallel, it supports multiple engagements by offensive and defensive weapons. Designated EL/M-2248 the radar system delivers high quality arena situation picture and weapons support, under the toughest target/environment conditions in the existing and future naval arena.

    Incorporating advanced technology and robust system architecture; the MF-STAR employs multi-beam and pulse Doppler techniques as-well-as robust ECCM techniques to extract fast, low RCS targets from complex clutter and jamming environments.

    Photo: IAI

    EL/M-2248 – MF-STAR is a multi-function solid-state active conformal phased array radar system designed for the new generation of naval vessels designed for both Blue water and Littoral warfare. The system can operate in multiple functions simultaneously, delivering high-quality situation picture, supporting offensive weapons, while performing self-defense and battlegroup protection roles. MF-STAR employs multi-beam and pulse doppler techniques using advanced beam forming techniques embedded with robust ECCM techniques to extract fast, low RCS targets from complex clutter and jamming environments. The agile radar operates in multiple simultaneous modes, offering short search frames and Track While Scan (TWS) revisit time. The system also offers rapid tracking update rate and high accuracy for priority targets. The radar will automatically establish tracks of high flying targets at ranges beyond 250km and at low flying targets, at ranges above of 25 km.

    Weighing about seven tons, the radar uses four flat lightweight antennae operating in the S-band that can be tailored to fit even relatively small ships, from corvettes and above. Hardware architecture and technology ensure high system availability, low maintenance and low life cycle cost.
    For weapons guidance, MF-STAR Supports different operating modes of missile systems including mid-course guidance of active/semi-active anti-air missiles and Illumination enslavement for semi-active missiles, thus making dedicated guidance radar systems redundant. Also incorporates is an automatic splash detection and measurement, to support naval gunnery in maritime security and close-in defense role.

    This radar is currently under development, in anticipation for fielding with the Israel Navy next generation Saar 5+ corvette as well as with other modern vessels, planned for procurement or upgrading by foreign navies. The system is integrated as part of the advanced version of the Barak missile known as Barak-NG and Indian MR-SAM (also designated as Barak 8).

    Elta has already implemented its static phased array radar technology in several programs, including the Phalcon airborne early warning (AEW) system, as well as the early warning radar for the Arrow missile interceptor system, and the new artiller/air defense Multi-Mission Radar.

    Marine Rifle Expeditionary Squad (MRES)

    “The squad as a system” is the USMC approach to future warrior systems. Mark Richter, PM Marine Expeditionary Rifle Squad (MERS) outlined the USMC view of the enhanced rifle infantry squad, a more streamlined combat formation reduced from a complex 13 men unit to the more maneuverable, 8 men element. Richter also discussed the rapid fielding of new equipment, including the fielding of night vision devices personal role radio for all squad members, equipping commanders at various levels with computing devices.

    The units are being equipped with the Thales MBITR which operates with both JTRS and legacy systems. These radios operate effectively in open terrain, heavy vegetation and urban environments. Individual radios are also being replaced, with IISR raios replacing the older Personnel Role Radios. In total, 704 units will be provided to each battalion. Using personnel role radios proved problematic when utilized in voice operatiod transmit (VOX) mode, as the radio would automatically burst into transmission during firefights, rendering actual voice messages incomprehensible. A solution to this problem was provided by the QuietPro headset system fielded in 2006, which controls two radios simultaneously while providing hearing protectin.

    The future operating concept highlights Enhanced / Distributed Operations capability, enabling the marine unit to control and dominate a larger area. To support enhanced capabilities the corps is considering deploying units with flexible logistic systems known as “platoon in a box”, containerized, mission configurable logistics and supply package that can sustain the unit for long periods, with minimum additional support.

    Richter considers placing more experienced Non Commissioned Officers (NCO) in key positions in the squad and platoon as essential to meet the new capability. Embedding intelligence cells at Forward Operating Bases (FOB) and company or platoon formations is also necessary to generate more targets and facilitate area dominance. Such activities are already underway using simple and available means, such as the deployment of four digital cameras to each squad, enabling troops to collect intelligence while on routine missions and process it on image enhancement gear while at the FOB.

    Patrols carry such ‘point and shoot’ cameras, or more advanced digital SLR cameras, capturing snapshots of routine scenes or more specific images of potential objectives, all could provide intelligence value. Images are taken under any lighting conditions, even inside dark rooms, and are later enhanced to extract relevant data. “200 digital cameras in the battalion become a powerful visual intelligence asset that must be managed effectively” adds Richter.

    With the growing dependence in electronic equipment, power becomes the most critical issue in combat planning, representing a significant load factor for the dismounted marine. “The corps will not reduce weight in the near future, but can certainly improve ergonomics so that carrying the weight will be more comfortable.” said Richter. The US Marines do not consider excessive weight as a problem, since there is not much room to reduce weight loads, they are looking at ergonomic solutions to improve the distribution of load over the warfighter’s body.

    “Historically, weight has been a percentage of body weight. However, usually those limits are exceeded.” Said Richter. He said that the Marines are planning to evaluate a new method of weight objectives, based on weight and ergonomics needs to be used. The study will determine what weights and issues are affecting the soldier’s accomplishments of various combat tasks, as well as evaluating how new or conceptual equipment and ergonomics (such as location of equipment, use of solid or flexible armor etc.) could mitigate weight problems. “Besides weight, the volumetric issue is also important, as it affects the soldier’s performance in confined spaces, such as indoors, inside a vehicle or aircraft” Richter added.

    Cheetah Mine Protected Utility Vehicle (MUV/R)

    Cheetah, formerly known as MUV/R is a 4×4 light armored protected vehicle designed for reconnaissance, forward command and control, and urban operations. The vehicle uses monocoque V shaped hull, external lightweight armor, internal spall liners and blast mitigation materials are used to protect the crew and vehicle from explosion of heavy mines under the vehicle or wheels (7.5 – 15 kg of TNT explosives). It also protects against roadside improvised explosive devices (RSIED). The basic vehicle is bulletproof against 7.62/51 cal. Gunfire.

    The armor is upgradable to protect against larger caliber, including 0.50 Cal AP. Cheetah has a curb weight, (with basic armor) of 14,000 pounds, allowing for 10,000 pounds of payload. Its weight and dimensions allow for two vehicles to be air-transported inside a single C-130 Hercules. The vehicle is equipped with a Cummins ISB series 300 HP engine running at 2800 rpm, accelerating the vehicle to 50 Mph in 13.5 seconds. At cruising speed of 65 Mph the vehicle can travel for 700 miles without refueling.

    Force Protection is developing a Mine-protected Utility Vehicle / Rapid Deployable (MUV-R) as a lighter-weight personnel carrier that incorporates the same protective capabilities as the Cougar. The MUV-R will have speed, climb, and general off-road performance capabilities comparable with the up-armored Humvee. Weighing 10 to 12 tons, the MUV-R will be designed to offer mine and blast protection. The vehicle will also be equipped with a roof-mounted remote controlled weapons station. The vehicle is expected to be ready for field testing by the end of 2006.

    Abrams M-1A1 AIM

    The AIM process is a joint effort to refurbish M1A1 Abrams main battle tanks and involves the U.S. Army Project Manager for Heavy Brigade Combat Team, TACOM Life Cycle Management Command, Anniston (Ala.) Army Depot and General Dynamics Land Systems. Under the AIM process, M1A1 Abrams tanks are completely disassembled and overhauled to a like-new, zero-mile condition. Refurbished tanks incur lower operational and support costs and report higher operational readiness rates.

    The M1A1 AIM tanks will be configured with additional mission-critical technologies to bolster crew situational awareness (SA). The SA package improvements include second-generation Forward-Looking Infrared, Far Target Locate, Blue Force Tracking (BFT)/Force Battle Command Brigade and Below (FBCB2), a tank-infantry phone, a .50 caliber thermal sight, a power distribution box, a rear slave receptacle, an eye-safe laser rangefinder and driver’s vision enhancement. This situational awareness package increases the M1A1 Abrams tank’s fighting capability by providing soldiers with an electronic graphic of the battlefield with icons for friendly and enemy forces, and provides a tank commander’s thermal sight for the .50 caliber machine gun.
    The tanks are scheduled for delivery to the Army beginning in July 2008 and continuing through October 2010.

    M1A2 tank – Specifications
    Weight: 69.54 tons
    Length (gun forward): 287″
    Turret height: 93.5″
    Width: 144″
    Ground clearance: 19″
    Ground pressure: 15.4 psi
    Crew: 4
    Power: Gas turbine engine, 1,500 hp
    Power/weight ratio: 21.6 hp/ton
    Hydro-kinetic transmission: 4 F / 2 R
    M1A2 Tank – Basic performance
    Maximum Speed (governed) 42 mph
    Cross-country speed: 30 mph
    10% slope: 17 mph
    60% slope: 4.1 mph
    Acceleration (0-32 mph): 7 seconds
    Cruising range: 265 miles
    Vertical obstacle: 42″
    Trench crossing: 9 feet
    NBC System 200 SCFM-clean cooled air
    Auxiliary power unit: 25,600 BTU/hr cooling, 6kw electrical, 14 kw hydraulic
    M1A2 Tank – Armmament
    Main armament: 120mm XM256 smooth bore cannon
    Coaxial gun: 7.62 M240 machinegun on skate mount
    Commander’s weapon: 0.50 cal. M2HB

    Abrams M-1A2 SEP

    M-1A2 SEP

    General Dynamics Land Systems is developing further upgrades proposed for the Continuous Electronics Enhancement Program (CEEP)building on the latest System Enhancement Package (SEP) and Tank Urban Survivability Kit (TUSK) configurations of M1A1 and M1A2 main battle tanks.

    CEEP incorporates advanced digital systems improving the warfighting capability of the crew, and ensuring compatibility with the standards to be implemented by the Army’s future combat systems. CEEP will be introduced as a retrofit into current SEP models. The upgrades will include advanced displays showing color maps, sensor imagery and situational pictures. The systems will support wireless technologies to enable remote diagnostics, vehicle monitoring and dismounted command and control. Individual displays will be introduced to all crew members, improving intra-vehicular connectivity. The tank will be equipped with a new battery system, extending the silent watch capability and eliminating the need for an auxiliary power unit.
    The M1A2 System Enhancement Package (SEP V1) was introduced as part of a continuous upgrade path for M1A2 tanks. The kit introduced an armor enhancement in the form of a monolithic and composite armor, and compartmented storage for fuel and ammunition. The turbine engine was improved, to become true multi-fuel system. It uses digital control for optimal operation. The Auxiliary Power Unit (APU) was moved under armor, protecting the tank’s power supply when at static positions.

    The tank is fitted with second generation thermal imaging systems for the commander’s independent viewer (CITV) and gunner. The sight uses 2nd generation FLIR and is fully stabilized, enabling fire on the move capability in day or night. The driver has a wide-field-of-view thermal driver vision enhancer (DVE) for driving and situational awareness. Vetronics systems include enhanced GPS and inertial position/navigation system, driving a color, digital terrain map display. The tank also received an eyesafe laser rangefinder. Radios include SINCGARS and Enhanced Position/Location Reporting System (EPLRS) supporting tactical situational picture via the FBCB2 system. Systems on board are integrated via digital databus architecture. To improve maintenance, the tank is equipped with on-board malfunction detection system. Other elements in the SEP V1 program includes Pulse Jet Air System (PJS) enabling self-cleaning of the engine air filters, thermal management system In November and December 2006 The U.S. Army Tank-Automotive and Armaments Command awarded GDLS several contracts worth over US$800 million for M1A2SEP reset work, starting 2007 through 2009.

    The Abrams Improved SEP (SEP V2) Reset program applies lessons learned from recent M1A2 Abrams SEP reset efforts and aims to bolster the reliability and durability of tanks emerging from the reset process. SEP V2 includes improved displays, sights, power, and a tank-infantry phone. It represents the most technologically advanced Abrams tank and can accommodate future technology improvements to ensure compatibility with the Army’s Future Combat Systems.

    The First SEP V2 contract included $27 million of funding for the reset and upgrade of 72 M1A2 SEP Abrams tanks to be processed at General Dynamics employees in Anniston, Ala.; Tallahassee, Fla.; Lima, Ohio; Sterling Heights, Mich.; and Scranton, Pa. between February and October 2007. Additional $278 million are set for long-lead material procurement for the reset and upgrade of additional 240 tanks in 2008-2009. The program was initiated with a $46 million long-lead material award in July 2006 for the first 72 tanks. In November 2007 the Army awarded additional $89 for additional upgrades. The second award covered work on 240 tanks to be completed by 2009.

