Norway to Test NORMANS Integrated Soldier System in 09


The Norwegian NORMANS system passed a significant milestone after the evaluation of prototype system during platoon level trials in 2006. Following positive responses received from the field, the Norwegian MOD decided to proceed with procurement of 416 systems for testing at a company level in 2009. According to Rune Lausund, NORMANS Programme Manager, the program will be integrating the MP7 assault rifle from Hekler Koch, fitted with an Aimpoint Compact M4 optical sight, a new protective vest, integrated wiring and load bearing system, and the QuietPro integrated remote control for the Harris RF7800-TR personal role radio, audio management system and hearing protection. NORMANS suites will utilize specific computing segments tailored for specific roles, riflemen and grenadiers will use location reporting devices, utilizing microcontroller, navigation system and miniature display providing basic communications and navigation. Commanders will receive a more advanced palmtop size (PDA) computer for better situational awareness, planning and reporting.


Defense Update report from Soldier Technology 2008 is focusing on these topics: