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    ROVER III Remote Video Terminal for One System GCS

    Remote Optical Video Enhanced Receiver (ROVER) III was originally developed for the U.S. Air Force. The Rover III provides front line forces the capability to receive imagery directly from unmanned and manned aircraft. The Army, using the Rover III as the building block, planned to the existing inventory of legacy Remote Video Terminals (RVT) introducing a system compatible with the One System ground control system (GCS). The system produced by AAI corp. provides the same capability as the Rover III and the ability to overlay UAS telemetry directly on a moving map for improved situational awareness and targeting.
    The new device enables users on the ground to receive information from remote sources using both analog L and C bands as well ad digital C band data-links. Further enhancements include the capability to interpret proprietary metadata, transmitted on many Unmanned Aerial Sensor (UAS) platforms.

    The CK-45 transciever, developed by L3 Communications supports three bands receive and C or Ku band for transmit, transferring up to 45 mb/sec data rate. The system enables ground elements, vehicular or dismounted, to share overhead imagery (sensor video) on the move, from various airborne sensors, such as helicopters, fighter aircraft and unmanned platforms. A rugged, manpack Rover III system supports reception over three bands – C, L and Ku, receiving sensor video and data from airborne sources. When employed with an omni-directional antenna, the system weighs only 12 lbs and can operate for 10 hours from a BA-5590 battery. Rover III receives sensor data from the Predator, Shadow 2000, Hunter, Fire Scout, Pointer, Dragon Eye and raven.

    One System Remote Video Terminal (OSRVT) is currently produced in Block I configuration, offering receive only operating mode. It is a small, portable receiver and display system integrating live video and telemetry data from an array of manned and unmanned aircraft systems, including Shadow, Predator, I- GNAT, Raven, Pioneer, and Hunter. The system can receive and display video, data, and annotated maps improving the field commander’s situational understanding and decision making process. Video data is received with geo-location information. Video “footprint” and icons can be used to identify aggressor units, vehicles, facilities, and natural landscape features overlaid on a geo-location map, enabling swift target identification, decision making, and response. The basic system enables video reception within line of sight. The system’s extended-range antennas enable the OSRVT systems to meet mission range requirements with reception up to 80 kilometers.

    On 25 October 2006 AAI Corporation announced it will deliver to the U.S. Army 51 remote video terminals (OSRVTs) and 38 extended- range antennas at a cost of US$3.9 million. On November 13, 2006 L-3 Communications announced it began shipping ROVER III data links. Follow-on systems, planned for FY08 and beyond, will consist of Block 2 OSRVT versions which will also enable active control of the payload. The Block 2 OSRVT will be fielded initially to the Shadow UAV Platoons and could potentially become the Ground Control equipment for the Small UAS.

    G-MLRS Guided Rocket System

    Guided-Multiple Launch Rocket System (M30)

    The Multiple Launch Rocket System (MLRS) M-270A1 program was developed and produced as a multinational program since 1976. The original partners (France, Germany, Italy, the UK and USA) continued the cooperation into the current Guided MLRS (GMLRS) program, which pursue more accurate guided rockets using fewer rockets to achieve the effect while reducing collateral damage. Each GMLRS is equipped with a GPS/IMU guidance system and small canards installed on the rocket’s nose to provide basic maneuverability and enhance accuracy. The latest version of GMLRS will be equipped with a unitary warhead, to further reduce collateral damage (generally associated with scatterable munitions). GMLRS completed development in 2001 and since 2005 is in full rate production for the US forces. The US Army is planning to procure more than 100,000 GMLRS rockets. The new rocket has a range of more than 70km. Lockheed Martin is currently producing Block 1A missiles to replenish depleted stocks, under a US$47 million order by the U.S. Army. In December 2006 Lockheed Martin received additional $78 million for GMLRS production in 2007.

    The current GMLRS warhead uses a cargo of 404 Dual Purpose Improved Conventional Munition (DPICM) bomblets. The development of a 180 pound unitary warhead is in progress. Several versions of multi-effect warheads are currently considered by the US forces and other MLRS users.

    One result of Dual Purpose Improved Conventional Munitions (DPICM) inefficiencies was the urgent requirement set by the U.S. Army, for 496 guided Multi-Launch Rocket Systen (G-MLRS) rockets carrying a unitary warhead developed by General Dynamics. The unitary warhead is currently in the system design and development phase, which will continue through 2007. General Dynamics will also supply these warheads until year 2020, under a contract awarded by the US Army in July 2006. The warhead uses a tri-modal fuse, enabling airburst, point and delay activation. Airburst effectively covers wide area with more focused footprint and, compared with DPICM loaded MLRS, it is more accurate and leaves a clean battlefield after the attack. Delay activation enables effective penetration of rooftops and structures, improving effectiveness and reducing collateral damage, when employed in urban environment. When fitted with a 200 lbs (90.7 kg) unitary warhead and an inertial guidance for precision impact, G-MLRS is classified as “low collateral damage” weapon.