    In February 2008 General Dynamics Land Systems was awarded a first order, under a new multi-year upgrade modernization of 435 M1A1 Abrams main battle tanks into M1A2 Systems Enhancement Package (SEP) Version Two (V2) configuration. The first increment of this multi-year contract is valued at $39 million, funding upgrades for 20 M1A1 Abrams tanks. An earlier $12.4 award announced in January million funded parts for this upgrade. The newly awarded contract will complete the modernization of all remaining M1A1 tanks, expected to maintain the backbone of the U.S. Army’s heavy force in the next decades.

    M1A2 tank – Specifications
    Weight: 69.54 tons
    Length (gun forward): 287″
    Turret height: 93.5″
    Width: 144″
    Ground clearance: 19″
    Ground pressure: 15.4 psi
    Crew: 4
    Power: Gas turbine engine, 1,500 hp
    Power/weight ratio: 21.6 hp/ton
    Hydro-kinetic transmission: 4 F / 2 R
    M1A2 Tank – Basic performance
    Maximum Speed (governed) 42 mph
    Cross-country speed: 30 mph
    10% slope: 17 mph
    60% slope: 4.1 mph
    Acceleration (0-32 mph): 7 seconds
    Cruising range: 265 miles
    Vertical obstacle: 42″
    Trench crossing: 9 feet
    NBC System 200 SCFM-clean cooled air
    Auxiliary power unit: 25,600 BTU/hr cooling, 6kw electrical, 14 kw hydraulic
    M1A2 Tank – Armmament
    Main armament: 120mm XM256 smooth bore cannon
    Coaxial gun: 7.62 M240 machinegun on skate mount
    Commander’s weapon: 0.50 cal. M2HB

    International Expands Production To Maximize MaxxPro MRAPs Output

    International Military and Government LLC, of Warrenville, Illinois received a fourth production order for 755 Mine Resistant Ambush Protected (MRAP) Category I vehicles. The current $414 million contract brings the total orders awarded to IMG to over $1.045 billion, placing it the first place among all MRAP suppliers. The Pentagon expects to receive all vehicles produced by IMG, including 1,971 Category I and 16 heavier (Category II), before February 2008.

    As the largest commercial truck and mid-range diesel engine manufacturer in North America has the capacity and experience to produce vehicles at a high rate. assures Daniel C. Ustian, chairman, president and CEO of Navistar International Corporation. He said the company is working with the U.S. military and its supply base to increase our production capacity at our facilities to meet the aggressive demand and expedite MRAPs to the troops as quickly as possible.

    “we produced over 161,000 commercial vehicles last year, we know how to mass produce quality vehicles, we manufacture our own diesel engines, we’ve forged strong relationships with a number of key suppliers, and we provide comprehensive global parts and service support for these trucks.” said Archie Massicotte, President of International Military and Government, LLC. (IMG), the division producing the new MRAPs.

    International utilizes a modular armor concept, developed in conjunction with Israel’s Plasan Sasa, to armor its MaxxPro vehicles. Plasan Sasa is rapidly expanding its capacity and focusing dedicated resources on meeting the increasing MRAP demand for MaxxPro vehicles.

    Igla-S, Igla-1 – SA-16/18

    Igla Man-Portable Air Defense System (MANPADS) designated The SA-18 Grouse by NATO, was first deployed in 1980 as a successor to the ubiquitous SA-7 Strela missile system. The system utilizes the 9M39 missile and is currently available from the Russian state company KB Mashinostroyenya (KBM). A naval version, designated SA-N-10 Grouse ( Igla-M) is provided for naval boats. Igla and its improved derivatives It is designed to engage aircraft, helicoptera and unmanned aerial vehicles.

    Igla-1 / SA-16 Gimlet

    An improvement of the SA-18 is the Igla-1 (NATO Designation SA-16 Gimlet). This missile feattures a new seeker and modified launcher nose cover. Instead of the aerodynamic spike used in the 9M39 missile, the SA-16’s 9M310 missile uses an aerodynamic cone held in place with a wire tripod. According to globalsecurity, the further improved 9M313 missile of the SA-16 employs an IR guidance system using proportional convergence logic, and an improved two-color seeker, presumably IR and UV). The seeker is sensitive enough to home in on airframe radiation, and the two-color sensitivity is designed to minimize vulnerability to flares.

    Igla 1 weapon system consists of the 9M310/313 Surface to Air Missile, contained in the sealed launch tube, and 9P516 launching subsystem. The launch tube can mount a night sight and an IFF interrogator.


    Currently available is the improved 9K338 (Igla-S) missile. This enhanced system provides twice to three times improvement in combat effectiveness, compared with baseline Igla versions, especially when used against cruise missiles and small-size air targets. It is fitted with a new warhead with larger High Explosive (HE)charge and enhanced fragmenting, laser impact/proximity fuse and improved homing system, featuring an improved homing device providing higher accuracy and increased (to 6 km) killing range.

    Igla-S MANPADS system has the same weight and size as the predecessor, as well as launch preparation and maintenance procedures. The new missile uses the 9M39’s aerodynamic spike design, but is fitted with much improved seeker and digital guidance systems offering imporoved head-on engagement capability, better immunity to advanced thermal countermeasures and better handling of background clutter. As the earlier systems, Igla-S can be prepared for launch within 13 seconds. Igla-S can engage large and small, low flying targets, including UAVs and cruise missiles, intercepting at closing speed as fast as 400 m/sec (head on) or 320 m/sec (in tail chase). Igla-S entered production in 2004, for the Russian Army and export. Operator training can be provided by the 9F859 Konus versatile simulator, developed specifically for the Igla-S system. It also includes training means for Igla and Igla-1 system operators.

    The Igla-1 / Igla-S missiles can also be mounted on the Strelets launcher. This a vehicle mounted system can be loaded with four, six or eight missiles, and target acquisition systems, remotely controlled from within the vehicle or by remote console. The system is designed to enable simultaneous firing of missile salvos against a target, therefore increasing kill probability by improving the missile’s no-escape zone. Each Strelets module comprises two missiles. The kit includes two to four modules enabling the gunner to fire up to eight missiles successively or in a salvo.

    SA-18 Grouse (Igla M 9K39)

    IGLA (9K39)

    Igla 1 (9K310)

    IGLA- S (9K338)

    Weight: 11 kg 12 kg 12 kg
    Missile designation: 9M39 9K310 / 9K313 9M342
    Warhead: 1 – 1.2 kg HE, FRAG 2 kg 2.5 (?)
    Warhead initiation: Proximity Contact + graze Proximity (laser) triggered within 5m’ radius
    Length: 1.7 m 1.7 m 1.7 m
    Diameter: 7.2 cm 7.2 cm 7.2 cm
    Range (Max): 500 – 5,200 m 500 – 5000 m 500 – 6000 m
    Altitude (max): 3500 m 3500 m 10 – 3500 m
    Sensor: IR (Passive) passive 2-color IR and UV Passive IR

    According to Russian sources, the Igla-S has already been exported to Vietnam which has also received licensing and technology transfer for local production of the missiles. Singapore has also procured the Igla-1 system.

    Turkey’s Democracy put to Crucial Test

    Recep Tayyip Erdogan’s Justice and Development Party (AKP) has won a convincing victory in the July 2007 elections, but despite the opposition’s claims, it plans to allow only few Islamic values in future government institutions.

    Mr Erdogan’s Party (AKP) won 47% of the vote, giving it a clear majority in the 550-seat parliament in Ankara. Two opposition parties passed the 10% threshold needed to guarantee seats in parliament: the secularist Republican People’s Party (CHP) polled 20%, and the right-wing Nationalist Action Party (MHP) 14%.

    More than 80% of the electorate voted in what Mr Erdogan declared a big test for Turkey’s democracy – a clear warning for the generals and their political allies, whose attempt to undermine the government ended in total fiasco. But Political analysts caution that the AKP’s resounding victory could fuel tensions with Turkey’s powerful military, which considers itself the guardian of the secular system put in place 84 years ago by the country’s founder, Kemal Ataturk.

