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    Arming Attack Helicopters for Asymmetric Warfare

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    European combat helicopter missions, as part of modern Army Aviation units, are rooted in the 1980s, when NATO deployed large numbers of attack helicopters as part of its defense planning to counter numerically superior Warsaw Pact armor and mechanized forces. Combat helicopters retained essential capabilities to cover the long gaps along the border between East and West Germany. They had the firepower and mobility of tanks, with superior maneuverability and mobility in the vertical dimension, which enabled them the capability to deploy and confront those sectors where the enemy was aiming its main thrusts. Special attack helicopters were designed specifically for this role.

    Based on the original combat gunship concept of the Vietnam War era, a new generation of Western attack helicopters was designed, including the AH-64A Apache, AH-64D Longbow and Eurocopter Tiger. These platforms were equipped to locate, pursue and hunt tanks and other priority targets such as mobile artillery, air defense and command and control assets. They were designed to operate independently, or as part of combined hunter-killer teams of observers and shooters. Their weapon systems were based on accurate anti-armor missiles, which improved from basic wire guided second generation missiles, through laser seeking Hellfires and the sophisticated, autonomous (fire and Forget) to third-generation missiles, such as the Hellfire Longbow and Trigat LR, designed for all-weather, autonomous operation.

    These missiles were designed to identify the unique characteristics of Russian made armored vehicles, operating in open or covered forested terrain. They could pick up the targets in heavy clutter, discriminate true targets from countermeasures, decoys or burning hulks, lock on priority targets, based on significant and distinctive millimeter-radar or infrared signature, identify the most vulnerable area and strike with maximum kill probability. Since attack helicopters were expected to meet large armored formations in the Central European battlefield, these platforms were designed to rapidly engage multiple targets simultaneously, and generate maximum “kill ratio” before being detected and engaged by the enemy. A primary design goal was the survivability of the platform, which relied on long range engagement with “fire and forget” missile.

    After the disintegration of the Warsaw pact and the collapse of the Soviet Union, the threat of full scale war in Central Europe diminished. Low intensity conflicts, which evolved in the Balkans, as well as the Middle-East conflicts demonstrated the importance of the helicopters, as a flexible, versatile and dependable support platform.

    Adequately protected and armed, attack helicopters can rapidly deploy to crisis area, either independently or as part of combined peacekeeping forces, carry out reconnaissance and patrol missions, and use precision firepower to support ground operations, deter hostile forces or carry out clandestine operations against guerilla forces, insurgents and terrorists.

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    Infantry Combat Systems – Computers & Communications

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    Traditionally infantry operated in small units such as squads, companies and platoons. While ancient armies used larger formations to aggregate firepower, enhanced communications and devastating firepower of the modern age empower the infantry leader to use different tactics. In practical terms, allocation of communications determines the smallest size of combat element, which can be controlled as a coherent unit.

    In most regular armies, the squad is the smallest tactical level unit. Below the squad, only better equipped Special Forces operate in smaller teams. In most recent conflicts, infantry formations were controlled by voice and visual hand signals, shouts or whispers. Lack of communications has sofar limited dismounted infantry operations due to command and control limitations. As they dismount their Armored Personnel Carriers, individual soldiers and sub-squad teams could only disperse within shouting range from each other, to deploy firepower in mutual support, coordinate their movement and prevent fratricide.

    Intra-squad voice and data communications significantly improve infantry operations. For the first time, independent sub-squad elements can be employed and coordinate their activity and firepower. Mutual fire support between and within squads can be controlled. Improved situational awareness and reporting provides better real-time intelligence and information gathered in real time. Modern intra-squad specialized Personal Role Radios (PRR) offer effective communications within the squad and between combat teams, enabling effective dismounted infantry operations at a level previously reserved only for Special Forces.

    Digital information is usually displayed on hand held computers and ruggedized Personal Digital Assistants (PDA). These tactical and hand held devices provide unprecedented situational awareness and access to information. PDA devices and hand held computers are used by dismounted infantrymen and commanders to provide situational awareness combine integrated navigation, observation and orientation devices, utilizing optronics, digital compass and GPS systems and laser rangefinder for combat orientation and coordination.

    Such PDAs are running mission or role-specific applications linked to data-enabled PRRs or hand held data-enabled combat-net radios, operated by squad and platoon leaders. These computers are presenting maps, aerial imagery, sensor data, intelligence information etc. They generate and distribute standard reports. Whiteboard application allows commanders to share common maps, overlayed with mission-specific information and graphics sketched by each member. Using this facility, commanders can coordinate planning without gathering at vulnerable locations. Other applications are provided to rapid response units such as SWAT and mobile guards, guided by ground and perimeter protection sensors. Provided with own position, target locations, images and navigation instructions, such applications optimize their movement providing the shortest (distance) or fastest (terrain, road condition etc) intercept routes, gaining optimal engagement parameters. Similar PDAs provide remote controlled of sensor systems, including autonomous ground robots, (UGV) miniature UAVs (MAV), unattended ground sensors, and even remotely controlled weapon’s platforms.

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    Infantry Combat Systems – Mobility & Ergonomics

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    Apart from their additional weight vests block natural ventilation, preventing sweat heat dissipation. Physiological tests have demonstrated that body and surface temperature of soldiers wearing bulletproof vests can rise by up to 2C degrees (4F) after one hour continuous physical workout, compared to those not wearing vests. Since sweat is gathered between the shirt and vest, air becomes saturated with humidity and the body’s natural cooling process renders ineffective, resulting in increased heartbeat and body temperature, to extreme levels effecting physical and mental capabilities.

    The introduction of “breathing” clothing apparatus, such as athletic garmentsactive air circulation or micro-cooling, as well as redesigned protective vests, introducing larger gaps between the uniform and shield could reduce such adverse effects improving the soldier’s sustained physical abilities.

    Improving mobility of individual soldiers can be achieved by providing lighter, improved fitting and more comfortable equipment, and optimizing to physiological conditions under which they fight. Infantrymen usually go to war carrying loads of up to 50 kg, including personal and mission-specific equipment. Infantry combat suits are designed to reduce this load below 25kg. Further mobility improvements include providing pads to protect neck, knees, elbows and shoulders. Such pads offer mechanical or ballistic protection and assist the soldier in maintaining positions for extended durations. Another mobility improvement can be achieved by offloading some supplies to onto a small load carrier, be it exoskeletons, an ATV or small and maneuverable robotic “mule” which can closely follows the troops.

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    Infantry Combat Systems – Survivability & Protection

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    Soldier’s survivability is improved with superior bullet-proof ballistic protection, enhancement of mobility and introduction of advanced firepower that can be employed at extended standoff range, thus eliminating the mandatory phase of close quarters fight in every combat engagement. Modern, light weight body armor, helmets and eyewear are currently available, offering more effective protection against multiple hits from small arms and shrapnel.

    Helmets constructed from advanced bullet proof composite materials have become much lighter and offer improved protection and comfort. Advanced features include integrated headgear such as osteo-phone acoustics, helmet mounted displays and vision systems. As head mounted gear becomes lighter, more instruments are placed on the helmet, offering unrestricted hemispherical view for visual sensors, GPS receivers and RF (radio) communications. However, helmet mounted electronics require power, which ads significant weight to the headgear. Use of system miniaturization, power management and wireless networking (Bluetooth) enable designers to optimally distribute weight on the helmet and upper body adding to the wearer’s personal comfort.

    The latest versions of body armor gear are designed as flexible, mission adaptable suit. The modern anatomic vests are relatively lightweight, made of composite, bullet proof materials such as the Kevlar body armor, providing basic protection from shrapnel and low-speed small-arms threats, to the upper body. The protection level is further increased by add-on panels, utilizing harder and heavier ceramic inserts emplaced into specially designed pocket placed around the torso, groin and shoulders. These inserts provide higher levels of protection, as required by the expected threat level. (7.62AP, 9mm etc). Apart from protection, ergonomics present significant factors in bulletproof vest design. The bullet-proof vest adds substantial weight to the soldier’s load. Ballistic shields and bullet proof vests are common add-on elements to infantry suits; however, they are not yet integrated with load bearing vests (combat webbing) due to ergonomic, logistical and cost considerations. While such integration is technologically feasible and could save some weight, it turns the load bearing vest from a relatively simple lightweight textile product into a composite-made protection system with a proportional price tag.

    A vital element in the soldier’s survivability is camouflage. Uniform design patterns are currently designed to merge with various environments. Offered in basic families of European, Arctic (snow), desert and urban designs, camouflage patterns enable effective blending with surrounding environments. Camouflage suits are also provided for snipers and special-forces requiring higher performance. As operations are shifting to night time, patterns must match requirements for night combat maintaining effective camouflage in darkness, under visibility by Imaging Infrared or thermal equipment. Signature reduction is also considered essential for concealment of body heat, as it is viewed by thermal sensors and sights.

    Due to technological limitations, dedicated protection suits are developed and used for specific operational conditions. For example, add-on Chemical Bacteriological Radiological (CBR) protection is worn when such threats are imminent. These suits considerably limit the soldier’s mobility and comfort and are only used for relatively short periods.

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    Infantry Combat Systems – Firepower

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    Infantry weapons firepower enhancement is provided by more accurate improved performance of kinetic ammunition, including lethal and less-than-lethal small arms and advanced multi-purpose munitions, such as 40mm grenades. The use of optical sights, including red-tot reflection and magnifying optics (x1.5 – x3) improve target discrimination in daylight and nighttime use. Night combat gear is also provided in growing numbers, as this capability is still considered advantageous for the superior equipped regular forces.

    Lightweight night sights include daylight reflection sights used in tandem with night vision devices, or dedicated night sights, integrated with image intensifiers (I2) or thermal sensors. Laser aiming lights complement night vision devices offering accurate coordination of fire, at close ranges. Thermal sights although heavier and bulkier, provide significant advantages for operations in total darkness such as in underground facilities or caves; they also contribute significantly for the ability to acquire and discriminate between false and valid targets through clutter, dust, smoke or camouflage. Weapon mounted electro-optical sights also support intelligence collection and dissemination via video communications, improving control and coordination of forces. A byproduct is also the ability to aim and fire weapons behind corners or obstacles. Systems are offered as complete solutions such as CornerShot, while others are available as add-on kits for existing weapons. Optical sights, and Sight/Camera combinations are becoming a standard issue for all future infantry combat suits.

    Further improvement in firepower is provided by fire control systems (FCS) for assault rifles and support weapons, including long-range sharpshooting weapons, and support weapons such as 40mm grenades. For small arms, FCS are provided by miniature embedded computers and displays integrating compact laser ranging systems. Systems include electro-optics for target acquisition and marking, range measurement equipment coupled with the optical sight, to project a ballistic corrected aim-points for accurate long range engagements. The use of such integrated FCS enables firing of pre-programmable time-activated air-burst munitions, for enhanced effect against soft, or protected targets.

    By improving the capabilities of dismounted infantry and expanding the use of precision weaponry, modern armies are maintaining their technological superiority and are able to fight and win without risking too many casualties among their own troops and non combatants. To maintain this capability armies are beginning to operate “human-centric” weapon systems, balancing soldier’s performance and capabilities in firepower, survivability, mobility, command and control addressing them as a complete and integrated ensemble. Some of these capabilities are available today and used worldwide in combat operations worldwide. Particularly advanced infantry combat suits, are currently under development and should be fielded within the next five years.

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    Modern Combat Gear for the Infantry

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    Infantry warfare went through significant changes in recent years, transforming from heavy mechanized forces, designed to fight post WW-II and cold war operations, to light expeditionary forces which were considered suitable for peacekeeping and rapid intervention operations. However, combat experience in the war against terror further reshaped military thinking. These new conflicts are characterized by operations in urban environment, with regular forces confronted by opponents using guerilla tactics. Guerilla forces try to degrade the technological and firepower superiority of regular armies, denying the use of tanks, APCs, artillery and airpower, while troops are forced to dismount and dragged into “one on one confrontation” in dense urban combat.

    By improving the capabilities of dismounted infantry and expanding the use of precision weaponry, modern armies are maintaining their technological superiority and are able to fight and win without risking too many casualties among their own troops and non combatants. To maintain this capability armies are beginning to operate “human-centric” weapon systems, balancing soldier’s performance and capabilities in firepower, survivability, mobility, command and control addressing them as a complete and integrated ensemble. Some of these capabilities are available today and used worldwide in combat operations worldwide. Particularly advanced infantry combat suits, are currently under development and should be fielded within the next five years.

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    Felin Infantry Combat Suite

    FELIN is a modular infantry combat suite, offering efficient ergonomics, autonomy and weight saving. In March 2004 Sagem Defense Systems won the French Defense R&D Directorate (DGA) contract to develop and produce up to 30,000 infantry combat suits, to be fielded with all French Army active infantry regiments by 2010 as part of the future air/ground system of systems called BOA.

    The total contract worth is estimated at 800 million Euro. The program considers two versions to be developed. Felin V1 system will introduce an integrated equipment and communications for the infantryman, and Felin V2, which will provide more far-reaching innovations. 358 units are to be delivered by the first half of 2007, equipping three combat units scheduled to begin technical and operational evaluation of the systems by the second half of the year.

    Sagem is expected to begin serial production and delivery of Felin V1 systems in 2008. the introduction of Felin V2 is expected b y 2015. Both systems are based on common building blocks such as observation, fire control, navigation, position locating and communications systems.

    FELIN systems will comprise a modified weapon system, integral sensors, wearable computer, communications and display systems, advanced uniform, protection and headgear and team allocated equipment such as ODIN mini-UAV, robotic mule and commander’s specific equipment. The weight of the entire FELIN system will be 24 kg, including weaponry, energy, ammunition, water and food.

    Suite’s Clothing

    Superior resistance, comfort and stealth will enable the soldier to move faster with extra protection. The uniforms are designed for sufficient ventilation, and are fabricated from fire retardant materials, replacing current fire retardant coveralls used by AFV crews. Torso protection will be improved with removable modular combat jacket which will have significantly larger protection area, provided by soft armor, rather than hard ballistic protection plates. Naturally, it will retain the capability to add supplemented ceramic inserts for extra protection of critical areas, when required by the mission or threat level. The garment’s structure will be modular, allowing the soldier to adjust the weight according to the mission. The suite will also be provided in a special Nuclear, Radiological, Bacteriological and Chemical protection configuration. Two wired networks are integrated into the clothing and load bearing gear – the electrical power bus and digital network, transferring data, video and linking to GPS/radio antennae. The system uses a combination of Li-ion rechargeable batteries and chargers, supporting up to 72 hours of operation. Recharging will be provided by vehicle mounted chargers or dismounted fuel-cell chargers.

    Felin Weapon System

    The FELIN infantryman will use an upgraded FAMAS assault rifle which has been fitted with image intensifying (I2) sight and a wireless video camera that relay the sight images over wireless local network to either the torso or helmet displays, or directly to transmits them to the platoon commander or team leader. The commander’s FAMAS will be equipped with thermal weapon sights. IR optronics will also increase the effectiveness of the Minimi machine gun and the FRF2 sniper rifle. FELIN V1 will field with four types of sights – a reflex day/night sight for the FAMAS, a day/night sight for Minimi, an improved long-range day/night (I2) sight integrated with a laser rangefinder for the FR-F2 sniper rifle and hand held imager, integrated with GPS, LRF and Digital Magnetic Compass (DMC) for commanders.

    Electronics Systems

    The helmet offers enhanced protection with an outer layer that contains a wide-angle day/night camera improving dismounted soldier’s mobility in both day and night, relaying images to the helmet ocular, and thorax display unit. Using the standard headgear, the soldier will be able to detect a human target at 150 meters and identify it at a range of 70 meters. The suite will comprise a variety of electro-optical sensors, including light-intensifying optronics, uncooled thermal camera (weapon mounted or hand-held multifunction binocular configuration). A headband mounted osteophone will eliminate the use of microphone and earphones for voice communications. This device enables the employment of passive ear protection without impairing communications and spatial orientation. By separating the osteophone headband from the helmet, a modular functional cabling organization is established: audio/data in the headband, video/sight on the helmet, fitted with optronic devices. All elements are interconnected through the digital bus and contribute to the Infantryman’s Information Network (RIF) through the “Portable Electronic Platform” embedded in the clothing. The helmet mounted day/night microcamera will offer 50 degrees field of view.

    The wearable computer (Portable Electronic Platform – PEP) and the wearable network form the hub of FELIN system, built around a high speed processor integrated with a high speed digital open bus network (FireWire IEEE 1394 standard is currently supported) which manages the energy resources and signal exchange between the different elements, including weapon sights, displays, communications and navigations assembly. The system is powered by a high performance electrical energy source integrated into the infantryman’s load carrying gear. The application software driving the system supports all the system’s elements, and also has some emergency defaults, providing nominal position and emergency functions for critical actions such as communications and reporting. The computer is connected to a man-machine interface unit enabling the soldier to control the system and carry out complex operations such as firing around a corner or see through obstacles.

    Section and group leaders will also be supplied with a hand held tablet PC designated SIT-COMDE (“portable terminal information system for the dismounted soldier”) The system will support the commander by displaying situational pictures and maps and exchange encrypted information with other command post.

    All Felin equipped infantrymen will use a small personal radio (RIF) transmitting voice and data communication. The RIF will be functional both in mounted or dismounted operations enabling GPS position tracking and information sharing within the squad and platoon. The communication bandwidth provided by the RIF is sufficient to pass operational graphics, imagery, maps and video sequences between team members and back to the higher echelon. They will operate with either all-in-one or sub-network architecture and interface with the fourth generation radio (PR4G) which remains the link between the dismounted platoon and the vehicles. As it is separated from the PEP computer, the radio will operate even in the event of computer breakdown.

    FELIN equipped platoons will operate five networks: four will operate as RIFintra squad networks, (three infantry and one antitank squads) maintaining continuous and open “conference” between the squad members. Each RIFIntra network will also be separable into two intra-team sub-networks, allowing control of small team operations when required. At the platoon level, RIF Command network will operate, communicating between squad leaders, platoon commander, CO, snipers and the unit’s armored personnel carriers.

    The portable digital communications between the section members, their leaders and their superiors and related elements (land vehicles, helicopters, drones and robots) will be the cornerstone of the Felin system. This communications will comprise voice, data and video. Transmission of video information is of fundamental importance for the French planners, enabling warfighters to relay images they capture on their sights to their superior commanders. Sagem will establish this capability based on its experience with commercial mobile telephony and computing. Each section commander will be equipped with multifunction, un-cooled thermal binoculars used for day/night observation and targeting. Infantry leaders and specialized section commanders will get the “Offboard Fighter Terminal Information System (SIT COMDE), a palm-sized computer used for tactical situation assessment. The SIT will display images, maps with overlaid symbology, and will be able to exchange encrypted messages with other commanders and higher echelons.

    The FELIN electronic ensemble will be powered by two rechargeable Li-ion batteries will be used to ensure that the soldier can operate the system for 24 hours once dismounted. The unit will also be equipped with a collective fuel-cell based battery charger, which will sustain the team for two more days of continuous dismounted operation. Batteries can be recharged using collective devices. These will be integrated into the futuristic EBRC, AMX-10P, VBCI and VAB armored vehicles, in support of FELIN equipped infantry teams.

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    Future Force Warrior Infantry System of Systems (SOS)

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    Future Force Warrior (previously known as Objective Force Warrior) is now scheduled to be the third capability upgrade phase of the Land warrior System (formerly known as Land Warrior Block III). Future Force Warrior (FFW) is designed as an integrated “system of systems”, as part of the army transformation to a soldier-centric force which will complement and fully integrate with the Future Combat Systems (FCS).