    An advanced version of the GMLRS’ unitary warhead could use the Enhanced Blast Warhead (EBW) developed by Lockheed Martin. When exploded, this warhead creates an over-pressurization effect (similar to a thermobaric charge). This effect devastates enclosed structures but has less effect on adjacent buildings, therefore, reducing the risk of collateral damage. This version of GMLRS is designed to strike targets at a range of over 70 km. EBW will also have improved penetration capability, enabling the rocket to go through several floors of conventional buildings before exploding in the basements.

    The U.S. Army used the M-30 Guided MLRS in recent combat engagements in Iraq, demonstrating devastating effect of the 196 lbs (89 kg) unitary warhead, minimal collateral damage and an element of surprise, utilizing its maximum range of 43.5 miles (70km), a combination that would not be achieved by tanks or other direct fire elements.

    Another unitary warhead option is the BANG warhead, already used by the French Army. BANG uses insensitive explosives and multi-effect fuze, featuring airburst, impact and penetration modes of operation. MBDA and Aerojet are jointly proposing BANG to the five nation’s unitary warhead program. GMLRS loaded with BANG warhead was tested in 2005 as part of UK MoD evaluation. Further tests demonstrated extended range capability, firing the rocket to over 103 km using modified flight controls. Software modifications that could increase GMLRS range are incorporated as part of the future GMLRS unitary development. Further enhancements considered for the rocket are the inclusion of semi-active laser homing device.

    In June 2007, the U.K. Ministry of Defence (MoD) awarded Lockheed Martin three contracts for the delivery of Guided MLRS systems. The contracts are part of an incremental, multi-year acquisition program worth more than ÂŁ250 million. The current contracts include rockets, upgrade kits, spares and support, including12 MLRS M270B1 launcher upgrades and Guided Unitary rockets. The first new launchers have been delivered and training and testing of the new system and rockets is under way in the U.K. and U.S., respectively. Similar units have been in operation with the U.S. Army since 2002.

    USMC Funds Production of 15 New Radars

    G/ATOR – Ground/Air Task Oriented Radar

    The Humvee-mounted lightweight Ground/Air Task Oriented Radar (G/ATOR) is a U.S. Marine Corps Systems Command program, designed to provide a multi-mission ground-based radar that consolidates four different radar mission areas into one system. In 2005 Northrop Grumman was selected by the USMC to develop and produce the system. The G/ATOR team also includes Sensis Corporation, CEA Technologies, Inc., Techrizon (formally Telos) and CAT Logistics.

    In March 2007 Northrop Grumman (NYSE:NOC) a awarded additional $256 million contract for the first phase (Increment I) development and demonstration of the system. The funding covers the development and production of 15 systems, designed to fulfill Short range air defense and air surveillance missions. Additional 48 systems are planned for production in further increments. Further developments will introduce enhanced capabilities and address multi-mission tasks including counter fire/targeting missions and air traffic control missions.

    The radar will use active electronically scanned array (AESA) technology to provide aircraft detection, tracking and engagement; cruise-missile detection and engagement; ground-weapon location; and military air-traffic control. The G/ATOR’s modular architecture allows for greater flexibility in adapting it to both existing and new logistics plans, platforms and technologies.

    At the initial phase (Increment I) the system will fulfill USMC short range air defense and air surveillance requirements. The program is structured as an evolutionary acquisition consisting of four blocks of incremental development and production, referred to as Increments I through IV. Each block builds upon the capabilities of the preceding increments in an additive fashion.

    Increment I supports two distinct mission areas: Short range air defense and air surveillance.

    Increment II will address the Marine Expeditionary Force counter fire/targeting missions.

    Increment III will incorporate tactical enhancements of the air mission requirements, including Mode 5/S identification friend or foe, decoy/electronic counter-counter measures capabilities, an advanced RES, a non-cooperative target recognition, sensor netting, and an integration data environment capability.

    Increment IV will address support of air traffic control missions.

    Coyote – Air Deliverable Expendable UA

    Coyote, built by Advanced Ceramics Research is designed as an air deliverable, optional expendable UAV weighing up to 6.4 kg, (14 lbs). With folded wings, propeller and tail, it fits into a standard A-size sonobuoy container. After release from its container, Coyote can dive to lower altitude, using its vertical fins as control and stabilizing surfaces.

    As it reaches its cruising level (about 500 – 1200 feet above the surface), the wings are expanded over their full span (1.47 meter) and electrical motor started, preparing the aircraft for its mission. It can cruise at a speed of 111-139 km/h (60 – 75 kt) or loiter at 102 km/h (55 knots) for up to 60 minutes. Coyote is equipped with an electro-optical payload comprising a video camera with 10x optical zoom, and 320×240 pixel microbolometer. The payload transmits video in real time over a range of 37 km (20 nm) using 2 watt S-band transmitter.

    Rafael Introduces Torbuster – 4th Generation Hard-Kill Torpedo Countermeasure

    Rafael Advanced Defense Systems Ltd. unveiled a 4th generation torpedo decoy called Torbuster. The new decoy combines both acoustic countermeasures and hard kill, targeting enemy torpedos fired at a submarine. Rafael introduced the development of a 4th generation decoy last autumn, at the Subcon conference, but officially unveiled the product at the Pacific 2008 exhibition in Sydney, Australia.

    Torbuster is designed to protect submarines from attacks by all types of acoustic homing torpedoes. Upon detection of an incoming torpedo, the submarine launches a the decoy from an external launcher. The decoy will propel itself to a safe distance from the submarine and seduce the incoming torpedo by transmitting acoustic signals using reactive acoustic deception. This technique was first implemented with Rafael’s second generation decoy called Scutter, which was optimized for operation in deep sea and littoral water. Unlike earlier passive decoys, Torbuster actively engages the torpedo as it closes in, activating an explosive warhead when the target is at the closest proximity, inflicting sufficient damage to the torpedo to neutralize it.


    IMI Introduces a new design for the Wildcat Armored Vehicle

    Introduced by IMI as a proof of concept vehicle, the development of the Wildcat continues with the promise to introduce the worlds first RPG protected wheeled vehicle. In 2006 the vehicle’s configuration changed to reflect the evolving requirements for a versatile urban warfare combat vehicle. IMI based its platform on the Czech built Tatra 4×4 platforms, providing excellent cross-country and road mobility. In late 2007 the Wildcat ‘Alpha’ prototype went through a series of mobility tests held in Israel, demonstrating excellent cross-country mobility, as well as unpaved road mobility. Wildcat was designed to meet current USMC specifications and is expected to begin testing by the USMC by early 2008.

    The WildCat is powered by water cooled, turbocharged 321 HP EPA 2004 compliant diesel engine (Cummins ISLe+325) coupled with an automatic 6 speed transmission (Allison model 3066P). The chassis uses TATRA’s unique backbone tube and swing axle Independent suspension offering excellent cross country mobility and improved crew comfort, provided by the independent suspension and high ground clearance of 367mm (adjustable). At a maximum gross weight of 15 tons, the WildCat will be able to travel up to 700km on road, and retain full cross country and obstacle handling capabilities.

    The WildCat will be designed as a family of armored vehicles, introducing several variants, all using a single chassis, an integrated welded monocoque hull accommodating 12 fully equipped crew members, offering counter-mine, small-arms and IED protection (STANAG 4569 Level 2a and 3b). The levels of protection will be provided. The vehicle is designed with multiple accesses in the sides, top and rear (full width ramp) enabling flexible mount/dismount for troops and equipment, eliminating the need to expose troops to enemy fire. The Wildcat is equipped with run-flat tires, central tire inflation system CTIS), NBC protection and automatic fire extinguishing systems.

    The basic protection level, common to all Wildcat configurations will meet STANAG 4569 Level 3 (small arms bullet-proof armor). The vehicle is designed for C-130 and A-400M air transportability. An up-armored version, equipped with hybrid armor suite will meet STANAG 4569 Level 4 using passive lightweight armor based on IMI’s ‘Iron Wall’ counter IED design. Battle damaged modules are designed to be field replaceable by the forward support elements, and unlike larger and heavier armor plates, do not require the use of heavy lifting equipment. This armor can be augmented with a hybrid armor suite, using IMI’s explosive reactive armor (ERA) specially designed for thin armored vehicles, to protect against shaped charge attacks including RPG. (Such Kit B armor protection is depicted in the artist concept drawing below)

    Some of the variants will include an infantry carrier carrying 11 passengers – 3 crewmen and 8 troops seated in protected seating compartments; a police/border patrol vehicle will be designed for low intensity warfare and general security tasks. A scout and combat support vehicle is also planned, utilizing a reduced fighting compartment and open deck for equipment and mounting of external equipment. Reconnaissance and command and control versions will be optimized for carrying and operating of electronics equipment, while combat service support vehicles, including ambulance, recovery and logistics will be modeled with installations and interior design for each of these specific roles.

    The photos on this page depict the Wildcat equipped with the Kit A armor, providing bullet proof, counter mine and counter IED protection, based on IMI’s ‘Iron Wall’ counter IED protection modules. The Wildcat is provided with three access ports two ramps – on the side and rear and a cabin door on the right. The crew compartment and front cabin also connected, offer comfortable movement fore and aft. Other access ports include multiple armored hatches on the deck. The vehicle also has side and elevated windows, to provide the vehicle’s crew with unobstructed view and improved situational awareness in open area as well as in dense urban environment. This vehicle is designed for medium protection level (STANAG 4586 level 4). It is also fitted with eight firing ports (three to each side and two at the rear). When fully configured, the Wildcat will also mount a remotely controlled weapon station.

    RAFAEL Unveils Panoramic, Vehicular Electro-Optical Gunshot Detector

    At the upcoming AUSA 2007 exhibition in Washington DC, RAFAEL is planning to introduce a new vehicular version of the Spotlite electro-optical gunshot locator. The system is currently in development, with R&D funded by several customers. It’s unique sensor and signal processing provides fully panoramic coverage, initiating threat warning, detection and localization within few seconds from a gunshot, rocket or a missile being launch, well before the threat reaches its target. RAFAEL plans to complete an integrated vehicular system before the year’s end.

    The new system, designated SpotLite-M joins the SpotLite-P (portable version). Both systems are capable of accurately and immediately detecting, locating and thereby enabling reaction to enemy fire sources, such as small arms fire, RPGs and anti-tank missiles. Spotlite M provides critical early warning on an imminent attack and enables the vehicle’s crew to take evasive actions, employ effective counter-fire or deploy countermeasures against the threat within seconds from initial detection. Simultaneously, coordinates of the firing source can be sent to any shooter capable of receiving those coordinates, whether it be a tank, attack helicopter, anti-tank missile, sniper, etc. “The SpotLite-M provides the best solution for one of the most serious problems for mobile platforms on any battlefield and that, is finding the enemy and being able to react in real-time,” says David Stemer Corporate VP and General Manager of Rafael’s Missile Division. “We are confident that it will attract the attention of our customers worldwide.”

    The system comprises a unique, panoramic infrared camera developed by Rafael, enabling target detection and location at more than the effective range of the various threats. The system is effective in both day and night covering a full panoramic 360° view. In addition to land platforms, the SpotLite-M is also suitable for aerial and naval platforms.

    Washington to Invest $2.25 Billion Equipping 25 new Iraqi Battalions

    Washington is planning a massive arms sale to Iraq, to equip 25 additional battalions and brigade headquarters. If all options are exercised, this sale could be as high as $2.257 billion. According to Defense Security Cooperation Agency (DSCA), This expansion will enable Iraq to equip new forces to assume the missions currently accomplished by U.S. and coalition forces and to sustain themselves in their efforts to bring stability to the country.

    The new package includes 32 UH-1 Huey helicopters refurbished to Huey II standard. It also includes 590 armored vehicles including 336 Ukrainian made BTR-3E1 armored personnel carriers, 189 armored land cruisers, 55 ILAV Route Clearing Vehicles (Cougar based) and ten armored Mercedes trucks. 123,544 M16A4 Rifles, 12,035 M4 carbines, clothing and individual equipment. The package will also include various ammunition stocks, including 12 Gauge buckshot rounds, 9mm, 5.56mm rounds for personal weapons, 7.62 mm, 0.5 Caliber rounds and 40mm HEDP grenades, flares, smoke and stun grenades used for individual support weapons and 60 and 81mm mortar rounds.

    980 HMMWVs and 4,260 trucks of various types, 314 busses and vans, 112 motorcycles, 1,425 sedans will provide logistics infrastructure for the new formations. Engineering assets will include 33 bulldozers, ten excavators, 20 wheeled loaders and 19 wreckers, logistics vehicles etc.

    The sale also includes comprehensive communications and C4 support equipment, including 1,518 vehicular VHF radios, 4,800 VHF hand-held radios and 6,490 manpack radios. Infrastructure assets included in the package comprise communication towers, troposcatters, microwave radios, gateways and subscriber units for integration with Iraqi Defense Network (IDN) and (Iraqi) Defense Private Network (DPN), as well as Satellite Communications’ Very Small Aperture Terminal (VSAT).

    BTR-3E1 armored personnel vehicle (Photo: Thierry Lachapelle)

    British Forces Field Hermes 450 in Iraq and Afghanistan

    British troops from 32 Regiment Royal Artillery, assisted by contractor personnel, practice flight preparation of Hermes 450 UAV at a flight strip somewhere in the Middle East, representing conditions similar to those experienced in the Southern Iraqi desert.

    British Army capabilities in southern Iraq were significantly boosted since July this year when Hermes-450 (H450) unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) began operating in the region. The UAVs have now been delivered to Afghanistan and both will ramp up to a full operating capability by February 2008, providing almost continuous ISTAR support to theatre troops over a large area. The British forces procured the services of these UAV as an interim capability, until the Watchkeeper UAVs are fielded.

    In this contingency the UAVs owned by Thales UK are operated and maintained by 32 Regiment Royal Artillery. Contractors on deployed operations, supplied by U-TacS (a joint Thales and Elbit company) are providing support in theatre. Sofar H450 demonstrated a high safety record. To date, all take offs and landings have been successful, and no air vehicles have been lost.

    According to Drew Carmichael, special projects manager at DE&S, the first in-theatre flight of H450 was conducted on June 14, 2007 and initial operating capability (IOC) was declared three weeks later. “Since then it has been delivering an average of 14 hours ISTAR output a day and has already surged to provide 24-hours of coverage in one 25-hour period.” Said Carmichael.

    British troops from 32 Regiment Royal Artillery, assisted by contractor personnel, practice flight preparation of Hermes 450 UAV at a flight strip somewhere in the Middle East, representing conditions similar to those experienced in the Southern Iraqi desert.

    Robotic Multi Terrain Loader (MTL)

    Applied Research Associates (ARA) from the USA unveiled at AUVSI 07 a new robotic application of the Caterpillar Multi Terrain Loader (MTL). ARA’s Modular Robotic Control System (MRCS) displayed at the AUVSI demonstration equipped a Cat 247B MTL customized for handling heavy unexploded ordnance. The vehicle can be fitted with various attachments, including grappler, IED disruptor, forks, bucket, backhoe, or mission specific sensors.

    A version of this vehicle is customized for the US Army Nemesis demining vehicle. Nemesis will utilize the robotic vehicle with counter-mine systems automatically detecting anti-personnel and anti-tank mine. It will be fitted with ground penetration synthetic aperture radar (GPSAR), and electromagnetic induction sensors (EMI) detecting and locating buried mines with ‘centimeter accuracy’.

    The vehicle will be able to carry out the mine detection mission automatically, moving at a slow speed, controlled by closed loop speed control, coupled with terrain sensing by ultrasonic standoff sensors mounted in front of each mine detector. These robotic platforms will also be able to carry ordnance clearing and area preparation tools for the actual demining work. ARA plans to complete the first system for testing by march 2008.

    Upgrading or New Production?

    Vehicle Armoring – MRAP and Beyond < Page 8 of 8 >

    The need for better protection for troops facing threat in the combat zone is obvious. They must be equipped with the best means available providing them the best protection suitable for their mission. However, protection is not the goal but one of the means to achieve the mission. It should assist, not hinder mission success.
    Up-armoring of existing vehicles is an ongoing process that must continue to meet prevailing threat levels regardless of the availability of other vehicles. In asymmetric warfare, all vehicles engaged in combat operations (not only the combat vehicles) should be protected. Since the threat is evolving, their protection should be upgraded continuously. This process is evident when studying the changes made to combat vehicles in Iraq since Operation Iraqi Freedom in 2003 and it is continuing today as well.

    An up-armoring project is usually part of a more comprehensive upgrade program, where the vehicle’s automotive system undergo adaptation to carry the extra loads, better handling weight distribution which may not have been the same as originally designed, particularly when the vehicle carry the new armor and full mission load.

    In the past, US forces considered armor protection only necessary for combat fighting vehicles, including armore personnel carriers, leaving most of the rest combat service and support elements virtually unprotected. Unlike current vehicles, armor upgradability was not designed into these vehicles at all. When necessary, light armor was fielded with specific vehicles (such as the armored security vehicle, used by military police for road security missions).

    This albeit shortsighted approach determined the requirements for curbs weight, (CVW) payload and gross vehicle weigh (GVW) of tactical and support vehicles, such as the HMMWV, FMTV HEMTT and other vehicles. The HMMWV was an exception, as it was also designed as a weapon carrier (missile carriers, reconnaissance vehicles) for specific combat roles and therefore, had provisions to receive add-on armor despite its inherent, limited load capacity. Yet, restricted by weight and design limitations, the armor used with HMMWVs provides good protection against some threats but leaves much to be desired against others.

    The growing demand for armor protection emerged as coalition forces realized the increasing threat encountered during the new asymmetric conflicts erupting in Southwest Asia and the Middle East. All combat vehicles, armored and unarmored, had to go through upgrades process to encounter the new threats. Modifications included some unorthodox means, such as spray-on ballistic armor, which was thought to offer an ‘instant’ protection from small-arms, application of sandbags for side and top protection and slat cages, widely deployed with almost all light combat vehicles in theater. Another concept offering rapid installation and replacement of armor tiles is the LAST armor, utilizing innovative hook-and-loop (Velcro like) attachments fasteners to keep the tiles in place. Most up-armoring upgrades are made of kits of armor tiles externally added to the vehicle’s body parts, using welded bolt mounts. This method enables rapid repair in the field by the replacement of combat damaged armor tiles. Similar applications are used for slat armor, which offer ‘statistical’ protection from shaped-charge threats, significantly enhancing the vehicle’s survivability to RPG attacks.

    Various concepts of armoring are used to minimize the down-time vehicles undergo in the process of armor installation. Trucks are particularly quick to receive added protection, replacing the original cabins with armored cabs. Much more work has to be done on light vehicles, such as the HMMWV, to fit armor on a structure that was never designed to carry these extra loads. In fact, the up-armor kit consists of considerable ‘dead weight’, designed to carry the heavy doors, or keep all elements in place. The manufacturer of the HMMWV, AM General began to produce armored versions of the vehicle last year in an effort to expedite the delivery of protected vehicles to the combat troops.

    The US military identified this weakness even before the current conflict, and outlined its Long Term Armor Strategy (LTAS) to define mandatory protection for all future wheeled tactical vehicles. These included new generations of scout cars, command vehicles, troop carriers, logistical and support vehicles. LTAS defines vehicle protection in two levels – a ‘baseline’ protection designated ‘A-kit’ and ‘improved’ add-on system known as ‘B-kit’. The baseline protection will protect from firearms, as well as mines and blasts. All military vehicles will be produced with this capability, enabling efficient air mobility, minimizing vehicle wear and improving life cycle cost. To operate in contingencies where more substantial threats exist, vehicles will be provided with an appropriate ‘B kit’ as required to meet the specific threat. This method will enable the military to match the vehicle protection to specific threats and even rotate ‘B-Kits’, between units deployed to the theater of operation, without having to build new armored vehicles for each conflict.

    The first family of vehicles designed to LTAS standards from the start is the Joint Light Tactical Vehicle (JLTV), a family of new combat and combat support vehicles designed for all contingencies, offering the use of threat-adaptive ‘B-kit’. All JLTVs will have V shaped hulls, protecting from explosions and mines, as well as basic bulletproof armor. Since the baseline armor is part of the vehicle, additional armor weight will facilitate net protection, since all the structural elements and attachments carrying the appliquĂ©s armor kit will already be provided in the baseline. LTAS concepts have partially been applied to existing vehicles upgrades, including the FMTV family of medium trucks (FMTV), and Heavy Expeditionary Transporter (HEMTT/HET), M939, M915 and HET and, to some extent, to the HMMWV. Yet, the current designs and limited payload capacity are limiting the full utilization of the new strategy.

    This strategy is also implemented into the Pentagon’s MRAP acquisition program. Responding to the urgent need of heavy armor in Iraq, the initial 6,000+ vehicles produced under the current MRAP program do have the full protective suite expected to be fielded in the future model. The Marine Corps Systems Command already embarked on a follow-on MRAP program called MRAP II, offering better protection and mobility. This new program will open new opportunities for manufacturers that have not been qualified for the first MRAP program. Armor upgrades will also be applicable to all MRAP vehicles. Some of the armor upgrades of MRAP II are expected to be retrofitted to the early production batches MRAP vehicles.

    Additional parts of “Vehicle Armoring – MRAP and Beyond” article:

    A Different Approach?

    Vehicle Armoring – MRAP and Beyond < Page 7 of 8 >

    While MMPV is designed for the specific use by combat engineers, MRAP should offer more capabilities. Yet, it is designed primarily as a protected vehicle, and this capability comes with a price, not only in US$, but also in mobility. MRAPs are designed for aerial mobility inside large military transports, as well as C-130, (the first production vehicles are expedited to Iraq by airlift). However, these heavy vehicles will consume excessive capacity of the limited airlift assets available to US forces. In fact, a MRAP requires as much space as a Bradley armored vehicle, and even more space than the Bradley’s future successor, the Mounted Ground Vehicle (MGV). For the Marines, MRAP poses a serious challenge as it is much too high for safe accomodation on shipping vessels, therefore limiting the numbers and use of storage space in the lower decks. If the military plans to use MRAPs beyond the current conflicts in Iraq and Afghanistan, they must plan and field enough airlift and sealift capacity to deploy these heavy vehicles.

    Another consideration is the combat effectiveness of the vehicle. In practical terms, MRAP is a monster. Noisy, slow, big and hot, this vehicle is the opposite of modern tactical vehicle designs. The entire concept is designed for defensive, rather then active-offensive role, motivating troops to encapsulate within the relative safety of well protected vehicles, resulting in less effective control of their surrounding. Therefore, when hit by an ambush, they would take more time to recover, assemble and strike back. By no means should troops be unprotected in such missions, but they should not sacrifice their mobility or situational awareness either, they should be equipped with the best combination of protection, mobility and firepower to gain and maintain the upper hand under all battle conditions.

    The heavy armor is offering the safety and security for the troops inside, offering good visibility of the area through the surrounding windows, which also have some firing ports and remotely controlled weapon station on top, enabling the crew to employ effective counter-fire. However, the vehicle also poses a big, clear and lucrative target – its noisy engine and high silhouette are clearly distinguished from a distance. Based on an automotive system of a heavy truck, its acceleration, turning radius, negotiating gradient and vertical obstacles is limited, especially in confined areas and narrow streets or in situations requiring the vehicle to go off-road. The height, contributing to the effective IED protection, also restricts the weapon station’s coverage. Fortunately, firing ports installed on both sides enable the crew to cover this area with their personal weapons. The high ground clearing and lack of side doors pose some difficulties for embarkation and dismounting with full combat loads. (In contrast, the ASV which has not been selected for MRAP, has doors on both sides and back, enabling troops to always move in or out of the vehicle under cover).

    Additional parts of “Vehicle Armoring – MRAP and Beyond” article:

    Countering the EFP & Anti-Armor Threats

    Vehicle Armoring – MRAP and Beyond < Page 6 of 8 >

    Sophisticated IEDs pose a significant challenge to armor designers, since they are less predictable in nature. Yet, advanced armoring concepts are being fielded, offering improved protection against the myriad of threats posed by an EFP, while reducing the total weight of the armor. Several counter EFP armor materials have been introduced recently. In the USA, PVI recently demonstrated its ShieldAll as an effective counter EFP material while Ceradyne introduced its own counter EFP armor with its new Bull armored vehicle. In Israel, RAFAEL is believed to have designed and operationally deployed armor capable of countering EFPs, According to the Golan armored vehicle manufacturer, PVI, RAFAEL’s EFP armor is also used in its Golan vehicle, selected for the US MRAP program. IMI is offering another counter EFP armor known as “Iron Wall’ in the new Urban Fighter up-armored M-113 program.

    IMI built the new armor from hybrid, passive modules, combining several materials designed to absorb the kinetic energy, mechanical deformation and ballistic damage created by the threat by mitigating and dissipating blast energy, and absorbing the kinetic energy of projectiles, fragments and EFP slugs, stopping multiple hits from small and medium caliber projectiles which is equal to 45-up to 60 mm of Rolled Homogenous Armor (RHA) while weighing half the weight of comparable steel. Due As EFPs rapidly becoming a major threat in most theaters, more companies are expected to field new defenses against this menace.

    The shaped-charge threat poses a different risk. Triggered by percussion fuze the conical warhead forms into a molten jet that can penetrate thick steel armor. To protect against these, armor designers employ various means to avoid contact with the incoming warhead. The slat armor ‘cage’ provides a passive anti-RPG armor which effectively keeps most RPGs away from the protected vehicle. Reactive tiles provide similar protection by triggering a ‘counter-explosive’ which disrupts the RPG’s fuse, causing premature explosion or deactivating it by smashing the ogive. Another concept is active protection, utilizing various interceptors to eliminate the threat at a safe distance. Active protection is considered the only reliable protection from tandem warheads.

    Protection against these weapons is much more complex, and requires a mix of physical means, countermeasures and operational procedures.

    While the US Army neglected its light vehicle armoring, other armies did not follow opted to equip their vehicles with bullet-proof protection. As the threat level increased in Afghanistan, mine and IED protection had to be added to bring their units up-to-date with the threats. The solutions were mostly similar to the US choices, mostly focusing on the RG-31 and Cougar models for the Canadian and British forces. Interestingly, the South African companies that led this market are selling some vehicles to civilian contractors but rarely to the militaries. South African based OMG which produces the RG-31 MPVs and RG-33 MRAP models is now operated under BAE systems.

    The German and Italian Armies fielded several models of indigenously developed mine protected vehicles. Among these are the lightweight LMV and Dingo, designed for command vehicles, liaison and patrols. The German Army is saving no effort to protect its vehicles. Protected cabins and command and control shelters are fitted to supply trucks, heavy transporters, and light vehicles. Some models were designed specifically for troop transport, including the Dingo II from KMW, and future GEFAS concept vehicle, developed by Rheinmetall Defense (RDE). KMW is also developing a new mine protected vehicle designated Grizzly, to address the German Army requirements for highly protected vehicles.

    The Australian Army uses the indigenously developed the Bushmaster mine protected vehicle for troop transport and patrol duties. This bullet-proof vehicle was designed to offer effective mine protection, utilizing the V Hull design, while the slat armor added in theater provides improved protection against RPGs.

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    Anti-Armor IEDs are Becoming More Sophisticated

    Vehicle Armoring – MRAP and Beyond < Page 5 of 8 >

    No armor is capable of rendering total protection. Armor is designed as a combination of one or more materials constructed into a system, designed to defeat specific threats with high probability of success. Different armor materials have their strengths and weaknesses. Metals (mainly steel) offer effective protection from small arms threats and have reasonable multi-hit capability, but is relatively heavy. Ceramics such as alumina, boron carbide, titanium oxide are lighter than steel and when produced into smaller panels, have good multi-hit capability, but the material is degraded after sustaining certain hit damage.

    Composites are both lightweight and offer good multi-hit protection. Today, the stopping power of composites is limited due to practical considerations (size, weight and cost) but future fibers are expected to increase the strength bringing advanced composites to equal, and even surpass the protection levels of steel and ceramics. Composites also have the advantage of being able to be shaped into larger, curved structures which is not the case with most ceramics. Some composites also contribute to reduce behind-armor interior damage effect (spall, blunt trauma). Certain composites can be formed into blast mitigating structures reducing blast effects.

    When used in combination with ceramics, they also improve the ceramic’s damage tolerance in multi-hit attacks. Such combinations of armor materials provide the ‘first line of defense’ against most threats, including small arms, fragments, and simple explosives.

    Buried ‘belly charges’ pose even more complex threats, utilizing devastating ‘mega-IEDs’ weighing hundreds of kilograms, they can take out heavy armored vehicles, including tanks. Since they are activated below the vehicle, most of their effect is directed upwards, at the target. When such charges rupture the target’s bottom hull floor, the internal effects are devastating. Some improvised belly charges are made from cylindrical containers such as water tanks filled with explosives; the cylindrical shape and explosive’s design create directional effect, focusing most of the explosion upward at the target. Furthermore, the barrel-shape is easier to handle in the field, enabling small team to roll it into position and rapidly emplace it below the surface.

    Other mega IEDs are the Vehicle Borne IEDs (VBIED) operated by suicide bomber or remotely controlled, VBIEDs were used with devastating efficiency since the early 1980s in Lebanon, and since then, proliferated worldwide, used by terrorists and insurgents. The VBIED uses the vehicle’s mobility, momentum and loading capacity to form a deadly ‘guided weapon’, which can break through roadblocks into a protected perimeter, to explode inside a well defended target. Recent incidents in Iraq included dual-effect VBIEDs, where vehicles were loaded with chemical substances in addition to explosives, dispersing lethal gases to enhance the bomb’s effect. A ‘dirty bomb’, if ever employed by terrorists, could follow this principle of attack.

    Directional IEDs are the Road-Side IEDs (RSIED) utilizing EFP and EFF. These weapons combine a conically shaped explosive charge covered by a metal liner. When activated, the explosion forms the liner into a projectile that blasts into the target with high kinetic energy. EFPs placed at the road side can hit vehicles traveling on the road. Usually, EFPs are employed against ‘quality targets’, where insurgents aim exactly at certain areas of the target where they expect to cause the desired effect. Insurgents are trying different tactics to lure potential target into the EFP’s kill-zone, such as emplacing dummy IED or clearly visible ‘IED baits’ to get more forces into a well orchestrated killing field known as ‘IED arena’.

    As charges are laid down to attack a point where insurgents expect security forces to stop, they can employ several IEDs pointing at one target, or multiple charges linked through a ‘daisy chain’ to achieve an effect over a larger area, or attack a certain length of the road, where a convoy is expected to pass or forced to stop. While the EFP employs a single projectile, other directional IEDs known as EFF can generate multiple projectiles or ‘fragments’, while the most devastating ‘multislug’ explodes into several projectiles aimed roughly at the same point – the first devastates the armored vehicle and the second penetrates and kills the target. RoadSide Improvised Explosive Devices (RSIED) are activated by various types of triggering mechanisms, from pressure plates, electrical wires, and various types of wireless devices or, ultimately, autonomous guidance and control by using a trained human, committing a suicide act.

    IEDs do not go off by chance. Meticulous tracking and recording of every engagement provides insurgents with valuable feedback for future actions. The art of battlefield intelligence was mastered by Hezbollah in Lebanon through the 1990s, where units employed video cameras to record combat activities. While the main reason for these actions was to capture ‘victory photos’, analyzing the footage could provide a lot of information for debriefing and further improvements. Similar actions were ‘exported’ to the Gaza strip, and are considered a central element of insurgent operations in Iraq. Distribution and analysis of the data by experts and rapid dissemination, via human channels and electronic means provides insurgents with a powerful and adaptive strategy and improvement. As such functions are embedded into ordinary mobile phones; modern insurgency is becoming network-centric, driving an ever steeper learning curve.

    Additional parts of “Vehicle Armoring – MRAP and Beyond” article:

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