    On the other hand, Erdogan’s landslide victory could embolden him as he prepares to try and nominate a presidential candidate of his choice, in the coming weeks. But he will have to mind his steps very carefully. Even among his many voters, most AKP supporters do not want a pure Shari’a-based Islamic Turkey. Thus, Erdogan will no doubt continue to mind his steps extremely, preventing “rocking the boat” introducing any drastic political measures. And he would be right to pursue this proven strategy in his newly gained term. In fact, even among his many voters, most AKP supporters do not want a pure Shari’a-based Islamic Turkey.

    Indeed, after its defeat, the Turkish military and especially its General Staff, remains a respected institution in the nation even though many seem already tired of its political interference- the army having ousted no less than four Governments since 1960. It is clear that the generals headed by their charismatic chief General Yasar Buyukanit seem to have overestimated their ability to engineer their desirable outcome. But there is no question that the military still has an enormous stake in the outcome of this election, for political, ideological, and even commercial reasons and no-one in Turkey really thinks the army is about to give up its political role either.
    Perhaps mindful of those tensions, Prime Minister Tayyip Erdogan struck a reconciliatory tone in his victory speech, paying homage to Ataturk and offering assurances that his party’s agenda was firmly centered on the pro-business, free-market policies that have generated unprecedented economic prosperity since it took power. It seems realistic that under Erdogan, the continuance of the traditional moderate secular Islamic orientation in Turkey will last into a foreseeable future.

    In another surprising milestone, some 24 Kurdish candidates – who ran as independents to avoid having to reach the vote threshold for parties – won an quite impressive number of parliamentary seats. Their accession, the first by Kurds in more than 15 years, comes as the government is weighing an incursion into northern Iraq to fight Kurdish rebels. Up to 15 million of Turkey’s 74 million people are Kurds and these will now have to be reckoned with in any future political decision. But first the Democratic Society Party (DTP) must disassociate itself from the Kurdistan Workers’ Party (PKK) if there are to be talks or cooperation between the party and the government. Sentiments against the PKK have risen sharply earlier this year, when the terrorists restarted their violent campaign after a long period of restraint, boosting public support in Turkey for nationalist parties demanding a tougher crackdown on Kurdish separatism. It will be remembered that the PKK had launched its armed struggle in 1984, demanding an ethnic homeland in southeast Turkey. During that period, more than 30,000 people have been killed in the conflict.
    Moreover, Turkey’s next government will have to decide whether to send the army into northern Iraq to crush PKK rebels based there, a move that is increasingly worrying the United States, but not only Washington alone, but the new Kurdish parliamentarians as well.

    But Prime Minister Erdogan is already facing his first political power test, as Turkish lawmakers are to choose a new president within 30 days. With the opposition still stung by defeat, that could result in the same deadlock that occurred last April, when the AKP put forth Foreign Minister Abdullah Gul as its candidate and failed. At the time Erdogan hesitating to confront the Army, which had issued a stern warning over this potential nomination. (see our previous analysis: Myth and Realities of Turkey’s Hidden Islamist agenda.) Lacking the necessary numbers in Parliament, even after his landslide victory, Mr Erdogan cannot easily push through his nomination of Mr Gul, and he will need to seek the agreement of either the secular Opposition, ultra-nationalists or Kurdish MPs, which will form a solid block in the new Parliament. The latter will seek full payment for their consent and the question is whether the Islamists are ready to agree. The obvious solution would be nomination of a “neutral” figure acceptable to all.

    So whatever the case may be, Turkey under the AKP is not necessarily hasting to join the Islamic Fundamentalist axis shaping up throughout the Middle East. Within its unique careful political balancing act, Turkey will no doubt contunue its pro-western alliance, perhaps with reservations, but certainly not create a drastic shift to extremism. What is lesser known to uninitiated: Mr Erdogan’s moderate Islamic AKP has staunchly adhered to its pro-western attitude, in contrast to the secular political parties, who maintain a radical anti-US and EU stance, not to mention opposing Turkey’s strategic alliance with Israel! On the other hand, the AKP under Erdogan has maintained close contact, even enhancing military and economic relations with Israel and is even trying to mediate some sort of renewed negotiations between Jerusalem and Damascus. The mutual benefits for the Ankara-Jerusalem strategic dialogue are a crucial element in maintaining the security to the two democratic nations, both prone to the extreme terrorist threat endangering their wellbeing.