    Two uniform systems are under development. The Future Force Warrior system will be available for fielding to soldiers in 2010. The Vision 2020 Future Warrior system, which will follow on the concept of the 2010 Future Force Warrior system, 10 years later. General Dynamics Eagle Enterprise unit is the technology integration team leader for FFW, Currently in detailed design phase. The current program will be followed by prototype development and demonstration and non-competitive system development and demonstration phases FFW program is scheduled for completion by the year 2010 and worth between one to three billion US$ over a ten year period.

    The latest version of FFW suites were put to a test during a series of exercise conducted with current forces, through the summer and autumn of 2006. These tests highlighted the maturity of some systems which were not performing satisfactorily with earlier Land warrior type systems, currently deployed with units of the 4th Stryker Brigade Combat Team at Ft. Lewis Wash. At the recent exercises the system’s computers were used with two ‘off the shelf’ applications which added functionality and value for the users. The computing platforms used with the FFW system supports standard Windows-based applications which contribute to rapid learning curve, especially by young soldiers. For basic position location and mapping functions, the systems uses CERDEC’s Command and Control Mobile Net-Centric Computing System (C2MINCS) framework. Memory joggers were also used for quick recall of complex and infrequently used tasks. Lessons learned during these tests are planned to be introduced as retrofits into existing systems, such as Land Warrior

    Fires, rout and target planning functions were provided by the FalconView mapping software. Both applications were mastered by the users in a matter of hours. Ease of route planning by the use of FalconView allows for more rehearsal and time of mission preparation. All soldiers have the ability to navigate using either the Leader or Soldier system; this results in the reduction of breaks in contact during movement and allows for any soldier to lead the movement if needed. Normal movements to the objective were almost cut in half, because the soldiers could monitor their location and route over the goggle mounted display and did not have to stop for map checks. Furthermore, team leaders did not have to continuously look for others in their team because they had their icon present and could talk to them.

    With the system maintaining constant tracking of locations and fire directions of each warfighter, FFW could assist soldiers in he prevention of potential fratricide situations in combat. Furthermore, the support by fire leader can track all movement of the assault element by icon in the event of normal fire control standard operating procedures failing. Both applications could also be integrated with the Multi-Function Laser (MFL) providing soldiers the ability to transmit locations of hostile targets by lazing, eliminating the need to estimate distance, elevation and direction to the target.

    Therefore, the FFW element can instantly ‘close the sensor to shooter’ loop, transmit the enemy location immediately, without unnecessary movement or use of voice that may compromise their position. Such integration will allow the soldier and Small Combat Unit (SCU) to link to any platform. During the recent exercises, teams successfully transferred target data digitally from the FFW team directly to the US Air Force F-16s and A-10 fighters, mediated through Tactical Air Control (TAC) personnel. Links between SCU and Army Apache helicopters are scheduled for demonstration in 2007. Fire planning services are supported by the ‘Barebones’, a version of a USAF targeting application known as ‘BareBack’. The system simplifies and streamlines the complex preparation of fire support missions. Operated in synch with FalconView, these applications prepare a shared database of targets and fire plans that can be used and monitored by all participants.

    The employment of voice communications in addition to SA picture allows all soldiers to participate in the command and control of all missions by having the ability to listen to all traffic and view icons of sub-tasks being conducted within the squad. This allows less dissemination by team leaders which equals less unnecessary movement and quick, more fluid patrols. Such systems usually provide infantry team leaders with a ‘Birdseye View’ of the area, showing the targets, supported forces, lines of fire and potential conflicts.

    FFW is designed to provide ten-fold increase in lethality and survivability of the infantry platoon. Such dramatic increase will be achieved by enhanced situational awareness, precise and effective firepower and netted communications, far better than current standards for tactical communications. Individual dismounted soldiers will get direct access to network-centric information and access any relevant service required and made available for their mission. Another key issue resulting from this process is to lighten the soldier’s load. From over 100 pounds currently carried by combat soldiers, to around 45 pounds.

    The Land Warrior basic unit will be a four men strike team, provided with an independent intra-team and squad and platoon communication. The squad will have communications and command and control facilities to manage multiple strike teams including coordinated, multi-directional assaults. The squad will operate three strike teams, a squad leader, a system’s squad leader and a situational awareness and effects non-commissioned officer (NCO). The unit will also have provisions to control direct and indirect fire by their own unit as well as adjacent formations. The unit will be self-sustained for 24 hours and will also carry additional supplies for further 48 hours on a manned/unmanned “mule”. Squad level firepower will also include 81mm and 60mm mortars and new support weapons.

    The warfighter integrated individual combat system will comprise weapon system, protection suite, navigation, and information processing and communications systems. The program supports both individual and unit level operations, with increased lethality, survivability, communications, and responsiveness. Future Force Warriors will initially use existing individual weapons, while current squad weapons will be replaced by a new XM-307 Individual weapons will be equipped with advanced fire control, optimized for urban combat, and enable to synchronize direct and indirect fires from Future Combat System such as NLOS-LS and JCM missile, precision mortar, artillery support and more.

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    Future Force Warrior Communication and Computation

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    The net-centric Future Force Warrior will operate in squads or sub-squad teams, requiring dedicated wireless communications network for operation. Each warrior will be equipped with a sensor set, comprised of a helmet integrating day and night cameras and weapon’s mounted sight cameras. The images will be displayed on a helmet integrated half inch see-through monocular display, or on a hand held PDA like terminal. Images could also be relayed to other team members for coordination.

    FFW digital assistants will also display navigation and situational awareness pictures, and images received from team members. The performance of FFW class personal role radio will be significantly improved over current systems, offering wideband data communications in addition to current voice radio. Soldiers will be able to talk naturally with each other, whisper, or chat with text messages during missions. The new system has the ability for tying each soldier into tactical local and wide-area networks by onboard computer that sits at the base of the soldier’s back. Troops will also be able to share data with vehicles, aircraft and other individuals.

    The entire system suite has a total power budget of 15 watt. Battery packs or alternative fuel-cells and energy harvesting power sources should support 72-hour continuous autonomous team operations. For this purpose, high density, low weight, low volume batteries are considered, but modern power cells are also proposed for this role. Self-generating and regenerating power solutions are also considered. Advanced power management was realized as one of the most critical factors in the program. General Dynamics is planning to integrate a specially developed version of InHand BatterySmart dynamic power management software to minimize the consumption of the main processor as well as overall soldier system.

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    Future Force Warrior Uniform, Protection and Combat Gear

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    The Future Force Warrior uniform suite is based on the Soldier Protective Integrated Ensemble System (SPIES), fabricated from highly durable, flexible textile, embedded with protective pads for elbow and knee protection. SPIES is built with a load carrying ‘chassis’ designed to distribute the fighting load evenly, and provide unconstrained vertical or lateral movement.

    SPIES has an embedded ventilation capability and is fitted to accommodate the future cooling systems developed for the program. For protection and enhanced survivability, standard uniforms will be replaced by a full spectrum protective combat ensemble, fabricated from ultra-lightweight materials which will also provide resistance to friction and wear, water, chemical and biological agents.

    Protection elements

    The suite will have a built-in microclimate conditioning system in garments made of spaced fabric, with built-in capillaries blowing hot or cold air through the system. Future combat clothing may also include embedded electrical conductors, for power distribution, communications and signature (heat) suppression. Additional layers of ballistic protective shield will provide sufficient multi-hit protection from small arms fire and shrapnel. The bulletproof shell will be separated from the body by foam pads absorbing impact trauma. This design provides additional protection to the rib cage, while maintaining air flow for body cooling. The protective vest will also be used as load-bearing chassis. New robotic platforms will be developed as part of the Future Combat Systems (FCS) program, to augment the team during dismounted operations. One vehicle will be the small individual soldier support system, a miniature robotic vehicle will help clear inside buildings; a squad level support vehicle assisting to transport loads and sustain the troops on dismounted missions; and a larger vehicle with both direct and indirect fire capabilities linking the FFW and FCS programs.

    Helmet & Headgear

    The helmet will mount a new high definition see-through eyepiece, a GPS antenna, 3D audio and integrated bone conduction microphones (osteophone), which will replace the current headsets and enable efficient hands-free communications. Gel based sensors will also be integrated into the helmet, to monitor the human life signs (pulse and breathing rate). This information will become available for remote assisted medical support and real-time unit level status monitoring. The system will also support remote health monitoring and medical treatment. To assess the soldier’s physical condition and health status, the system will monitor the individual’s blood pressure, heart rate, internal and external body temperature, and caloric consumption rate. Commanders and medics will be able to access the information through a tactical local area network. Early warning of heat and cold injuries could eliminate serious deterioration of such conditions. Such conditions are responsible for a large percentage of casualties in both battle and training. If a soldier is injured, medics can start making an assessment before they even get to an injured soldier. A specialist physician, who can be miles away, will now be able to diagnose and treat a soldier who is about to have sunstroke, without even physically seeing the soldier.

    Weapon system

    Since the development of the personal weapon for the Future Force Warrior was suspended, the current M-4 remains the weapon of choice for the soldiers, augmented by accessories offering some of the advantages envisioned for the ‘next generation’ weapon. The development of the multi-purpose support weapon (XM-25) continues, in parallel to the evolution of the XM-104 sight. Prototype systems used during the recent exercises demonstrated the ability of soldiers to engage targets without line of sight, using the XM-104 mounted on the M-203 grenade launcher. This sight received target data from another soldier using the Multi-Function Laser, maintaining line of sight with the target.

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    Harris, Thales Compete Multi-Billion JTRS Radio Procurement

    The US Department of Defense selected Harris and Thales Communications Inc. as the two contenders to compete for multiyear deliveries of new ‘multiband radios’ to the US armed forces, as part of Joint Tactical Radio System (JPEO JTRS). The Consolidated, Interim, Single-Channel, Handheld Radio (CISCHR) award has consolidated all handheld radio purchases for the U.S. Department of Defense, thus accelerating the transition to JTRS technology, while significantly reducing unit costs by allowing all participating agencies to purchase compatible JTRS equipment through the Space and Naval Warfare Systems Command (SPAWAR) procurement authority.

    Both companies are expected to deliver JTRS compliant systems, which will support existing waveforms (SINCGARS) and UHF line-of-sight communications supporting ground-to-air communications for close-air support and tactical satellite communications. The systems will feature JTRS Software Communications Architecture (SCA), thus accepting all future JTRS capabilities as they are fielded.

    Under the CISCHR IDIQ contract, Thales and Harris will compete for future awards of formal delivery orders, which will ultimately determine contract value. CISCHR has a one-year contract period with four additional one-year options. Currently, only Harris and Thales have JEM compatible radios. In the future more competitors will be added to the programs, as more systems from other providers will be certified as ready for fielding and compatible with JTRS and JEM.

    Harris was awarded $2.7 billion while Thales Communications Inc. received $3.5 billion to cover the first year procurement. Both orders are representing framework awards, enabling the two companies to compete on segments of the five year program, totaling $7 for Harris and $9 billion for Thales. This is the first production contract vehicle issued by the Joint Program Executive Office for the next-generation, software-defined radios.

    Harris is offering the Falcon III AN/PRC-152(C) backpack radio and AN/VRC-110 50-watt vehicular radios. Later in JUly 2007 the company received an additional IDIQ contract for a projected procurement of up to $212 million Falcon III radios over three years for the Marine Corps. Harris will supply the Falcon III series AN/VRC-110 20-watt vehicular radio systems. The Falcon III AN/VRC-110 handheld-based transceiver provides a quick “grab-and-go” feature allowing the Falcon III AN/PRC-152(C) handheld radio to offer continuous communications when removed from the vehicle, an important capability in urban environments. These radios are destined for the new Mine Resistant Ambush Protected vehicles (MRAP).

    Under the IDIQ framework Thales Communications, Inc. is offering its AN/PRC-148 Joint Tactical Radio System (JTRS) Enhanced Multiband Inter/Intra Team Radio (JEM) system to all services of the U.S. Military. There are almost 100,000 AN/PRC-148 MBITRs fielded, almost 10,000 AN/PRC-148 JEMs shipped or on order, and more than 12,000 VAAs shipped or on order. As part of this contract, Thales will also be supplying its dual radio AN/VRC-111 Vehicle Adapter Amplifier (VAA) and Base Station enabling units to convert SINGCARS installations to JTRS.

    The VAA consists of two Thales Vehicle Adapters, two JEM handheld radios, and a SINCGARS interface tray. This installation supports multi-band and multimode capability, beyond the basic SINCGARS performance. The VAA configuration retains the dismounted operation capability of the AN/PRC-148 utilizing the cable-free radio dismount. The power-boosting Base Station, designed for fixed command center operations, supports and maintains all functionality of the JEM and Vehicle Adapter. The JEM, VAA, Vehicle Adapter, and Base Station are part of a complete system solution for the warfighter that also includes a self-contained Tactical Repeater for range extension; compact, rugged Man Portable System for dismounted operations requiring higher power output; and a complete line of accessories.

    GMLRS Program Moves Into Low-Rate Initial Production

    The Multiple Launch Rocket System (GMLRS) – Unitary is shifting into low-rate production status, with the award of $125 million contract for rocket production. Guided MLRS Unitary integrates a 200-pound class unitary warhead into the GMLRS rocket, giving battlefield commanders the ability to attack targets up to 70 kilometers away with high precision.

    This low-cost, low-risk program will greatly reduce collateral damage by providing enhanced accuracy to ensure delivery of the warhead to the target. Guided Unitary MLRS is the newest variant which leverages the Guided MLRS experience and investment to integrate a unitary warhead with a multi-mode fuze to expand the MLRS target set to include point targets within urban and complex environments. In January 2005, the U.S. Army issued an Urgent Need Statement for acceleration of Guided Unitary deliveries in support of counter fire operations. Lockheed Martin delivered the first 72 GMLRS Unitary rockets in June 2005, satisfying the requirements of the Urgent Need Statement. A total of 486 GMLRS Unitary rockets have been delivered to satisfy this requirement.

    Improvements to the current fielded system contained in the just completed Phase II variant included software upgrades, new trajectory shaping modes and tri-mode fuze capability. The multiple fuze modes include an airburst mode, which detonates above the target point, a point detonate mode which impacts at the target point and a delay mode which impacts below the target point. The diversification of fuze mode options allows the system to be effective against multiple targets while maintaining low collateral damage.

    The Pentagon Releases Orders for more than about 2,500 Armored Vehicles

    The Pentagon has approved the expansion of the MRAP program to over 20,000 vehicles. The US Army plans to increase its fleet of MRAP vehicles from the previously planned 2,300 to 17,700 vehicles. The Marines’s allocation will remain at 3,400 and special operations forces will receive about 300 (170 have already been ordered). This plans will virtually phase out the HMMWV from use in combat patrols and high risk missions. Responding to the urgent requirement, the Army plans to have all 17,700 MRAPs in theater by April 2009. To accomodate this plan all suppliers are expanding their production facilities to speed up deliveries, reaching several hundred vehicles per month by the automn of 2007.

    The Defense Department’s Joint Requirements Oversight Council (JROC) endorsed procuring as many MRAPs as industry can provide in fiscal 2008. The top-level panel, which validates military requirements, recommended evaluating the situation in Iraq periodically and adjusting the acquisition plan based on the need. “the department is embarking on an aggressive acquisition strategy to put as many of these armored vehicles into the field as fast as possible,” Bryan Whitman, deputy assistant secretary of defense for public affairs said. Defense Department and military services are reaching out to industry to “incentivize” companies to boost production while reducing the production timetable, Whitman said.

    In early July 2007 the Pentagon released another batch of orders for armored vehicles, as part of the Mine Resistant Ambush Protected (MRAP) and other armored vehicle programmes. The new orders cover additional orders from Force protection and International Engines and Trucks (IET), for 395 Category I (Cougar) vehicles and 76 Category II vehicles (60 from Force Protection and 16 from International). Further orders for 441 RG-33 based MRAP vehicles were awarded to BAE Systems. Two weeks later (July 13), Stewart & Stevenson Tactical Vehicle Systems, a subsidiary of BAE Systems’ Armor Holdings Inc. received another order for 1170 MRAP vehicles under a second order worth over half a billion US$ ($518 million). Under this contract the company will supply 1,154 4×4 Category I vehicles and 16 Category II (6×6) vehicles to be delivered by February 2008.

    Under a parallel program the Army is buying at Textron Systems 369 additional M1117 armored cars. However, with production capacity running short with all US based armored vehicle production facilities, deliveries of the recently awarded orders are to be fulfilled only next year. The US Army is also buying additional 44 RG-31 Mk 5 vehicles from BAE Systems, these vehicles produced by OMG in South Africa and are scheduled for delivery within 4 – 5 months.

    Most of the recent orders issued by the US Navy, on behalf of US Marine Corps Systems Command address Category I (4×4) troop carriers, destined to replace as many up-armored HMMWVs in theater. Other vehicles were ordered by the US Army.

    The USMC, managing the MRAP program, awarded Force Protection Industries a fourth production order for 395 Category I and 60 Category II Mine Resistant Ambush Protected (MRAP) vehicles, worth $221 million. The vehicles are expected to be delivered within 18 months. This order is equally split between Force Protection and General Dynamics Land Systems, based on the Force Dynamics cooperation agreement. International Military and Government LLC (IMG) received a third delivery order worth $8 million for additional 16 Category II (CAT II) MRAP vehicles, to be delivered by February 2008. The previous order awarded to International covered about 1,000 Category I vehicles.

    The RG-33 order includes 425 4×4 (Category I) vehicles,of which 170 will be configured for the US Special Operations Command, with the remaining 16 Catgory II (6×6) configured as ambulances. BAE Systems will deliver vehicles based on the RG-33 design, offering improved survivability and large armor protected volume. The RG33L MRAP ambulance accommodates several litter and ambulatory patients via a novel litter lift system. The vehicle also provides space for a medic work station and key medical equipment.

    The U.S. Army ordered RG-31 Mk5 and M1117 ASV to fulfil other missions, as part of ongoing orders running in parralel to the MRAP program.

    The Army ordered 44 RG-31 Mk5 Mine Protected Vehicles. The $20 million covers the delivery of 44 vehicles, to be delivered within 4-5 months. U.S. forces have previously ordered or received 448 RG-31 vehicles, including 265 Mk5s for the U.S. Army and Special Operations Command (SOCOM), and 24 Mk5s for the U.S. Marine Corps under the Mine Resistant Ambush Protected (MRAP) vehicle program.
    Under a separate contract the Army also added a procurement order for 369 M1117 armored security vehicles (ASV) under a contract worth $255.5 million awarded to Textron Marine & Land, to deliver. The framework order was awarder in 2006. With this award, the total number of ASVs produced or under contract is now at 1729 vehicles, of which some 950 vehicles were built to date. Production and deliveries of the ASV are continuing at Textron Marine & Land with firm contracts through at least October 2008.

    The ASV is used by the United States Army for its military police, convoy protection and Field Artillery Combat Observation and Lasing Teams (COLT). Its record of performance, reliability and survivability in the field is impeccable. More than 750 ASVs have been deployed in the Global War on Terrorism in support of combat missions.

    Light-Appliqué Armor Systems Technology

    LAST Armor incorporating ceramic appliqué armor hexagons has been used on American, Canadian and French ground vehicles since the 1990s and is also used to reinforce plane cockpits by the Air Forces of ten nations around the world. The system uses a unique attachment system, enabling rapid assembly and removal of armor modules. The attachment system, similar to the Velcro hook-and-loop fasteners but five times stronger than conventional Velcro, enabling rapid application, removal and replacement of armor protection in the field.

    The internally installed spall liners armor is a new line of product was recently introduced by Foster Miller, to provide additional protection from ballistic fragments such as those created by explosions of IEDs (improvised explosive devices).

    LAST based spall liner has already been used with Force Protection’s vehicles (namely Cougar and Buffalo) produced for US forces. In October 2006, Foster Miller announced that its LAST spall liners will be used to provide internal protection for 85 British Mastiff Protected Patrol Vehicles (PPVs), currently under production at Force protection inc. Foster-Miller will supply the kits under a contract worth US$10 million.

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