    In fact, Turkey is no less concerned with the fundamentalist rise sponsored by Iran’s radical president Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, which is unfolding right on Turkey’s doorstep in Syria and Lebanon and becoming critical, as Washington is already pondering its troop withdrawal from Iraq next year, with serious consequences involved to the security of Sunni moderates in the Middle East. A continued strategic dialogue with the already shaping Sunni anti-“Shi’ite Crescent” axis, led by Saudi Arabia, Jordan and Egypt is in clear interest to Ankara’s future Mid Eastern strategy. With Israel adding its unique relations with Washington behind the scene, adding considerable backing to any effort stemming the threat of Islamic fundamentalist infiltration into Turkey’s finely balanced political system – Turkey’s moderate Islamic Party under of Recep Tayyip Erdogan’s wise political leadership, could be on the right track.

    TOW Missile Improvements

    Wireless TOW (ER)

    A fifth generation of the TOW family, TOW-ER also known as TOW AERO provides significant operational advantages above the latest TOW-2B version. Among the improvements are improved aerodynamic profile and elimination of guidance wires, enabling target engagements beyond 4.5 km. The aerodynamic improvements maintain higher velocity throughout the flight which enables the missile to cover the longer distance at almost the same time (21 seconds) as it required to fly to its previous max. range of 3.75 km. The wire guidance system is replaced by a radio command link. The new guidance system is immune to IR countermeasures which could be used by enemy tanks. Both upgrades can be performed on the TOW-2B missile and offer savings of 20-40% compared to new acquisitions. The US Army is testing the modified missile and has funded procurement of the wireless TOW 2B version through fiscal years 2007 – 2009.

    Because the wireless system is built into the missile and the missile case, the wireless TOW works with existing launch platforms – including the Improved Target Acquisition System, Improved Bradley Acquisition Subsystem, TOW 2 Subsystem and M220 Ground TOW. The system performs exactly as the wire-guided version, enabling soldiers to continue using the proven weapon without changing tactics or incurring additional training. TOW remains the Army and Marine Corps’ primary heavy anti-tank and precision assault weapon deployed on more than 4,000 TOW launch platforms including the Army “Stryker,” Bradley Fighting Vehicle System and High Mobility Multipurpose Wheeled Vehicle. On October 10, 2006 the US Army awarded Raytheon a first procurement program for the Wireless TOW. In December 2006Pakistan was reported to plan to convert 121 TOW launchers introducing wireless guidance, replacing the older BGM 71 with the over 3,000 TOW 2A missiles.

    TOW Bunker Buster

    With upgrades for the veteran TOW II missiles are underway, Raytheon is promoting a new modification, featuring the Bunker-Buster version of the TOW, which recently “spiraled out” of the TOW program. TOW missiles are undergoing improvements that will maintain them in service through 2025. The TOW Bunker Buster uses a fragmentation high-explosive bulk charge to breach up to 8 inches (20.3cm) of double-reinforced concrete walls and destroy fortified targets in complex urban terrain. While traditional shaped charges can penetrate entire buildings, the TOW bunker buster disperses its pressure at the point of penetration. The new warhead will be installed in TOW missiles as part of an upgrade which also involves the introduction of an RF link, eliminating the wire guidance which limited the missile’s range and usability in certain conditions.

    ARX20 Remotely Controlled Weapon Station

    The ARX20 remotely controlled weapon station (RWS) developed and built by Nexter mounts the 20mm 10M621 automatic gun and fires 20×102 NATO ammunition at a rate of 750 rounds per minute. The new weapon station offers greater range and effect, compared to common RWS operating 12.7mm weapons while offering reduced weight and improved compactness, compared to equivalent 25-30mm turrets. Nexter maintains that the 20mm gun is particularly effective in asymmetric warfare operations, when engaging vehicle mounted, heavily gunned threats (14.5 / 23mm).

    The turret has 100 rounds in the ammunition stowage. It traverses at full 360 degrees at a rate exceeding 60 degrees per second, thus completing a full circle in about six seconds. According to Nexter, the gyro stabilized mount can be operated and fired on the move and engage targets with effective range of up to 2,000 meters. The total system’s weight is 270 kg.

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